SB0685ham003 93rd General Assembly



                                     LRB093 07875 BDD 16330 a

 1                    AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 685

 2        AMENDMENT NO.     .  Amend Senate Bill  685  on  page  1,
 3    immediately below line 3, by inserting the following:

 4        "Section  3.  The  Downstate Public Transportation Act is
 5    amended by changing Sections 2-2.04 and 2-6 as follows:

 6        (30 ILCS 740/2-2.04) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 662.04)
 7        Sec. 2-2.04.  "Eligible  operating  expenses"  means  all
 8    expenses   required   for  public  transportation,  including
 9    employee wages  and  benefits,  materials,  fuels,  supplies,
10    rental  of facilities, taxes other than income taxes, payment
11    made for debt service (including principal and  interest)  on
12    publicly   owned  equipment  or  facilities,  and  any  other
13    expenditure  which  is  an  operating  expense  according  to
14    standard accounting practices for  the  providing  of  public
15    transportation. Eligible operating expenses shall not include
16    allowances:  (a) for depreciation whether funded or unfunded;
17    (b) for amortization of any intangible costs;  (c)  for  debt
18    service  on  capital  acquired with the assistance of capital
19    grant funds provided  by  the  State  of  Illinois;  (d)  for
20    profits or return on investment; (e) for excessive payment to
21    associated   entities;   (f)   for  Comprehensive  Employment
22    Training  Act  expenses;  (g)  for  costs  reimbursed   under
                            -2-      LRB093 07875 BDD 16330 a
 1    Sections  6  and  8  of the "Urban Mass Transportation Act of
 2    1964", as amended;  (h) for entertainment expenses;  (i)  for
 3    charter  expenses;  (j)  for  fines  and  penalties;  (k) for
 4    charitable donations; (l) for interest expense on  long  term
 5    borrowing  and  debt  retirement other than on publicly owned
 6    equipment or facilities; (m) for income  taxes;  or  (n)  for
 7    such   other   expenses   as  the  Department  may  determine
 8    consistent  with   federal   Department   of   Transportation
 9    regulations or requirements.
10        With  respect  to  participants other than any Metro-East
11    Transit District  participant  and  those  receiving  federal
12    research  development  and  demonstration  funds  pursuant to
13    Section 6 of the "Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964",  as
14    amended,  during  the  fiscal  year ending June 30, 1979, the
15    maximum eligible operating expenses for any such  participant
16    in any fiscal year after Fiscal Year 1980 shall be the amount
17    appropriated  for such participant for the fiscal year ending
18    June 30, 1980, plus in each year  a  10%  increase  over  the
19    maximum  established  for  the  preceding  fiscal  year.  For
20    Fiscal Year 1980 the maximum eligible operating expenses  for
21    any  such  participant  shall  be  the  amount  of  projected
22    operating  expenses  upon  which  the  appropriation for such
23    participant for Fiscal Year 1980 is based.
24        With respect to participants receiving  federal  research
25    development  and demonstration operating assistance funds for
26    operating assistance pursuant to Section 6 of the "Urban Mass
27    Transportation Act of 1964", as amended,  during  the  fiscal
28    year  ending  June  30,  1979, the maximum eligible operating
29    expenses for any such participant in any  fiscal  year  after
30    Fiscal Year 1980 shall not exceed such participant's eligible
31    operating  expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1980,
32    plus in each year a 10% increase over the maximum established
33    for the preceding fiscal year.  For  Fiscal  Year  1980,  the
34    maximum  eligible operating expenses for any such participant
                            -3-      LRB093 07875 BDD 16330 a
 1    shall be the eligible operating expenses incurred during such
 2    fiscal year, or projected operating expenses upon  which  the
 3    appropriation  for  such participant for the Fiscal Year 1980
 4    is based; whichever is less.
 5        With  respect  to  all  participants   other   than   any
 6    Metro-East Transit District participant, the maximum eligible
 7    operating  expenses  for  any  such participant in any fiscal
 8    year after Fiscal Year 1985 shall be the amount  appropriated
 9    for  such  participant  for  the  fiscal year ending June 30,
10    1985, plus in each year  a  10%  increase  over  the  maximum
11    established  for  the  preceding year.  For Fiscal Year 1985,
12    the  maximum  eligible  operating  expenses  for   any   such
13    participant  shall  be  the  amount  of  projected  operating
14    expenses  upon  which  the appropriation for such participant
15    for Fiscal Year 1985 is based.
16        With respect to any  mass  transit  district  participant
17    that  has  increased  its  district  boundaries  by  annexing
18    counties  since  1998  and  is  maintaining  a level of local
19    financial support, including all income and  revenues,  equal
20    to  or greater than the level in the State fiscal year ending
21    June 30, 2001, the maximum eligible  operating  expenses  for
22    any  State  fiscal  year  after  2002  shall  be  the  amount
23    appropriated  for  that participant for the State fiscal year
24    ending June 30, 2002, plus, in each State fiscal year, a  10%
25    increase  over  the  preceding  State fiscal year.  For State
26    fiscal year 2002, the maximum eligible operating expenses for
27    any  such  participant  shall  be  the  amount  of  projected
28    operating expenses upon  which  the  appropriation  for  that
29    participant  for  State  fiscal year 2002 is based.  For that
30    participant, eligible operating  expenses  for  State  fiscal
31    year  2002  in  excess of the eligible operating expenses for
32    the State fiscal year ending June 30, 2001,  plus  10%,  must
33    be  attributed  to  the  provision  of  services in the newly
34    annexed counties.
                            -4-      LRB093 07875 BDD 16330 a
 1        With respect to a participant that  receives  an  initial
 2    appropriation in State fiscal year 2002, the maximum eligible
 3    operating expenses for any State fiscal year after 2003 shall
 4    be the amount appropriated for that participant for the State
 5    fiscal  year  ending June 30, 2003, plus, in each year, a 10%
 6    increase over the preceding  year.   For  State  fiscal  year
 7    2003,  the  maximum  eligible operating expenses for any such
 8    participant  shall  be  the  amount  of  projected  operating
 9    expenses upon which the appropriation  for  that  participant
10    for State fiscal year 2003 is based.
11        Notwithstanding  any  other  provisions  of this Section,
12    with respect to a participant that  has  received  an  amount
13    less than the percentage of eligible operating expenses equal
14    to  the  maximum  received  by  any  other participant in the
15    fiscal year ending June 30, 2002, the maximum  percentage  of
16    eligible  operating  expenses for the fiscal year ending June
17    30, 2004 shall be  the  percentage  received  by  such  other
18    participant, except as provided in Section 2-7 of this Act.
19    (Source:  P.A.  92-258,  eff.  8-7-01;  92-464, eff. 8-22-01;
20    92-651, eff. 7-11-02.)

