Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0636
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0636  103rd General Assembly



SR0636LRB103 35526 ECR 65598 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Lyle Eugene "Bill" Kugler of Aledo,
4who passed away on November 20, 2023; and
5    WHEREAS, Lyle Kugler was born to Wayne and Mary Kugler in
6Muscatine, Iowa on November 29, 1942; he graduated from Aledo
7High School in 1961; he served in the U.S. Marine Corps as part
8of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 242 (VMA-242) based at
9Cherry Point, North Carolina and was stationed in Cherry Point
10and Iwakuni, Japan; he married Colleen Cook in Aledo on April
118, 1972; and
12    WHEREAS, Lyle Kugler worked as a maintenance machinist for
13Alcoa, now Arconic, Davenport Works for 35 years before
14retiring in 2002; and
15    WHEREAS, Lyle Kugler was an active member of American
16Legion Post 121 and a member of the Edwards River Science Club
17and the Geodeland Earth Science Club; he was a regular
18volunteer at the Essley-Noble Museum in Aledo and served as a
19leader for Boy Scout Troop 427; he was a previous member of
20Aledo Church of the Nazarene and later became a member of
21Trinity Presbyterian Church of Aledo; and



SR0636- 2 -LRB103 35526 ECR 65598 r

1    WHEREAS, Lyle Kugler was an avid genealogist and played in
2a men's bowling league on Tuesday and Thursday nights for many
3years; and
4    WHEREAS, Lyle Kugler loved spending time visiting with and
5helping people; he will be remembered as a man of integrity and
6kindness whose quiet manner and gentle spirit drew others to
7him; and
8    WHEREAS, Lyle Kugler was preceded in death by his parents;
9his twin sister, Lila; his brothers, Sam and Richard "Dickie";
10his sons from a previous marriage, Lyle Jr. and Dave; and his
11cousin, Rosie Hess; and
12    WHEREAS, Lyle Kugler is survived by his wife and their
13children, Marc (Lori), Rebecca (Neil), Adam, Anna (Robert);
14his son from a previous marriage, Eric; his sister, Mary K.
15Schoolen; his cousin, Sandy Adams; and several grandchildren;
16therefore, be it
18ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
19Lyle Eugene "Bill" Kugler and extend our sincere condolences
20to his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be
21it further



SR0636- 3 -LRB103 35526 ECR 65598 r

1    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
2presented to the family of Lyle Kugler as an expression of our
3deepest sympathy.