Full Text of SB1516 96th General Assembly
Sen. Heather Steans
Filed: 3/9/2009
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LRB096 07995 KTG 23318 a |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 1516 by replacing | 3 |
| everything after the enacting clause with the following:
| 4 |
| "Section 5. The State Finance Act is amended by adding | 5 |
| Section 5.719 as follows: | 6 |
| (30 ILCS 105/5.719 new) | 7 |
| Sec. 5.719. The Hospital Stroke Care Fund. | 8 |
| Section 10. The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems | 9 |
| Act is amended by changing Sections 3.25, 3.30, 3.130, and | 10 |
| 3.200 and by adding Sections 3.116, 3.117, 3.117.5, 3.118, | 11 |
| 3.118.5, 3.119, and 3.226 as follows:
| 12 |
| (210 ILCS 50/3.25)
| 13 |
| Sec. 3.25. EMS Region Plan; Development.
| 14 |
| (a) Within 6 months after designation of an EMS
Region, an |
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| 1 |
| EMS Region Plan addressing at least the information
prescribed | 2 |
| in Section 3.30 shall be submitted to the
Department for | 3 |
| approval. The Plan shall be developed by the
Region's EMS | 4 |
| Medical Directors Committee with advice from the
Regional EMS | 5 |
| Advisory Committee; portions of the plan
concerning trauma | 6 |
| shall be developed jointly with the Region's
Trauma Center | 7 |
| Medical Directors or Trauma Center Medical
Directors | 8 |
| Committee, whichever is applicable, with advice from
the | 9 |
| Regional Trauma Advisory Committee, if such Advisory
Committee | 10 |
| has been established in the Region. Portions of the Plan | 11 |
| concerning stroke shall be developed jointly with the Regional | 12 |
| Stroke Advisory Subcommittee.
| 13 |
| (1) A Region's EMS Medical Directors
Committee shall be | 14 |
| comprised of the Region's EMS Medical Directors,
along with | 15 |
| the medical advisor to a fire department
vehicle service | 16 |
| provider. For regions which include a municipal fire
| 17 |
| department serving a population of over 2,000,000 people, | 18 |
| that fire
department's medical advisor shall serve on the | 19 |
| Committee. For other regions,
the fire department vehicle | 20 |
| service providers shall select which medical
advisor to | 21 |
| serve on the Committee on an annual basis.
| 22 |
| (2) A Region's Trauma Center Medical Directors
| 23 |
| Committee shall be comprised of the Region's Trauma Center
| 24 |
| Medical Directors.
| 25 |
| (b) A Region's Trauma Center Medical Directors may
choose | 26 |
| to participate in the development of the EMS Region
Plan |
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| through membership on the Regional EMS Advisory
Committee, | 2 |
| rather than through a separate Trauma Center Medical Directors
| 3 |
| Committee. If that option is selected,
the Region's Trauma | 4 |
| Center Medical Director shall also
determine whether a separate | 5 |
| Regional Trauma Advisory
Committee is necessary for the Region.
| 6 |
| (c) In the event of disputes over content of the
Plan | 7 |
| between the Region's EMS Medical Directors Committee and the
| 8 |
| Region's Trauma Center Medical Directors or Trauma Center
| 9 |
| Medical Directors Committee, whichever is applicable, the
| 10 |
| Director of the Illinois Department of Public Health shall
| 11 |
| intervene through a mechanism established by the Department
| 12 |
| through rules adopted pursuant to this Act.
| 13 |
| (d) "Regional EMS Advisory Committee" means a
committee | 14 |
| formed within an Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Region to | 15 |
| advise the Region's EMS Medical Directors
Committee and to | 16 |
| select the Region's representative to the
State Emergency | 17 |
| Medical Services Advisory Council,
consisting of at least the | 18 |
| members of the Region's EMS
Medical Directors Committee, the | 19 |
| Chair of the Regional
Trauma Committee, the EMS System | 20 |
| Coordinators from each
Resource Hospital within the Region, one | 21 |
| administrative
representative from an Associate Hospital | 22 |
| within the Region,
one administrative representative from a | 23 |
| Participating
Hospital within the Region, one administrative
| 24 |
| representative from the vehicle service provider which
| 25 |
| responds to the highest number of calls for emergency service | 26 |
| within
the Region, one administrative representative of a |
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| 1 |
| vehicle
service provider from each System within the Region, | 2 |
| one
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)/Pre-Hospital RN from | 3 |
| each
level of EMT/Pre-Hospital RN practicing within the Region,
| 4 |
| and one registered professional nurse currently practicing
in | 5 |
| an emergency department within the Region.
Of the 2 | 6 |
| administrative representatives of vehicle service providers, | 7 |
| at
least one shall be an administrative representative of a | 8 |
| private vehicle
service provider. The
Department's Regional | 9 |
| EMS Coordinator for each Region shall
serve as a non-voting | 10 |
| member of that Region's EMS Advisory
| 11 |
| Every 2 years, the members of the Region's EMS Medical
| 12 |
| Directors Committee shall rotate serving as Committee Chair,
| 13 |
| and select the Associate Hospital, Participating Hospital
and | 14 |
| vehicle service providers which shall send
representatives to | 15 |
| the Advisory Committee, and the
EMTs/Pre-Hospital RN and nurse | 16 |
| who shall serve on the
Advisory Committee.
