SB1056eng 93rd General Assembly


SB1056 Engrossed                     LRB093 07338 JLS 07500 b

 1        AN ACT concerning telecommunications.

 2        Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
 3    represented in the General Assembly:

 4        Section  5.  The  Public  Utilities  Act  is  amended  by
 5    changing Section 13-301.2 as follows:

 6        (220 ILCS 5/13-301.2)
 7        (Section scheduled to be repealed on July 1, 2005)
 8        Sec.  13-301.2.  Program  to  Foster  Elimination  of the
 9    Digital Divide. The Commission shall  require  by  rule  that
10    each  telecommunications  carrier  providing  local  exchange
11    telecommunications service notify its end-user customers that
12    if  the  customer wishes to participate in the funding of the
13    Program to Foster Elimination of the Digital Divide he or she
14    may do so by electing to contribute, on a  monthly  basis,  a
15    fixed  amount that will be included in the customer's monthly
16    bill.  The obligations imposed in this Section shall  not  be
17    imposed  upon  a  telecommunications  carrier  for any of its
18    end-users subscribing  to  the  services  listed  below:  (1)
19    private line service which is not directly or indirectly used
20    for    the    origination    or   termination   of   switched
21    telecommunications service, (2) cellular radio  service,  (3)
22    high-speed  point-to-point  data transmission at or above 9.6
23    kilobits, (4) the provision of telecommunications service  by
24    a  company  or  person otherwise subject to subsection (c) of
25    Section 13-202 to  a  telecommunications  carrier,  which  is
26    incidental  to the provision of service subject to subsection
27    (c) of Section 13-202; (5)  pay  telephone  service;  or  (6)
28    interexchange  telecommunications  service.  The customer may
29    cease contributing at any time upon providing notice  to  the
30    telecommunications  carrier.  The notice shall state that any
31    contribution made will not reduce  the  customer's  bill  for
SB1056 Engrossed            -2-      LRB093 07338 JLS 07500 b
 1    telecommunications  services.  Failure to remit the amount of
 2    increased payment will reduce the  contribution  accordingly.
 3    The  Commission  shall  specify  the  monthly fixed amount or
 4    amounts that customers wishing to contribute to  the  funding
 5    of  the  Program  to Foster Elimination of the Digital Divide
 6    may  choose  from   in   making   their   contributions.    A
 7    telecommunications  carrier  subject to this obligation shall
 8    remit  the  amounts  contributed  by  its  customers  to  the
 9    Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for  deposit  in
10    the   Digital   Divide  Elimination  Fund  at  the  intervals
11    specified in the Commission rules.
12    (Source: P.A. 92-22, eff. 6-30-01.)