June 10, 2003



August 19, 2004




            To the Honorable Members of the

            Illinois House of Representatives

            93rd General Assembly



            Pursuant to Article IV, Section 9(b) of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, I hereby veto and return House Bill 5131, entitled “AN ACT concerning vehicles.”  


            If House Bill 5131 were to become law, it would cost the State of Illinois an estimated $37 million a year in revenue in order to execute functions that are currently performed by the insurance industry.  Of that $37 million, $18.5 million will affect the General Revenue Fund, $9.25 million the Road fund and $9.25 million the Secretary of State Special Services Fund.  In addition, the Secretary of State does not currently have the manpower needed to implement the elaborate programming changes required by House Bill 5131.   


            For these reasons, I hereby veto House Bill 5131.