| 17 |
| (e) "Regional Trauma Advisory Committee" means a
committee | 18 |
| formed within an Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Region, to | 19 |
| advise the Region's Trauma Center Medical
Directors Committee, | 20 |
| consisting of at least the Trauma
Center Medical Directors and | 21 |
| Trauma Coordinators from each
Trauma Center within the Region, | 22 |
| one EMS Medical Director
from a resource hospital within the | 23 |
| Region, one EMS System
Coordinator from another resource | 24 |
| hospital within the
Region, one representative each from a | 25 |
| public and private
vehicle service provider which transports | 26 |
| trauma patients
within the Region, an administrative |
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| representative from
each trauma center within the Region, one | 2 |
| EMT representing
the highest level of EMT practicing within the | 3 |
| Region, one
emergency physician and one Trauma Nurse Specialist | 4 |
| (TNS)
currently practicing in a trauma center. The Department's
| 5 |
| Regional EMS Coordinator for each Region shall serve as a
| 6 |
| non-voting member of that Region's Trauma Advisory
| 7 |
| Every 2 years, the members of the Trauma Center Medical
| 8 |
| Directors Committee shall rotate serving as Committee Chair,
| 9 |
| and select the vehicle service providers, EMT, emergency
| 10 |
| physician, EMS System Coordinator and TNS who shall serve on
| 11 |
| the Advisory Committee.
| 12 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-177, eff. 7-19-95.)
| 13 |
| (210 ILCS 50/3.30)
| 14 |
| Sec. 3.30. EMS Region Plan; Content.
| 15 |
| (a) The EMS Medical Directors Committee shall address
at | 16 |
| least the following:
| 17 |
| (1) Protocols for inter-System/inter-Region
patient | 18 |
| transports, including identifying the conditions of
| 19 |
| emergency patients which may not be transported to the
| 20 |
| different levels of emergency department, based on their
| 21 |
| Department classifications and relevant Regional
| 22 |
| considerations (e.g. transport times and distances);
| 23 |
| (2) Regional standing medical orders;
| 24 |
| (3) Patient transfer patterns, including criteria
for | 25 |
| determining whether a patient needs the specialized
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| services of a trauma center, along with protocols for the
| 2 |
| bypassing of or diversion to any hospital, trauma center or
| 3 |
| regional trauma center which are consistent with | 4 |
| individual
System bypass or diversion protocols and | 5 |
| protocols for
patient choice or refusal;
| 6 |
| (4) Protocols for resolving Regional or
Inter-System | 7 |
| conflict;
| 8 |
| (5) An EMS disaster preparedness plan which
includes | 9 |
| the actions and responsibilities of all EMS
participants | 10 |
| within the Region. Within 90 days of the effective date of | 11 |
| this
amendatory Act of 1996, an EMS System shall submit to | 12 |
| the Department for review
an internal disaster plan. At a | 13 |
| minimum, the plan shall include contingency
plans for the | 14 |
| transfer of patients to other facilities if an evacuation | 15 |
| of the
hospital becomes necessary due to a catastrophe, | 16 |
| including but not limited to, a
power failure;
| 17 |
| (6) Regional standardization of continuing
education | 18 |
| requirements;
| 19 |
| (7) Regional standardization of Do Not
Resuscitate | 20 |
| (DNR) policies, and protocols for power of
attorney for | 21 |
| health care; and
| 22 |
| (8) Protocols for disbursement of Department
grants ; | 23 |
| and .
| 24 |
| (9) Protocols for the triage, treatment, and transport | 25 |
| of possible acute stroke patients. | 26 |
| (b) The Trauma Center Medical Directors or Trauma
Center |
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| Medical Directors Committee shall address at least
the | 2 |
| following:
| 3 |
| (1) The identification of Regional Trauma
| 4 |
| (2) Protocols for inter-System and inter-Region
trauma | 5 |
| patient transports, including identifying the
conditions | 6 |
| of emergency patients which may not be
transported to the | 7 |
| different levels of emergency department,
based on their | 8 |
| Department classifications and relevant
Regional | 9 |
| considerations (e.g. transport times and
| 10 |
| (3) Regional trauma standing medical orders;
| 11 |
| (4) Trauma patient transfer patterns, including
| 12 |
| criteria for determining whether a patient needs the
| 13 |
| specialized services of a trauma center, along with
| 14 |
| protocols for the bypassing of or diversion to any | 15 |
| hospital,
trauma center or regional trauma center which are | 16 |
| consistent
with individual System bypass or diversion | 17 |
| protocols and
protocols for patient choice or refusal;
| 18 |
| (5) The identification of which types of patients
can | 19 |
| be cared for by Level I and Level II Trauma Centers;
| 20 |
| (6) Criteria for inter-hospital transfer of
trauma | 21 |
| patients;
| 22 |
| (7) The treatment of trauma patients in each
trauma | 23 |
| center within the Region;
| 24 |
| (8) A program for conducting a quarterly
conference | 25 |
| which shall include at a minimum a discussion of
morbidity | 26 |
| and mortality between all professional staff
involved in |
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| the care of trauma patients;
| 2 |
| (9) The establishment of a Regional trauma
quality | 3 |
| assurance and improvement subcommittee, consisting of
| 4 |
| trauma surgeons, which shall perform periodic medical | 5 |
| audits
of each trauma center's trauma services, and forward
| 6 |
| tabulated data from such reviews to the Department; and
| 7 |
| (10) The establishment, within 90 days of the effective | 8 |
| date of this
amendatory Act of 1996, of an internal | 9 |
| disaster plan, which shall include, at a
minimum, | 10 |
| contingency plans for the transfer of patients to other | 11 |
| facilities if
an evacuation of the hospital becomes | 12 |
| necessary due to a catastrophe, including
but not limited | 13 |
| to, a power failure.
