Sen. Terry Link

Filed: 2/7/2006





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2     AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 2381 by replacing
3 everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4     "Section 5. The Older Adult Services Act is amended by
5 changing Section 25 as follows:
6     (320 ILCS 42/25)
7     Sec. 25. Older adult services restructuring. No later than
8 January 1, 2005, the Department shall commence the process of
9 restructuring the older adult services delivery system.
10 Priority shall be given to both the expansion of services and
11 the development of new services in priority service areas.
12 Subject to the availability of funding, the restructuring shall
13 include, but not be limited to, the following:
14     (1) Planning. The Department shall develop a plan to
15 restructure the State's service delivery system for older
16 adults. The plan shall include a schedule for the
17 implementation of the initiatives outlined in this Act and all
18 other initiatives identified by the participating agencies to
19 fulfill the purposes of this Act. Financing for older adult
20 services shall be based on the principle that "money follows
21 the individual". The plan shall also identify potential
22 impediments to delivery system restructuring and include any
23 known regulatory or statutory barriers.
24     (2) Comprehensive case management. The Department shall



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1 implement a statewide system of holistic comprehensive case
2 management. The system shall include the identification and
3 implementation of a universal, comprehensive assessment tool
4 to be used statewide to determine the level of functional,
5 cognitive, socialization, and financial needs of older adults.
6 This tool shall be supported by an electronic intake,
7 assessment, and care planning system linked to a central
8 location. "Comprehensive case management" includes services
9 and coordination such as (i) comprehensive assessment of the
10 older adult (including the physical, functional, cognitive,
11 psycho-social, and social needs of the individual); (ii)
12 development and implementation of a service plan with the older
13 adult to mobilize the formal and family resources and services
14 identified in the assessment to meet the needs of the older
15 adult, including coordination of the resources and services
16 with any other plans that exist for various formal services,
17 such as hospital discharge plans, and with the information and
18 assistance services; (iii) coordination and monitoring of
19 formal and family service delivery, including coordination and
20 monitoring to ensure that services specified in the plan are
21 being provided; (iv) periodic reassessment and revision of the
22 status of the older adult with the older adult or, if
23 necessary, the older adult's designated representative; and
24 (v) in accordance with the wishes of the older adult, advocacy
25 on behalf of the older adult for needed services or resources.
26     (3) Coordinated point of entry. The Department shall
27 implement and publicize a statewide coordinated point of entry
28 using a uniform name, identity, logo, and toll-free number.
29     (4) Public web site. The Department shall develop a public
30 web site that provides links to available services, resources,
31 and reference materials concerning caregiving, diseases, and
32 best practices for use by professionals, older adults, and
33 family caregivers.
34     (5) Expansion of older adult services. The Department shall



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1 expand older adult services that promote independence and
2 permit older adults to remain in their own homes and
3 communities.
4     (6) Consumer-directed home and community-based services.
5 The Department shall expand the range of service options
6 available to permit older adults to exercise maximum choice and
7 control over their care.
8     (7) Comprehensive delivery system. The Department shall
9 expand opportunities for older adults to receive services in
10 systems that integrate acute and chronic care.
11     (8) Enhanced transition and follow-up services. The
12 Department shall implement a program of transition from one
13 residential setting to another and follow-up services,
14 regardless of residential setting, pursuant to rules with
15 respect to (i) resident eligibility, (ii) assessment of the
16 resident's health, cognitive, social, and financial needs,
17 (iii) development of transition plans, and (iv) the level of
18 services that must be available before transitioning a resident
19 from one setting to another.
20     (9) Family caregiver support. The Department shall develop
21 strategies for public and private financing of services that
22 supplement and support family caregivers.
23     (10) Quality standards and quality improvement. The
24 Department shall establish a core set of uniform quality
25 standards for all providers that focus on outcomes and take
26 into consideration consumer choice and satisfaction, and the
27 Department shall require each provider to implement a
28 continuous quality improvement process to address consumer
29 issues. The continuous quality improvement process must
30 benchmark performance, be person-centered and data-driven, and
31 focus on consumer satisfaction.
32     (11) Workforce. The Department shall develop strategies to
33 attract and retain a qualified and stable worker pool, provide
34 living wages and benefits, and create a work environment that



