Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0842
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0842  103rd General Assembly



SR0842LRB103 39903 MST 70919 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of Ronald J. "Ron" Stone of Springfield,
4who passed away on November 30, 2023; and
5    WHEREAS, Ron Stone was born in Springfield to Robert G.
6Sr. and Leona Ellen Bennett Stone on July 29, 1952; he
7graduated from Glenwood High School in Chatham and received
8his Bachelor of Arts in Business from Bowling Green State
9University in 1974; he received his Juris Doctor from the
10Southern Illinois University School of Law in 1977 and was
11admitted to the bar the same year; he married Sheri Lynn Smith
12in Springfield on March 3, 1990; and
13    WHEREAS, Ron Stone began working as an assistant district
14attorney in Springfield after law school; in 1983, he began
15working at Arco-Alaska's Prudhoe Bay oil production
16facilities, supplying the Trans-Alaska pipeline as a material
17logistics coordinator; and
18    WHEREAS, Ron Stone started private practice with the law
19office of Stratton, Stone, Kopec & Sturm, specializing in the
20field of civil and criminal litigation, labor and employment
21law, and administrative law; he later started his own firm,
22Stone Law Office, and retired in 2021 with over 45 years of



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1practice; one highlight of his career was representing the
2Springfield Police Benevolent and Protective Association Unit
35, the union that represents city police officers, for more
4than 35 years; and
5    WHEREAS, Ron Stone played right wing on the ice hockey
6team while at Bowling Green State University; he also played
7for the Pekin Stars and the Peoria Blades before embarking on a
8semi-professional Continental Hockey League run as #17 and
9spending time intermittently as captain and coach of the
10Springfield Kings from 1976 to 1983, culminating as the 1980
11Walmar Cup champions; and
12    WHEREAS, Ron Stone enjoyed playing hockey weekly with the
13Nelson Center Men's League, classic rock, yardwork, making
14friends with the neighborhood squirrels, convertibles,
15boating, grilling, cliff diving, hanging at the Elks Club,
16water skiing, snow skiing, softball at the Anchor Boat Club,
17driveway basketball, and making his famous popcorn; he loved
18teasing his nieces and nephews who referred to him as Uncle
19Barney, watching them play sports, and spending time with
20Sheri and their family and friends; and
21    WHEREAS, Ron Stone was preceded in death by his parents;
22his twin siblings, Ellen Lee Stone and Richard Allen Stone;
23his brother, Robert G. Stone Jr.; and his sister-in-law,



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1Jacqueline Clemens Stone; and
2    WHEREAS, Ron Stone is survived by his wife, Sheri; his
3brother, Rik (Tammy) Stone; his nieces, Heather (James) Stone,
4Morgan (Brendan) Padget, and Dakota Stone (Nick Janiszewski);
5his nephews, Justin (Kristy) Stone and Trevor (Melanie) Stone;
6his great-nephews, Alec Stone and Michael Loureiro; his
7sister-in-law, Marilee Tolan Stone; and his cousins;
8therefore, be it
10ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
11Ronald J. "Ron" Stone and extend our sincere condolences to
12his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
14    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
15presented to the family of Ron Stone as an expression of our
16deepest sympathy.