| 14 |
| (c) The Region's EMS Medical Directors and Trauma
Center | 15 |
| Medical Directors Committees shall appoint any
subcommittees | 16 |
| which they deem necessary to address specific
issues concerning | 17 |
| Region activities.
| 18 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-177, eff. 7-19-95; 89-667, eff. 1-1-97.)
| 19 |
| (210 ILCS 50/3.116 new) | 20 |
| Sec. 3.116. Hospital Stroke Care; definitions. As used in | 21 |
| Sections 3.116 through 3.119, 3.130, 3.200, and 3.226 of this | 22 |
| Act: | 23 |
| "Certification" or "certified" means certification, using | 24 |
| evidence-based standards, from a nationally-recognized | 25 |
| certifying body approved by the Department. |
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| "Designation" or "designated" means the Department's | 2 |
| recognition of a hospital as a Primary Stroke Center or | 3 |
| Emergent Stroke Ready Hospital. | 4 |
| "Emergent stroke care" is emergency medical care that | 5 |
| includes diagnosis and emergency medical treatment of acute | 6 |
| stroke patients. | 7 |
| "Emergent Stroke Ready Hospital" means a hospital that has | 8 |
| been designated by the Department as meeting the criteria for | 9 |
| providing emergent stroke care. | 10 |
| "Primary Stroke Center" means a hospital that has been | 11 |
| certified by a Department-approved, nationally-recognized | 12 |
| certifying body and designated as such by the Department. | 13 |
| "Regional Stroke Advisory Subcommittee" means a | 14 |
| subcommittee formed within each Regional EMS Advisory | 15 |
| Committee to advise the Director and the Region's EMS Medical | 16 |
| Directors Committee on the triage, treatment, and transport of | 17 |
| possible acute stroke patients and to select the Region's | 18 |
| representative to the State Stroke Advisory Subcommittee. The | 19 |
| Regional Stroke Advisory Subcommittee shall consist of one | 20 |
| representative from the EMS Medical Directors Committee; equal | 21 |
| numbers of administrative representatives, or their designees, | 22 |
| from Primary Stroke Centers within the Region, if any, and from | 23 |
| hospitals that are capable of providing emergent stroke care | 24 |
| that are not Primary Stroke Centers within the Region; one | 25 |
| neurologist from a Primary Stroke Center in the Region, if any; | 26 |
| one nurse practicing in a Primary Stroke Center and one nurse |
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| from a hospital capable of providing emergent stroke care that | 2 |
| is not a Primary Stroke Center; one representative from both a | 3 |
| public and a private vehicle service provider which transports | 4 |
| possible acute stroke patients within the Region; the State | 5 |
| designated regional EMS Coordinator; and in regions that serve | 6 |
| a population of over 2,000,000, a fire chief, or designee, from | 7 |
| the EMS Region. | 8 |
| "State Stroke Advisory Subcommittee" means a standing | 9 |
| advisory body within the State Emergency Medical Services | 10 |
| Advisory Council. | 11 |
| (210 ILCS 50/3.117 new) | 12 |
| Sec. 3.117. Hospital Designations. | 13 |
| (a) The Department shall attempt to designate Primary | 14 |
| Stroke Centers in all areas of the State. | 15 |
| (1) The Department shall designate as many certified
| 16 |
| Primary Stroke Centers as apply for that designation | 17 |
| provided they are certified by a nationally-recognized | 18 |
| certifying body, approved by the Department, and | 19 |
| certification criteria are consistent with the most | 20 |
| current nationally-recognized, evidence-based stroke | 21 |
| guidelines related to reducing the occurrence, | 22 |
| disabilities, and death associated with stroke. | 23 |
| (2) A hospital certified as a Primary Stroke Center by | 24 |
| a nationally-recognized certifying body approved by the | 25 |
| Department, shall send a copy of the Certificate to the |
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| Department and shall be deemed, within 30 days of its | 2 |
| receipt by the Department, to be a State-designated Primary | 3 |
| Stroke Center. | 4 |
| (3) With respect to a hospital that is a designated | 5 |
| Primary Stroke Center, the Department shall have the | 6 |
| authority and responsibility to do the following: | 7 |
| (A) Suspend or revoke a hospital's Primary Stroke | 8 |
| Center designation upon receiving notice that the | 9 |
| hospital's Primary Stroke Center certification has | 10 |
| lapsed or has been revoked by the State recognized | 11 |
| certifying body. | 12 |
| (B) Suspend a hospital's Primary Stroke Center | 13 |
| designation, in extreme circumstances where patients | 14 |
| may be at risk for immediate harm or death, until such | 15 |
| time as the certifying body investigates and makes a | 16 |
| final determination regarding certification. | 17 |
| (C) Restore any previously suspended or revoked | 18 |
| Department designation upon notice to the Department | 19 |
| that the certifying body has confirmed or restored the | 20 |
| Primary Stroke Center certification of that previously | 21 |
| designated hospital. | 22 |
| (D) Suspend a hospital's Primary Stroke Center | 23 |
| designation at the request of a hospital seeking to | 24 |
| suspend its own Department designation. | 25 |
| (4) Primary Stroke Center designation shall remain | 26 |
| valid at all times while the hospital maintains its |