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1 is conducive to long-term employment and career development.
2 Resources such as grants, education, and promotion of career
3 opportunities may be used.
4     (12) Coordination of services. The Department shall
5 identify methods to better coordinate service networks to
6 maximize resources and minimize duplication of services and
7 ease of application.
8     (13) Barriers to services. The Department shall identify
9 barriers to the provision, availability, and accessibility of
10 services and shall implement a plan to address those barriers.
11 The plan shall: (i) identify barriers, including but not
12 limited to, statutory and regulatory complexity, reimbursement
13 issues, payment issues, and labor force issues; (ii) recommend
14 changes to State or federal laws or administrative rules or
15 regulations; (iii) recommend application for federal waivers
16 to improve efficiency and reduce cost and paperwork; (iv)
17 develop innovative service delivery models; and (v) recommend
18 application for federal or private service grants.
19     (14) Reimbursement and funding. The Department shall
20 investigate and evaluate costs and payments by defining costs
21 to implement a uniform, audited provider cost reporting system
22 to be considered by all Departments in establishing payments.
23 To the extent possible, multiple cost reporting mandates shall
24 not be imposed.
25     (15) Medicaid nursing home cost containment and Medicare
26 utilization. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services
27 (formerly Department of Public Aid), in collaboration with the
28 Department on Aging and the Department of Public Health and in
29 consultation with the Advisory Committee, shall propose a plan
30 to contain Medicaid nursing home costs and maximize Medicare
31 utilization. The plan must not impair the ability of an older
32 adult to choose among available services. The plan shall
33 include, but not be limited to, (i) techniques to maximize the
34 use of the most cost-effective services without sacrificing



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1 quality and (ii) methods to identify and serve older adults in
2 need of minimal services to remain independent, but who are
3 likely to develop a need for more extensive services in the
4 absence of those minimal services.
5     (16) Bed reduction. The Department of Public Health shall
6 implement a nursing home conversion program to reduce the
7 number of Medicaid-certified nursing home beds in areas with
8 excess beds. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services
9 Public Aid shall investigate changes to the Medicaid nursing
10 facility reimbursement system in order to reduce beds. Such
11 changes may include, but are not limited to, incentive payments
12 that will enable facilities to adjust to the restructuring and
13 expansion of services required by the Older Adult Services Act,
14 including adjustments for the voluntary closure or layaway of
15 nursing home beds certified under Title XIX of the federal
16 Social Security Act. Any savings shall be reallocated to fund
17 home-based or community-based older adult services pursuant to
18 Section 20.
19     (17) Financing. The Department shall investigate and
20 evaluate financing options for older adult services and shall
21 make recommendations in the report required by Section 15
22 concerning the feasibility of these financing arrangements.
23 These arrangements shall include, but are not limited to:
24         (A) private long-term care insurance coverage for
25     older adult services;
26         (B) enhancement of federal long-term care financing
27     initiatives;
28         (C) employer benefit programs such as medical savings
29     accounts for long-term care;
30         (D) individual and family cost-sharing options;
31         (E) strategies to reduce reliance on government
32     programs;
33         (F) fraudulent asset divestiture and financial
34     planning prevention; and



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1         (G) methods to supplement and support family and
2     community caregiving.
3     (18) Older Adult Services Demonstration Grants. The
4 Department shall implement a program of demonstration grants
5 that will assist in the restructuring of the older adult
6 services delivery system, and shall provide funding for
7 innovative service delivery models and system change and
8 integration initiatives pursuant to subsection (g) of Section
9 20.
10     (19) Bed need methodology update. For the purposes of
11 determining areas with excess beds, the Departments shall
12 provide information and assistance to the Health Facilities
13 Planning Board to update the Bed Need Methodology for Long-Term
14 Care to update the assumptions used to establish the
15 methodology to make them consistent with modern older adult
16 services.
17     (20) Affordable housing. The Departments shall utilize the
18 recommendations of Illinois' Annual Comprehensive Housing
19 Plan, as developed by the Affordable Housing Task Force through
20 the Governor's Executive Order 2003-18, in their efforts to
21 address the affordable housing needs of older adults.
22     The Older Adult Services Advisory Committee shall
23 investigate innovative and promising practices operating as
24 demonstration or pilot projects in Illinois and in other
25 states. The Department on Aging shall provide the Older Adult
26 Services Advisory Committee with a list of all demonstration or
27 pilot projects funded by the Department on Aging, including
28 those specified by rule, law, policy memorandum, or funding
29 arrangement. The Committee shall work with the Department on
30 Aging to evaluate the viability of expanding these programs
31 into other areas of the State.
32 (Source: P.A. 93-1031, eff. 8-27-04; 94-236, eff. 7-14-05;
33 revised 12-15-05.)".