21        (30 ILCS 740/2-6) (from Ch. 111 2/3, par. 666)
22        Sec. 2-6. Allocation of funds.
23        (a)  With respect to  all  participants  other  than  any
24    Metro-East Transit District participant, the Department shall
25    allocate  the  funds to be made available to each participant
26    under this Article for the following fiscal  year  and  shall
27    notify  the chief official of each participant not later than
28    the first day of the fiscal year of this amount.  For  Fiscal
29    Year  1975, notification shall be made not later than January
30    1, 1975, of the amount of such allocation. In determining the
31    allocation  for  each  participant,  the   Department   shall
32    estimate  the  funds  available  to  the participant from the
33    Downstate Public Transportation Fund for the purposes of this
                            -5-      LRB093 07875 BDD 16330 a
 1    Article during the succeeding fiscal year, and shall allocate
 2    to each participant the amount attributable to it which shall
 3    be the amount paid into the Downstate  Public  Transportation
 4    Fund  under  Section  2-3  from  within its boundaries.  Said
 5    allocations  may  be  exceeded  for  participants   receiving
 6    assistance  equal  to  one-third  of their eligible operating
 7    expenses, only if an allocation is  less  than  one-third  of
 8    such  participant's  eligible  operating  expenses, provided,
 9    however, that no other participant is denied its one-third of
10    eligible operating expenses. Beginning in Fiscal  Year  1997,
11    said  allocation  may  be exceeded for participants receiving
12    assistance  equal  to  the  percentage  of   their   eligible
13    operating  expenses  provided for in paragraph (b) of Section
14    2-7, only if allocation is less than the percentage  of  such
15    participant's  eligible  operating  expenses  provided for in
16    paragraph (b) of Section 2-7, provided however, that no other
17    participant is denied its percentage  of  eligible  operating
18    expenses.
19        (b)  With  regard  to  any  Metro-East  Transit  District
20    organized  under  the  Local  Mass  Transit  District Act and
21    serving one or more of the Counties of  Madison,  Monroe  and
22    St.  Clair  during  Fiscal  Year  1989,  the Department shall
23    allocate the funds to be made available to  each  participant
24    for  the  following  and  succeeding  fiscal  years and shall
25    notify the chief official of each participant not later  than
26    the  first  day  of  the  fiscal  year  of  this amount.  The
27    Department shall allocate 55% of the  amount  paid  into  the
28    Metro-East Public Transportation Fund to the District serving
29    primarily the Counties of Monroe and St. Clair and 45% of the
30    amount  to  that  District  serving  primarily  the County of
31    Madison.  If  an  amount  remains  in  the  Downstate  Public
32    Transportation Fund after the allocation of funds pursuant to
33    subsection (a), those funds shall  be  transferred  and  paid
34    over  to  the  Metro-East  Public  Transportation Fund to the
                            -6-      LRB093 07875 BDD 16330 a
 1    extent  necessary  to  allocate  to  any  Metro-East  Transit
 2    District funds equal to 55% of eligible operating expenses of
 3    the District, except as that percentage is otherwise  limited
 4    by subsection (b) of Section 2-7 of this Act.
 5    (Source: P.A. 89-598, eff. 8-1-96.)".