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| certification as a Primary Stroke Center, in good standing, | 2 |
| with the certifying body. The duration of a Primary Stroke | 3 |
| Center designation shall coincide with the duration of its | 4 |
| Primary Stroke Center certification. Each designated | 5 |
| Primary Stroke Center shall have its designation | 6 |
| automatically renewed upon the Department's receipt of a | 7 |
| copy of the accrediting body's certification renewal. | 8 |
| (5) A hospital that no longer meets | 9 |
| nationally-recognized, evidence-based standards for | 10 |
| Primary Stroke Centers, or loses its Primary Stroke Center | 11 |
| certification, shall immediately notify the Department and | 12 |
| the Regional EMS Advisory Committee. | 13 |
| (b) The Department shall attempt to designate hospitals as | 14 |
| Emergent Stroke Ready Hospitals capable of providing emergent | 15 |
| stroke care in all areas of the State. | 16 |
| (1) The Department shall designate as many Emergent | 17 |
| Stroke Ready Hospitals as apply for that designation as | 18 |
| long as they meet the criteria in this Act. | 19 |
| (2) Hospitals may apply for, and receive, Emergent | 20 |
| Stroke Ready Hospital designation from the Department, | 21 |
| provided that the hospital attests, on a form developed by | 22 |
| the Department in consultation with the State Stroke | 23 |
| Advisory Subcommittee, that it meets, and will continue to | 24 |
| meet, the criteria for Emergent Stroke Ready Hospital | 25 |
| designation. | 26 |
| (3) Hospitals seeking Emergent Stroke Ready Hospital |
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| designation shall develop policies and procedures that | 2 |
| consider nationally-recognized, evidence-based protocols | 3 |
| for the provision of emergent stroke care. Hospital | 4 |
| policies relating to emergent stroke care and stroke | 5 |
| patient outcomes shall be reviewed at least annually, or | 6 |
| more often as needed, by a hospital committee that oversees | 7 |
| quality improvement. Adjustments shall be made as | 8 |
| necessary to advance the quality of stroke care delivered. | 9 |
| Criteria for Emergent Stroke Ready Hospital designation of | 10 |
| hospitals shall be limited to the ability of a hospital to: | 11 |
| (A) create written acute care protocols related to | 12 |
| emergent stroke care; | 13 |
| (B) maintain a written transfer agreement with one | 14 |
| or more hospitals that have neurosurgical expertise; | 15 |
| (C) designate a director of stroke care, which may | 16 |
| be a clinical member of the hospital staff or the | 17 |
| designee of the hospital administrator, to oversee the | 18 |
| hospital's stroke care policies and procedures; | 19 |
| (D) administer thrombolytic therapy, or | 20 |
| subsequently developed medical therapies that meet | 21 |
| nationally-recognized, evidence-based stroke | 22 |
| guidelines; | 23 |
| (E) conduct brain image tests at all times; | 24 |
| (F) conduct blood coagulation studies at all | 25 |
| times; and | 26 |
| (G) maintain a log of stroke patients, which shall |
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| be available for review upon request by the Department | 2 |
| or any hospital that has a written transfer agreement | 3 |
| with the Emergent Stroke Ready Hospital. | 4 |
| (4) With respect to Emergent Stroke Ready Hospital | 5 |
| designation, the Department shall have the authority and | 6 |
| responsibility to do the following: | 7 |
| (A) Require hospitals applying for Emergent Stroke | 8 |
| Ready Hospital designation to attest, on a form | 9 |
| developed by the Department in consultation with the | 10 |
| State Stroke Advisory Subcommittee, that the hospital | 11 |
| meets, and will continue to meet, the criteria for a | 12 |
| Emergent Stroke Ready Hospital. | 13 |
| (B) Designate a hospital as an Emergent Stroke | 14 |
| Ready Hospital no more than 20 business days after | 15 |
| receipt of an attestation that meets the requirements | 16 |
| for attestation. | 17 |
| (C) Require annual written attestation, on a form | 18 |
| developed by the Department in consultation with the | 19 |
| State Stroke Advisory Subcommittee, by Emergent Stroke | 20 |
| Ready Hospitals to indicate compliance with Emergent | 21 |
| Stroke Ready Hospital criteria, as described in this | 22 |
| Section, and automatically renew Emergent Stroke Ready | 23 |
| Hospital designation of the hospital. | 24 |
| (D) Issue an Emergency Suspension of Emergent | 25 |
| Stroke Ready Hospital designation when the Director, | 26 |
| or his or her designee, has determined that the |
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| hospital no longer meets the Emergent Stroke Ready | 2 |
| Hospital criteria and an immediate and serious danger | 3 |
| to the public health, safety, and welfare exists. If | 4 |
| the Emergent Stroke Ready Hospital fails to eliminate | 5 |
| the violation immediately or within a fixed period of | 6 |
| time, not exceeding 10 days, as determined by the | 7 |
| Director, the Director may immediately revoke the | 8 |
| Emergent Stroke Ready Hospital designation. The | 9 |
| Emergent Stroke Ready Hospital may appeal the | 10 |
| revocation within 15 days after receiving the | 11 |
| Director's revocation order, by requesting an | 12 |
| administrative hearing. | 13 |
| (E) After notice and an opportunity for an | 14 |
| administrative hearing, suspend, revoke, or refuse to | 15 |
| renew an Emergent Stroke Ready Hospital designation, | 16 |
