Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0217
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0217  103rd General Assembly




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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Laurence Msall of Inverness, formerly
4of Oak Park, who passed away on February 4, 2023 at the age of
561; and
6    WHEREAS, Laurence Msall was born in Chicago on January 3,
71962 to parents Emil and Lucille (Kotewa) Msall; and
8    WHEREAS, Laurence Msall graduated from St. Ignatius
9College Prep and Knox College; and
10    WHEREAS, Laurence Msall earned a Juris Doctor degree from
11Loyola University School of Law in 1992; and
12    WHEREAS, Laurence Msall was a recipient of the 1992 Loyola
13Leadership and Service Award; and
14    WHEREAS, After graduating from Knox College in 1984,
15Laurence Msall moved to Springfield to work for then-Governor
16Jim Thompson at the Department of Commerce and Community
17Affairs (DCCA) and served as DCCA's chief legislative liaison;
19    WHEREAS, Laurence Msall joined the staff of the Commercial



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1Club of Chicago in 1990 as vice president, where he worked to
2promote regional economic development strategies and special
3projects, including the Soldier Field rehab and reorganization
4of the United Way of Chicago; and
5    WHEREAS, Laurence Msall served as secretary to the
6Commercial Club Foundation and as vice president of the Civic
7Committee; and
8    WHEREAS, Laurence Msall was appointed by then-Governor
9George H. Ryan as Senior Advisor for Economic Development in
101999, where he oversaw eleven of the State's economic
11development and infrastructure-related agencies; and
12    WHEREAS, Laurence Msall was a member of the Civic
13Federation, a bipartisan research organization working to
14reduce government costs and improve public services; and
15    WHEREAS, Laurence Msall spent the last 21 years as
16president of the Civic Federation; and
17    WHEREAS, Laurence Msall was an active member of St. Giles
18Catholic Parish in Oak Park and Holy Family in Inverness; and
19    WHEREAS, Over the course of his professional career,
20Laurence Msall earned the trust and respect of Illinois



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1elected officials, policymakers, and policy advocates alike
2for his wise and thoughtful counsel on fiscal and budget
3matters; he regularly provided input and feedback in the
4government and public arenas and was highly regarded and
5admired for his intelligence, honesty, and insight as well as
6his friendly and respectful manner; and
7    WHEREAS, Laurence Msall was a committed supporter of the
8non-profit L'Arche Chicago, which works to help adults with
9intellectual disabilities lead happy, fulfilling lives; and
10    WHEREAS, Laurence Msall married Nicola Hill in 2018; and
11    WHEREAS, Laurence Msall was an avid runner, devoted
12Chicago White Sox and Bruce Springsteen fan, fisherman, world
13traveler, husband, father, grandfather, uncle, and friend; and
14    WHEREAS, Laurence Msall was a longtime honorary member of
15the Harmon family and was a mentor and an all-around sounding
16board to Senate President Don Harmon, encompassing the Oak
17Park and St. Ignatius days, Knox College and the practice of
18law, Tuesday Night Hoops, and Family Mass; and
19    WHEREAS, Laurence Msall was preceded in death by his
20mother, his father, and his brother, Gerard Peter; and



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1    WHEREAS, Laurence Msall is survived by his wife, Nicola;
2his three daughters, Lucille, Camille, and Matilda; Nicola's
3children, Alex (Maria), Samantha (Michael), Tommy, Tess, and
4Oscar; his three grandchildren, Valerie, Owen, and newly born
5Reece Laurence; eight of his siblings, Michael (Karla), Anita,
6Karin (Steve) Fischer, Mary (Scott) Rogers, Camille, Madeleine
7(Frank Mauceri), Christianne, and Julianne (Christopher)
8Pegler; his first wife, Mary Jo Smith; and his many nieces and
9nephews; and
10    WHEREAS, Laurence Msall will be missed by his family, many
11friends, colleagues, and the community whom he knew and loved;
12therefore, be it
14ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
15Laurence Msall and extend our sincere condolences to his
16family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
18    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
19presented to the family of Laurence Msall as an expression of
20our deepest sympathy.