Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0848
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0848  103rd General Assembly



SR0848LRB103 39904 ECR 70920 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened
3to learn of the death of John D. "Jack" McDermott of Chatham,
4who passed away on July 20, 2018; and
5    WHEREAS, Jack McDermott was born to George and Elizabeth
6(Darrah) McDermott in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on May 8,
71936; he attended Immaculate Conception Catholic Grade School
8and Northeast Catholic High School in Philadelphia; he earned
9a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from La Salle
10College in Philadelphia, where he served as secretary,
11treasurer, vice-president, and president of the La Salle
12College Evening Division-Student Congress and was a member of
13Cross Keys Student Service Fraternity; he enlisted in the U.S.
14Army in 1956, serving as a helicopter mechanic in Korea before
15being honorably discharged in 1962; he married Mary S. Killeen
16at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Philadelphia
17on September 27, 1958; and
18    WHEREAS, Jack McDermott took care of his family by working
19multiple jobs at a time, including driving a chicken delivery
20car at night; he was employed with Standard Pressed Steel, 3M,
21and Morton Salt in Pennsylvania; while employed with the
22DICKEY-john Corporation, he moved his family to Illinois, and
23he went on to work with Meyer Snow Plow; over the years, he



SR0848- 2 -LRB103 39904 ECR 70920 r

1worked for several local dealerships, including Young Motors,
2Tjelmeland Laketown Automotive, Parkway Motors, and Honda of
3Illinois; in retirement, he opened McDermott Motors in
4Springfield; and
5    WHEREAS, Jack McDermott knew the value of generosity and
6possessed a giving heart; he enjoyed giving treats to any dog
7he met; he treasured spending time with his family; and
8    WHEREAS, Jack McDermott was the husband of Mary S.
9McDermott; the father of Mary Seton (Bill) Smart, Eileen
10(Steve) Parn, John (Connie) McDermott Jr., Joan (Tim) Casper,
11and Bill (Kristin) McDermott; the grandfather of 17; the
12great-grandfather of nine; the brother of Betty (Jim) Duffy
13and Peggy (Bill) Rose; and the best friend of the Bobby (Joan)
14Croke; therefore, be it
16ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
17John D. "Jack" McDermott and extend our sincere condolences to
18his family, friends, and all who knew and loved him; and be it
20    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
21presented to the family of Jack McDermott as an expression of
22our deepest sympathy.