| when the Department finds the hospital is not in | 17 |
| substantial compliance with current Emergent Stroke | 18 |
| Ready Hospital criteria. | 19 |
| (c) The Department shall consult with the State Stroke | 20 |
| Advisory Subcommittee for developing the designation and | 21 |
| de-designation processes for Primary Stroke Centers and | 22 |
| Emergent Stroke Ready Hospitals. | 23 |
| (210 ILCS 50/3.117.5 new) | 24 |
| Sec. 3.117.5. Hospital Stroke Care; grants. | 25 |
| (a) In order to encourage the establishment and retention |
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| of Primary Stroke Centers and Emergent Stroke Ready Hospitals | 2 |
| throughout the State, the Director may award, subject to | 3 |
| appropriation, matching grants to hospitals to be used for the | 4 |
| acquisition and maintenance of necessary infrastructure, | 5 |
| including personnel, equipment, and pharmaceuticals for the | 6 |
| diagnosis and treatment of acute stroke patients. Grants may be | 7 |
| used to pay the fee for certifications by Department approved | 8 |
| nationally-recognized certifying bodies or to provide | 9 |
| additional training for directors of stroke care or for | 10 |
| hospital staff. | 11 |
| (b) The Director may award grant moneys to Primary Stroke | 12 |
| Centers and Emergent Stroke Ready Hospitals for developing or | 13 |
| enlarging stroke networks, for stroke education, and to enhance | 14 |
| the ability of the EMS System to respond to possible acute | 15 |
| stroke patients. | 16 |
| (c) A Primary Stroke Center, Emergent Stroke Ready | 17 |
| Hospital, or hospital seeking certification as a Primary Stroke | 18 |
| Center or designation as an Emergent Stroke Ready Hospital may | 19 |
| apply to the Director for a matching grant in a manner and form | 20 |
| specified by the Director and shall provide information as the | 21 |
| Director deems necessary to determine whether the hospital is | 22 |
| eligible for the grant. | 23 |
| (d) Matching grant awards shall be made to Primary Stroke | 24 |
| Centers, Emergent Stroke Ready Hospitals, or hospitals seeking | 25 |
| certification or designation as a Primary Stroke Center or | 26 |
| designation as an Emergent Stroke Ready Hospital. The |
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| Department may consider prioritizing grant awards to hospitals | 2 |
| in areas with the highest incidence of stroke, taking into | 3 |
| account geographic diversity, where possible. | 4 |
| (210 ILCS 50/3.118 new) | 5 |
| Sec. 3.118. Reporting. | 6 |
| (a) The Director shall, not later than July 1, 2012, | 7 |
| prepare and submit to the Governor and the General Assembly a | 8 |
| report indicating the total number of hospitals that have | 9 |
| applied for grants, the project for which the application was | 10 |
| submitted, the number of those applicants that have been found | 11 |
| eligible for the grants, the total number of grants awarded, | 12 |
| the name and address of each grantee, and the amount of the | 13 |
| award issued to each grantee. | 14 |
| (b) By July 1, 2010, the Director shall send the list of | 15 |
| designated Primary Stroke Centers and designated Emergent | 16 |
| Stroke Ready Hospitals to all Resource Hospital EMS Medical | 17 |
| Directors in this State and shall post a list of designated | 18 |
| Primary Stroke Centers and Emergent Stroke Ready Hospitals on | 19 |
| the Department's website, which shall be continuously updated. | 20 |
| (c) The Department shall add the names of designated | 21 |
| Primary Stroke Centers and Emergent Stroke Ready Hospitals to | 22 |
| the website listing immediately upon designation and shall | 23 |
| immediately remove the name when a hospital loses its | 24 |
| designation after notice and a hearing. | 25 |
| (d) Stroke data collection systems and all stroke-related |
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| data collected from hospitals shall comply with the following | 2 |
| requirements: | 3 |
| (1) The confidentiality of patient records shall be | 4 |
| maintained in accordance with State and federal laws. | 5 |
| (2) Hospital proprietary information and the names of | 6 |
| any hospital administrator, health care professional, or | 7 |
| employee shall not be subject to disclosure. | 8 |
| (3) Information submitted to the Department shall be | 9 |
| privileged and strictly confidential and shall be used only | 10 |
| for the evaluation and improvement of hospital stroke care. | 11 |
| Stroke data collected by the Department shall not be | 12 |
| directly available to the public and shall not be subject | 13 |
| to civil subpoena, nor discoverable or admissible in any | 14 |
| civil, criminal, or administrative proceeding against a | 15 |
| health care facility or health care professional. | 16 |
| (e) The Department may administer a data collection system | 17 |
| to collect data that is already reported by designated Primary | 18 |
| Stroke Centers to their certifying body, to fulfill Primary | 19 |
| Stroke Center certification requirements. Primary Stroke | 20 |
| Centers may provide complete copies of the same reports that | 21 |
| are submitted to their certifying body, to satisfy any | 22 |
| Department reporting requirements. In the event the Department | 23 |
| establishes reporting requirements for designated Primary | 24 |
| Stroke Centers, the Department shall permit each designated | 25 |
| Primary Stroke Center to capture information using existing | 26 |
