Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0720
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0720  103rd General Assembly



SR0720LRB103 37086 ECR 67204 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Robert W. "Bob" Lopez of Geneseo, who
4passed away on December 10, 2023; and
5    WHEREAS, Bob Geneseo was born to Aureliano and Antonia
6(Navarro) Lopez in Moline on October 30, 1939; he graduated
7from Rock Island Alleman High School in 1958, where he played
8football; he played baseball for the semi-pro team Blue Socks
9in the 1950s; he earned his plumbing and pipefitter degree
10from Black Hawk College; he married Alice Calsyn at St.
11Malachy Catholic Church in Geneseo on April 29, 1961; and
12    WHEREAS, Bob Geneseo began working for John Deere in 1957,
13retiring in 1994 after 37 years of service; and
14    WHEREAS, Bob Geneseo was a member of Hayden's Hikers and
15St. Malachy Catholic Church; he volunteered through Kiwanis
16and at Hammond Henry Hospital, Christian Care, and the Freedom
17House, which helps women affected by domestic abuse; and
18    WHEREAS, Bob Geneseo loved traveling, visiting all 50
19states, Canada, Mexico, and 36 other foreign countries, with
20his favorite travel destinations including Estes Park in
21Colorado, the Inside Passage of Alaska, the fjords of Norway,



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1and Hawaii; he enjoyed walking, hiking, sitting on his John
2Deere riding mower, working on his yard, and tending to
3flowers; he was an avid football fan who supported the Chicago
4Bears, the Iowa Hawkeyes, and the Geneseo Green Machine; and
5    WHEREAS, Bob Geneseo was preceded in death by his parents;
6his wife; his sister, Rose Lopez; and his brothers, Vincent
7Lopez and Andrew Lopez; and
8    WHEREAS, Bob Geneseo is survived by his children, Pam
9(Ryan) Tone and Robert "Moe" Lopez Jr.; his brothers, Arthur
10Lopez and Michael (Gail) Lopez; his grandchildren, Tim
11Rockstroh, Melissa (Chris) Henderson, Kristina (Chris)
12Lopez-Kukula, Madeline (Zach) Krueger, Elizabeth Lopez, and
13Benjamin Lopez; his great-grandchildren, Aaliyah Ball,
14Kiersten Henderson, Kiera Henderson, and Urijah
15Tone-Henderson; and his special friend, Margie Martin;
16therefore, be it
18ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
19Robert W. "Bob" Lopez and extend our sincere condolences to
20his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
22    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be



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1presented to the family of Bob Lopez as an expression of our
2deepest sympathy.