Full Text of HR0414 97th General Assembly
| | HR0414 | | LRB097 12123 GRL 56127 r |
| 2 | | WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of | 3 | | Representatives are pleased to congratulate Philip D. Bellini | 4 | | on the occasion of his retirement from a long and distinguished | 5 | | career as an educator; and
| 6 | | WHEREAS, Phil Bellini is retiring as principal of St. | 7 | | Andrew Catholic Grade School in Rock Falls after 28 years of | 8 | | dedicated service; and
| 9 | | WHEREAS, Phil Bellini's career has spanned 45 years, a | 10 | | length of time so long that four St. Andrew teachers were once | 11 | | his students; and
| 12 | | WHEREAS, Under Phil Bellini's leadership, St. Andrew's | 13 | | enrollment doubled with the addition of seventh and eighth | 14 | | grades, as well as pre-kindergarten; and
| 15 | | WHEREAS, While serving as principal at St. Andrew, Phil | 16 | | Bellini also served as superintendent of Newman Central | 17 | | Catholic High School in Sterling from 1993 to 1999; prior to | 18 | | his service at St. Andrew, he was employed as a teacher and | 19 | | principal at Montmorency School in Rock Falls; and
| 20 | | WHEREAS, Phil Bellini is affectionately known as "Mr. B" by |
| | | HR0414 | - 2 - | LRB097 12123 GRL 56127 r |
| 1 | | many generations of students; and
| 2 | | WHEREAS, Phil Bellini is a strong believer in Catholic | 3 | | education; he graduated from St. Andrew in 1958 and later | 4 | | graduated from St. Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology; and | 5 | | WHEREAS, Phil Bellini is an active member of St. Andrew | 6 | | Catholic Church, having served as a lector, Eucharistic | 7 | | minister, and member of the choir; and
| 8 | | WHEREAS, Phil Bellini and his wife, Nita, will celebrate | 9 | | their 40th wedding anniversary in 2011; they are the proud | 10 | | parents of Nick, Mike, and Darren, and the loving grandparents | 11 | | of two granddaughters; therefore, be it
| 12 | | RESOLVED, BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE | 13 | | NINETY-SEVENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that | 14 | | we congratulate Phil Bellini on the occasion of his retirement | 15 | | and wish him many happy and healthy retirement years; and be it | 16 | | further
| 17 | | RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be | 18 | | presented to Phil Bellini as a symbol of our esteem and | 19 | | respect.