| electronic reporting tools used for certification purposes. |
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LRB096 07995 KTG 23318 a |
| 1 |
| Nothing in this Section shall be construed to empower the | 2 |
| Department to specify the form of internal recordkeeping. Three | 3 |
| years from the effective date of this amendatory Act of the | 4 |
| 96th General Assembly, the Department may post stroke data | 5 |
| submitted by Primary Stroke Centers on its website, subject to | 6 |
| the following: | 7 |
| (1) Data collection and analytical methodologies shall | 8 |
| be used that meet accepted standards of validity and | 9 |
| reliability before any information is made available to the | 10 |
| public. | 11 |
| (2) The limitations of the data sources and analytic | 12 |
| methodologies used to develop comparative hospital | 13 |
| information shall be clearly identified and acknowledged, | 14 |
| including, but not limited to, the appropriate and | 15 |
| inappropriate uses of the data. | 16 |
| (3) To the greatest extent possible, comparative | 17 |
| hospital information initiatives shall use standard-based | 18 |
| norms derived from widely accepted provider-developed | 19 |
| practice guidelines. | 20 |
| (4) Comparative hospital information and other | 21 |
| information that the Department has compiled regarding | 22 |
| hospitals shall be shared with the hospitals under review | 23 |
| prior to public dissemination of the information. | 24 |
| Hospitals have 30 days to make corrections and to add | 25 |
| helpful explanatory comments about the information before | 26 |
| the publication. |
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LRB096 07995 KTG 23318 a |
| 1 |
| (5) Comparisons among hospitals shall adjust for | 2 |
| patient case mix and other relevant risk factors and | 3 |
| control for provider peer groups, when appropriate. | 4 |
| (6) Effective safeguards to protect against the | 5 |
| unauthorized use or disclosure of hospital information | 6 |
| shall be developed and implemented. | 7 |
| (7) Effective safeguards to protect against the | 8 |
| dissemination of inconsistent, incomplete, invalid, | 9 |
| inaccurate, or subjective hospital data shall be developed | 10 |
| and implemented. | 11 |
| (8) The quality and accuracy of hospital information | 12 |
| reported under this Act and its data collection, analysis, | 13 |
| and dissemination methodologies shall be evaluated | 14 |
| regularly. | 15 |
| (9) None of the information the Department discloses to | 16 |
| the public under this Act may be used to establish a | 17 |
| standard of care in a private civil action. | 18 |
| (10) The Department shall disclose information under | 19 |
| this Section in accordance with provisions for inspection | 20 |
| and copying of public records required by the Freedom of | 21 |
| Information Act, provided that the information satisfies | 22 |
| the provisions of this Section. | 23 |
| (11) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, under | 24 |
| no circumstances shall the Department disclose information | 25 |
| obtained from a hospital that is confidential under Part 21 | 26 |
| of Article VIII of the Code of Civil Procedure. |
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LRB096 07995 KTG 23318 a |
| 1 |
| (12) No hospital report or Department disclosure may | 2 |
| contain information identifying a patient, employee, or | 3 |
| licensed professional. | 4 |
| (210 ILCS 50/3.118.5 new) | 5 |
| Sec. 3.118.5. State Stroke Advisory Subcommittee; triage | 6 |
| and transport of possible acute stroke patients. | 7 |
| (a) There shall be established within the State Emergency | 8 |
| Medical Services Advisory Council, or other statewide body | 9 |
| responsible for emergency health care, a standing State Stroke | 10 |
| Advisory Subcommittee, which shall serve as an advisory body to | 11 |
| the Council and the Department on matters related to the | 12 |
| triage, treatment, and transport of possible acute stroke | 13 |
| patients. Membership on the Committee shall be as | 14 |
| geographically diverse as possible and include one | 15 |
| representative from each Regional Stroke Advisory | 16 |
| Subcommittee, to be chosen by each Regional Stroke Advisory | 17 |
| Subcommittee. The Director shall appoint additional members, | 18 |
| as needed, to ensure there is adequate representation from the | 19 |
| following: | 20 |
| (1) an EMS Medical Director; | 21 |
| (2) a hospital administrator, or designee, from a | 22 |
| Primary Stroke Center; | 23 |
| (3) a hospital administrator, or designee, from a | 24 |
| hospital capable of providing emergent stroke care that is | 25 |
| not a Primary Stroke Center; |
09600SB1516sam001 |
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LRB096 07995 KTG 23318 a |
| 1 |
| (4) a registered nurse from a Primary Stroke Center; | 2 |
| (5) a registered nurse from a hospital capable of | 3 |
| providing emergent stroke care that is not a Primary Stroke | 4 |
| Center; | 5 |
| (6) a neurologist from a Primary Stroke Center; | 6 |
| (7) an emergency department physician from a hospital, | 7 |
| capable of providing emergent stroke care, that is not a | 8 |
| Primary Stroke Center; | 9 |
| (8) an EMS Coordinator; | 10 |
| (9) an acute stroke patient advocate; | 11 |
| (10) a fire chief, or designee, from an EMS Region that | 12 |
| serves a population of over 2,000,000 people; | 13 |
