Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0276
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0276  103rd General Assembly




SR0276LRB103 32343 ECR 61702 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Mary Frances "Mary Fran" (Plunkett)
4Madden, who passed away on April 30, 2023; and
5    WHEREAS, Mary Fran Madden was raised in northwest Chicago
6and attended Queen of All Saints Elementary School and St.
7Scholastica Academy; she received her Bachelor of Arts from
8Barat College; she married John Madden, and they moved to Mt.
9Vernon; they returned to Chicago in 1958, eventually settling
10in the Edgebrook neighborhood before moving to Sauganash and
11then Northfield; later in life, they spent many years in
12Naples, Florida; and
13    WHEREAS, Mary Fran Madden gave her time and talent to
14support numerous organizations, including St. Scholastica
15Academy and St. Mary of the Woods; she served as a member of
16the House of the Good Shepherd Auxiliary Board and was a
17founder of the Maryville Academy's Women's Board; and
18    WHEREAS, Mary Fran Madden and her husband enjoyed hosting
19numerous parties over the years, both at home and at the
20Evanston Golf Club; for over 50 years, they hosted the annual
21Madden Family Christmas Party, which included friends and
22family from near and far; and



SR0276- 2 -LRB103 32343 ECR 61702 r

1    WHEREAS, Mary Fran Madden was a woman of deep faith who
2lived a joyous life; she will be remembered for her smile,
3welcoming nature, and kind words; and
4    WHEREAS, Mary Fran was preceded in death by her son,
5Danny; her parents, Hugh and Rose (Brady) Plunkett; and her
6brother, John (Dottie) Plunkett; and
7    WHEREAS, Mary Madden is survived by her husband of 66
8years, John; her daughter, Kathleen (Tom) Loftus; her son,
9Sean (Jo Ellen) Madden; her grandchildren, Michael Madden,
10William Madden, Mary Rose (Garrett Kawashima) Loftus, Eileen
11Loftus, John Madden, and Caitlin Loftus; her brother, Hugh
12Plunkett; and many nieces and nephews; therefore, be it
14ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
15Mary Frances "Mary Fran" (Plunkett) Madden and extend our
16sincere condolences to her family, friends, and all who knew
17and loved her; and be it further
18    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
19presented to the family of Mary Fran Madden as an expression of
20our deepest sympathy.