Judiciary I - Civil Law Committee

Filed: 2/15/2006





09400HB4676ham001 LRB094 12640 DRJ 55610 a


2     AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 4676 on page 1, line
3 5, by deleting "4.2,"; and
4 on page 1, line 14, by replacing "or neglect" with ", or
5 neglect, or self-neglect"; and
6 on page 4, line 25, by replacing "medical" with "health
7 medical"; and
8 on page 5, line 12, by replacing "medical" with "health"; and
9 on page 8, line 8, by replacing "or" with "or"; and
10 on page 8, line 9, by deleting "or self-neglect,"; and
11 on page 8, line 30, by replacing "or financially exploited, or"
12 with "or financially exploited"; and
13 on page 8, line 31, by deleting "self-neglected,"; and
14 on page 8, by replacing lines 34 through 36 with the following:
15 "that it is in the alleged victim's best interest shall be
16 immune from criminal or civil"; and
17 on page 9, line 2, by deleting "or not making"; and



09400HB4676ham001 - 2 - LRB094 12640 DRJ 55610 a

1 on page 10, by replacing lines 3 and 4 with the following:
2 "by this Act shall be referred to the Illinois State Medical";
3 and
4 on page 10, by deleting lines 16 through 33; and
5 on page 11, lines 15 and 16, by replacing "designated case
6 management agency for any appropriate follow-up" with
7 "appropriate agency or agencies as designated by the Department
8 for any follow-up"; and
9 on page 12, line 9, by replacing "; and" with ";"; and
10 on page 12, line 12, before the period, by inserting "; and
11 (iv) the procedure for data collection of incidents of
12 self-neglect".