| (11) a fire chief, or designee, from a rural EMS | 14 |
| Region; | 15 |
| (12) a representative from a private ambulance | 16 |
| provider; and | 17 |
| (13) a representative from the State Emergency Medical | 18 |
| Services Advisory Council. | 19 |
| (b) Of the members first appointed, 7 members shall be | 20 |
| appointed for a term of one year, 7 members shall be appointed | 21 |
| for a term of 2 years, and the remaining members shall be | 22 |
| appointed for a term of 3 years. The terms of subsequent | 23 |
| appointees shall be 3 years. | 24 |
| (c) The State Stroke Advisory Subcommittee shall be | 25 |
| provided a 90-day period in which to review and comment upon | 26 |
| all rules proposed by the Department pursuant to this Act |
09600SB1516sam001 |
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LRB096 07995 KTG 23318 a |
| 1 |
| concerning stroke care, except for emergency rules adopted | 2 |
| pursuant to Section 5-45 of the Illinois Administrative | 3 |
| Procedure Act. The 90-day review and comment period shall | 4 |
| commence prior to publication of the proposed rules and upon | 5 |
| the Department's submission of the proposed rules to the | 6 |
| individual Committee members, if the Committee is not meeting | 7 |
| at the time the proposed rules are ready for Committee review. | 8 |
| (d) The State Stroke Advisory Subcommittee shall develop | 9 |
| and submit an evidence-based statewide stroke assessment tool | 10 |
| to clinically evaluate potential stroke patients to the | 11 |
| Department for final approval. Upon approval, the Department | 12 |
| shall disseminate the tool to all EMS Systems for adoption. The | 13 |
| Director shall post the Department-approved stroke assessment | 14 |
| tool on the Department's website. The State Stroke Advisory | 15 |
| Subcommittee shall review the Department-approved stroke | 16 |
| assessment tool at least annually to ensure its clinical | 17 |
| relevancy and to make changes when clinically warranted. | 18 |
| (e) Nothing in this Section shall preclude the State Stroke | 19 |
| Advisory Subcommittee from reviewing and commenting on | 20 |
| proposed rules which fall under the purview of the State | 21 |
| Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council. Nothing in this | 22 |
| Section shall preclude the Emergency Medical Services Advisory | 23 |
| Council from reviewing and commenting on proposed rules which | 24 |
| fall under the purview of the State Stroke Advisory | 25 |
| Subcommittee. | 26 |
| (f) The Director shall coordinate with and assist the EMS |
09600SB1516sam001 |
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LRB096 07995 KTG 23318 a |
| 1 |
| System Medical Directors and Regional Stroke Advisory | 2 |
| Subcommittee within each EMS Region to establish protocols | 3 |
| related to the assessment, treatment, and transport of possible | 4 |
| acute stroke patients by licensed emergency medical services | 5 |
| providers. These protocols shall include regional transport | 6 |
| plans for the triage and transport of possible acute stroke | 7 |
| patients to the most appropriate Primary Stroke Center or | 8 |
| Emergent Stroke Ready Hospital, unless circumstances warrant | 9 |
| otherwise. | 10 |
| (210 ILCS 50/3.119 new) | 11 |
| Sec. 3.119. Stroke Care; restricted practices. Sections in | 12 |
| this Act pertaining to Primary Stroke Centers and Emergent | 13 |
| Stroke Ready Hospitals are not medical practice guidelines and | 14 |
| shall not be used to restrict the authority of a hospital to | 15 |
| provide services for which it has received a license under | 16 |
| State law.
| 17 |
| (210 ILCS 50/3.130)
| 18 |
| Sec. 3.130. Violations; Plans of Correction. Except for | 19 |
| emergency suspension orders, or actions
initiated pursuant to | 20 |
| Sections 3.117(a), 3.117(b), and Section 3.90(b)(10) of this | 21 |
| Act, prior
to initiating an action for suspension, revocation, | 22 |
| denial,
nonrenewal, or imposition of a fine pursuant to this | 23 |
| Act,
the Department shall:
| 24 |
| (a) Issue a Notice of Violation which specifies
the |
09600SB1516sam001 |
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LRB096 07995 KTG 23318 a |
| 1 |
| Department's allegations of noncompliance and requests a
plan | 2 |
| of correction to be submitted within 10 days after
receipt of | 3 |
| the Notice of Violation;
| 4 |
| (b) Review and approve or reject the plan of
correction. If | 5 |
| the Department rejects the plan of
correction, it shall send | 6 |
| notice of the rejection and the
reason for the rejection. The | 7 |
| party shall have 10 days
after receipt of the notice of | 8 |
| rejection in which to submit
a modified plan;
| 9 |
| (c) Impose a plan of correction if a modified plan
is not | 10 |
| submitted in a timely manner or if the modified plan is
| 11 |
| rejected by the Department;
| 12 |
| (d) Issue a Notice of Intent to fine, suspend,
revoke, | 13 |
| nonrenew or deny if the party has failed to comply with the
| 14 |
| imposed plan of correction, and provide the party with an
| 15 |
| opportunity to request an administrative hearing. The
Notice of | 16 |
| Intent shall be effected by certified mail or by
personal | 17 |
| service, shall set forth the particular reasons for
the | 18 |
| proposed action, and shall provide the party with 15
days in | 19 |
| which to request a hearing.
| 20 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-177, eff. 7-19-95.)
| 21 |
| (210 ILCS 50/3.200)
| 22 |
| Sec. 3.200.
