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LRB093 06705 AMC 06839 r
2 WHEREAS, The presence of mold in indoor environments
3 presents a public health risk to the citizens of Illinois;
4 and
5 WHEREAS, Mold in schools, places of employment, and homes
6 has been shown to adversely affect the health of Illinois'
7 children and senior citizens; and
8 WHEREAS, The adverse health effects of exposure to molds
9 on the general population and the specific effects of mold on
10 certain subpopulations, including infants, children, the
11 elderly, pregnant women, asthmatics, allergic individuals,
12 immune-comprised individuals, and others are resulting in
13 illness and increased medical costs; and
14 WHEREAS, The United States Environmental Protection
15 Agency has promulgated advisory standards relating to
16 permissible levels of mold in indoor environments; and
17 WHEREAS, The State of California has passed an Act
18 regulating mold in indoor environments, including residential
19 homes and places of employment; and
20 WHEREAS, The Department of Health of the City of New York
21 has also adopted standards regulating mold exposure; and
22 WHEREAS, Insurance costs in the State of Texas and other
23 states have risen dramatically due to claims relating to mold
24 in homes, businesses, and schools; therefore, be it
27 SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that there is created a Joint Task
28 Force on Mold in Indoor Environments for the purpose of
29 examining the mold issue in Illinois and making
30 recommendations to the General Assembly pertaining to the
-2- LRB093 06705 AMC 06839 r
1 regulation of mold in indoor environments in Illinois; and be
2 it further
3 RESOLVED, That the Joint Task Force on Mold in Indoor
4 Environments shall be comprised as follows: 2
5 co-chairpersons, each a member of the General Assembly
6 appointed one each by the Speaker of the House and the
7 President of the Senate; 2 spokespersons, each a member of
8 the General Assembly appointed one each by the Minority
9 Leader of the House and the Minority Leader of the Senate;
10 the Director of Public Health, or his or her designee; and
11 the Director of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency,
12 or his or her designee; and be it further
13 RESOLVED, That the co-chairpersons shall appoint the
14 remaining members, which shall not exceed 15 and shall
15 represent the following: local health authorities; medical
16 experts on the health effects of molds; school districts;
17 realtors; the insurance industry; abatement contractors;
18 abatement consultants; certified industrial hygienists;
19 licensed environmental health practitioners; representatives
20 of employers; representatives of employees; tenants
21 organizations; building owner organizations; and any other
22 interested parties; and be it further
23 RESOLVED, That the Joint Task Force members shall serve
24 on a voluntary basis and shall be responsible for any costs
25 associated with their participation in the Joint Task Force;
26 and be it further
27 RESOLVED, That the Joint Task Force shall meet at least
28 quarterly and shall summarize its findings and
29 recommendations in a report to the General Assembly no later
30 than June 1, 2004.
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