Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0397
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0397  103rd General Assembly




SR0397LRB103 33085 LAW 62892 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Stephen Anderson Bradley of
4Springfield, who passed away on June 19, 2023; and
5    WHEREAS, Stephen Bradley was born to Don Bell Bradley Jr.
6and Anna Vaughn Anderson Bradley in Taylorville on November
719, 1947; he received an associate's degree in supervisory
8management from Lincoln Land Community College; he earned his
9Bachelor of Arts in Labor Relations from Sangamon State
10University; and
11    WHEREAS, Stephen Bradley was a man of service to the
12nation and his community; he served with the Military Police
13in the U.S. Army from 1966 to 1973 and then as an elected
14police commissioner for the Village of Jerome from 1974 to
151984, where he was instrumental in establishing the Sangamon
16County 911 system; and
17    WHEREAS, Professionally, Stephen Bradley worked as a plant
18accountant at Central Illinois Public Service Company from
191971 to 1998 and for the Comptroller of the State of Illinois
20from 2000 to 2009; and
21    WHEREAS, Stephen Bradley was part of the state and



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1national leadership of the Sons of the American Revolution
2(SAR), serving as chapter president of Springfield, president
3of Illinois, vice president general of the Great Lakes Region,
4and chair of the State Presidents' Council; he also supported
5the formation of the Ladies Auxiliary, ensuring his wife,
6Jane, was able to participate; through SAR, he assisted in
7placing flags on patriots' graves, attended flag ceremonies,
8and organized the scholarship program; and
9    WHEREAS, Stephen Bradley was an active Red Cross
10volunteer, aiding in the national response to the tornadoes
11and flooding in Nashville and Jackson, Tennessee, Biloxi,
12Mississippi, and Raleigh, North Carolina; he delivered food
13and water, managed public relations, and handled cost recovery
14for weeks after disasters; when he was back in Springfield, he
15managed the urban response vehicle fleet, making sure that the
16Red Cross was always ready to serve; he also volunteered as a
17house manager at Sangamon Auditorium for 20 years; and
18    WHEREAS, Stephen Bradley was a faithful member of Laurel
19United Methodist Church; he loved traveling and organizing
20family vacations, including trips to Haiti and Venezuela and
21canoe trips to the boundary waters of Minnesota and Canada;
23    WHEREAS, Stephen Bradley is survived by his wife of 51



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1years, Jane (Thompson); his daughter, Becky (Joshua Smoyer)
2Bradley; his son, Stephen Bradley II; his great-aunt, Martha
3Bradley; his brother, Don (Jan McClain) Bradley III; several
4nieces and nephews; and his grand-dogs, Jimi Lee, Roscoe, and
5Luna; therefore, be it
7ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
8Stephen Anderson Bradley and extend our sincere condolences to
9his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
11    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
12presented to the family of Stephen Bradley as an expression of
13our deepest sympathy.