State Emergency Medical Services Advisory
| 23 |
| Council.
| 24 |
| (a) There shall be established within the Department
of | 25 |
| Public Health a State Emergency Medical Services Advisory
09600SB1516sam001 |
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LRB096 07995 KTG 23318 a |
| 1 |
| Council, which shall serve as an advisory body to the
| 2 |
| Department on matters related to this Act.
| 3 |
| (b) Membership of the Council shall include one
| 4 |
| representative from each EMS Region, to be appointed by each
| 5 |
| region's EMS Regional Advisory Committee. The Governor
shall | 6 |
| appoint additional members to the Council as necessary
to | 7 |
| insure that the Council includes one representative from
each | 8 |
| of the following categories:
| 9 |
| (1) EMS Medical Director,
| 10 |
| (2) Trauma Center Medical Director,
| 11 |
| (3) Licensed, practicing physician with
regular and | 12 |
| frequent involvement in the provision of emergency care,
| 13 |
| (4) Licensed, practicing physician with
special | 14 |
| expertise in the surgical care of the trauma patient,
| 15 |
| (5) EMS System Coordinator,
| 16 |
| (6) TNS,
| 17 |
| (7) EMT-P,
| 18 |
| (8) EMT-I,
| 19 |
| (9) EMT-B,
| 20 |
| (10) Private vehicle service provider,
| 21 |
| (11) Law enforcement officer,
| 22 |
| (12) Chief of a public vehicle service provider,
| 23 |
| (13) Statewide firefighters' union member
affiliated | 24 |
| with a vehicle service provider,
| 25 |
| (14) Administrative representative from a fire
| 26 |
| department vehicle service provider in a municipality with |
09600SB1516sam001 |
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LRB096 07995 KTG 23318 a |
| 1 |
| a
population of over 2 million people;
| 2 |
| (15) Administrative representative from a
Resource | 3 |
| Hospital or EMS System Administrative Director.
| 4 |
| (c) Of the members first appointed, 5 members
shall be | 5 |
| appointed for a term of one year, 5 members shall be
appointed | 6 |
| for a term of 2 years, and the remaining members
shall be | 7 |
| appointed for a term of 3 years. The terms of
subsequent | 8 |
| appointees shall be 3 years. All appointees
shall serve until | 9 |
| their successors are appointed and
| 10 |
| (d) The Council shall be provided a 90-day period
in which | 11 |
| to review and comment , in consultation with the subcommittee to | 12 |
| which the rules are relevant, upon all rules proposed by the
| 13 |
| Department pursuant to this Act, except for rules adopted
| 14 |
| pursuant to Section 3.190(a) of this Act, rules submitted to
| 15 |
| the State Trauma Advisory Council and emergency rules
adopted | 16 |
| pursuant to Section 5-45 of the Illinois
Administrative | 17 |
| Procedure Act. The 90-day review and comment
period may | 18 |
| commence upon the Department's submission of the
proposed rules | 19 |
| to the individual Council members, if the
Council is not | 20 |
| meeting at the time the proposed rules are
ready for Council | 21 |
| review. Any non-emergency rules adopted
prior to the Council's | 22 |
| 90-day review and comment period
shall be null and void. If the | 23 |
| Council fails to advise the
Department within its 90-day review | 24 |
| and comment period, the
rule shall be considered acted upon.
| 25 |
| (e) Council members shall be reimbursed for
reasonable | 26 |
| travel expenses incurred during the performance of their
duties |
09600SB1516sam001 |
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LRB096 07995 KTG 23318 a |
| 1 |
| under this Section.
| 2 |
| (f) The Department shall provide administrative
support to | 3 |
| the Council for the preparation of the agenda and
minutes for | 4 |
| Council meetings and distribution of proposed
rules to Council | 5 |
| members.
| 6 |
| (g) The Council shall act pursuant to bylaws which
it | 7 |
| adopts, which shall include the annual election of a Chair
and | 8 |
| Vice-Chair.
| 9 |
| (h) The Director or his designee shall be present
at all | 10 |
| Council meetings.
| 11 |
| (i) Nothing in this Section shall preclude the
Council from | 12 |
| reviewing and commenting on proposed rules which fall
under the | 13 |
| purview of the State Trauma Advisory Council.
| 14 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-177, eff. 7-19-95; 90-655, eff. 7-30-98.)
| 15 |
| (210 ILCS 50/3.226 new) | 16 |
| Sec. 3.226. Hospital Stroke Care Fund. | 17 |
| (a) The Hospital Stroke Care Fund is created as a special | 18 |
| fund in the State treasury for the purpose of receiving | 19 |
| appropriations, donations, and grants collected by the | 20 |
| Illinois Department of Public Health pursuant to Department | 21 |
| designation of Primary Stroke Centers and Emergent Stroke Ready | 22 |
| Hospitals. All moneys collected by the Department pursuant to | 23 |
| its authority to designate Primary Stroke Centers and Emergent | 24 |
| Stroke Ready Hospitals shall be deposited into the Fund, to be | 25 |
| used for the purposes in subsection (b). |
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LRB096 07995 KTG 23318 a |
| 1 |
| (b) The purpose of the Fund is to allow the Director of the | 2 |
| Department to award matching grants to hospitals that have been | 3 |
| certified Primary Stroke Centers, that seek certification or | 4 |
| designation or both as Primary Stroke Centers, that have been | 5 |
| designated Emergent Stroke Ready Hospitals, that seek | 6 |
| designation as Emergent Stroke Ready Hospitals, and for the | 7 |
| development of stroke networks. Hospitals may use grant funds | 8 |
| to work with the EMS System to improve outcomes of possible | 9 |
| acute stroke patients. | 10 |
| (c) Moneys deposited in the Hospital Stroke Care Fund shall | 11 |
| be allocated according to the hospital needs within each EMS | 12 |
| region and used solely for the purposes described in this Act. | 13 |
| (d) Interfund transfers from the Hospital Stroke Care Fund | 14 |
| shall be prohibited. ".