SB1335 93rd General Assembly


                                     LRB093 03392 JAM 03410 b

 1        AN ACT concerning prevailing wages.

 2        Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
 3    represented in the General Assembly:

 4        Section  5.  The  Illinois Procurement Code is amended by
 5    changing Section 25-60 as follows:

 6        (30 ILCS 500/25-60)
 7        Sec. 25-60.  Prevailing wage requirements.
 8        (a)  All services furnished under  service  contracts  of
 9    $2,000  or  more or $200 or more per month and under printing
10    contracts shall be subject to the following  prevailing  wage
11    requirements:
12             (1)  Not  less than the general prevailing wage rate
13        of hourly wages for work of a similar  character  in  the
14        locality  in  which the work is produced shall be paid by
15        the successful vendor to its employees  who  perform  the
16        work  on  the State contracts.  The bidder or offeror, in
17        order to be considered to  be  a  responsible  bidder  or
18        offeror  for  the purposes of this Code, shall certify to
19        the purchasing agency  that  wages  to  be  paid  to  its
20        employees  are  no  less, and fringe benefits and working
21        conditions of employees  are  not  less  favorable,  than
22        those prevailing in the locality where the contract is to
23        be  performed.    Prevailing wages and working conditions
24        shall be determined  by  the  Director  of  the  Illinois
25        Department of Labor.
26             (2)  Whenever  a  collective bargaining agreement is
27        in effect between an employer, other than a  governmental
28        body,  and  service  or  printing employees as defined in
29        this  Section  who  are  represented  by  a   responsible
30        organization  that  is in no way influenced or controlled
31        by the management,  that  agreement  and  its  provisions
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 1        shall  be  considered  as  conditions  prevalent  in that
 2        locality and shall be the minimum requirements taken into
 3        consideration by the Director of Labor.
 4             (3)  Collective bargaining agreements between  State
 5        employees  and  the  State of Illinois shall not be taken
 6        into account by the Department of  Labor  in  determining
 7        the prevailing wage rate.
 8        (b)  As used in this Section, "services" means janitorial
 9    cleaning  services,  window cleaning services, food services,
10    and security services.  "Printing"  means  and  includes  all
11    processes  and operations involved in printing, including but
12    not limited to letterpress, offset,  and  gravure  processes,
13    the  multilith  method,  photographic  or  other  duplicating
14    process,   the   operations   of   composition,  platemaking,
15    presswork,  and  binding,  and  the  end  products  of  those
16    processes, methods, and operations.  As  used  in  this  Code
17    "printing"  does  not include photocopiers used in the course
18    of normal business activities,  photographic  equipment  used
19    for  geographic  mapping,  or printed matter that is commonly
20    available to the general public from contractor inventory.
21        (c)  The terms "general prevailing rate of hourly wages",
22    "general prevailing rate of wages", or  "prevailing  rate  of
23    wages"  when  used  in  this  Section shall have the meanings
24    ascribed to those terms in Section 2 of the  Prevailing  Wage
25    Act  (820 ILCS 130/2). mean the hourly cash wages plus fringe
26    benefits for health and welfare,  insurance,  vacations,  and
27    pensions paid generally, in the locality in which the work is
28    being  performed,  to  employees engaged in work of a similar
29    character.
30        (d)  "Locality" shall have  the  meaning  established  by
31    rule.
32        (e)  This  Section  does  not apply to services furnished
33    under contracts for professional or artistic services.
34        (f)  This Section does not apply to  vocational  programs
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 1    of training for physically or mentally handicapped persons or
 2    to sheltered workshops for the severely disabled.
 3    (Source: P.A. 90-572, eff. date - See Sec. 99-5.)

 4        Section 10.  The Prevailing Wage Act is amended by adding
 5    Section 10.5 as follows:

 6        (820 ILCS 130/10.5 new)
 7        Sec.  10.5.  Discharge or discipline of "whistle blowers"
 8    prohibited.
 9        (a)  No person shall discharge, discipline, in any  other
10    way   discriminate   against,  or  cause  to  be  discharged,
11    disciplined, or discriminated against  any  employee  or  any
12    authorized  representative of employees by reason of the fact
13    that  the  employee  or   representative   (i)   has   filed,
14    instituted,   or   caused  to  be  filed  or  instituted  any
15    proceeding under this Act, (ii) has testified or is about  to
16    testify  in  any proceeding resulting from the administration
17    or enforcement of this Act, or (iii) offers any  evidence  of
18    any violation of this Act.
19        (b)  Any  employee  or  a representative of employees who
20    believes that he or she has been discharged, disciplined,  or
21    otherwise discriminated against by any person in violation of
22    subsection   (a)  may,  within  30  days  after  the  alleged
23    violation occurs, apply to the Director of Labor for a review
24    of the discharge, discipline, or  alleged  discrimination.  A
25    copy  of  the  application  shall  be  sent to the person who
26    allegedly  committed  the  violation,  who   shall   be   the
27    respondent.  Upon  receipt  of  an  application, the Director
28    shall cause an investigation to be made as he  or  she  deems
29    appropriate.  The  investigation shall provide an opportunity
30    for a public hearing at the  request  of  any  party  to  the
31    review  to enable the parties to present information relating
32    to the alleged violation. The parties shall be given  written
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 1    notice  of  the time and place of the hearing at least 5 days
 2    before  the  hearing.  Upon  receiving  the  report  of   the
 3    investigation, the Director or his or her designee shall make
 4    findings  of  fact.  If  the  Director or his or her designee
 5    finds that a violation did occur, he or  she  shall  issue  a
 6    decision  incorporating his or her findings and requiring the
 7    party committing  the  violation  to  take  such  affirmative
 8    action   to   abate  the  violation  as  the  Director  deems
 9    appropriate, including, but not limited to, the  rehiring  or
10    reinstatement  of the employee or representative of employees
11    to his or her former position and compensating him or her for
12    the time he or she was unemployed. If the Director finds that
13    there was no violation,  he  or  she  shall  issue  an  order
14    denying  the  application. An order issued by the Director or
15    his or her designee under this Section shall  be  subject  to
16    judicial review under the Administrative Review Law.
17        (c)  The  Director  shall  adopt  rules implementing this
18    Section  in  accordance  with  the  Illinois   Administrative
19    Procedure Act.