Full Text of SB1725 96th General Assembly
SB1725 Enrolled |
LRB096 07482 RLC 17575 b |
| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning criminal law.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 5. The Children and Family Services Act is amended | 5 |
| by changing Section 17a-5 as follows:
| 6 |
| (20 ILCS 505/17a-5) (from Ch. 23, par. 5017a-5)
| 7 |
| Sec. 17a-5.
The Department of Human Services shall be | 8 |
| successor to the
Department of Children and Family Services in | 9 |
| the latter Department's capacity
as successor to the Illinois | 10 |
| Law Enforcement
Commission in the functions of that Commission | 11 |
| relating to juvenile justice
and the federal Juvenile Justice | 12 |
| and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974
as amended, and shall | 13 |
| have the powers, duties and functions specified in
this Section | 14 |
| relating to juvenile justice and the federal Juvenile Justice
| 15 |
| and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as amended.
| 16 |
| (1) Definitions. As used in this Section:
| 17 |
| (a) "juvenile justice system" means all activities by | 18 |
| public or private
agencies or persons pertaining to the | 19 |
| handling of youth involved or having
contact with the | 20 |
| police, courts or corrections;
| 21 |
| (b) "unit of general local government" means any | 22 |
| county, municipality
or other general purpose political | 23 |
| subdivision of this State;
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| (c) "Commission" means the Illinois Juvenile Justice
| 2 |
| Commission provided for in Section 17a-9 of this Act.
| 3 |
| (2) Powers and Duties of Department. The Department of | 4 |
| Human Services
shall serve as the
official State Planning | 5 |
| Agency for juvenile justice for the State of Illinois
and in | 6 |
| that capacity is authorized and empowered to discharge any and | 7 |
| all
responsibilities imposed on such bodies by the federal | 8 |
| Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as | 9 |
| amended, specifically the
of status | 10 |
| offenders, separation of juveniles and adults in municipal and
| 11 |
| county jails, removal of juveniles from county and municipal | 12 |
| jails and
of compliance with these mandates. In | 13 |
| furtherance thereof, the Department
has the powers and duties | 14 |
| set forth in paragraphs 3 through 15 of this Section:
| 15 |
| (3) To develop annual comprehensive plans based on analysis | 16 |
| of juvenile
crime problems and juvenile justice and delinquency | 17 |
| prevention needs in
the State, for the improvement of juvenile | 18 |
| justice throughout the State,
such plans to be in accordance | 19 |
| with the federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention | 20 |
| Act of 1974, as amended;
| 21 |
| (4) To define, develop and correlate programs and projects | 22 |
| relating to
administration of juvenile justice for the State | 23 |
| and units of general local
government within the State or for | 24 |
| combinations of such units for
improvement in law enforcement:
| 25 |
| (5) To advise, assist and make recommendations to the | 26 |
| Governor as to how
to achieve a more efficient and effective |
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| juvenile justice system;
| 2 |
| (5.1) To develop recommendations to ensure the effective | 3 |
| reintegration of youth offenders into communities to which they | 4 |
| are returning. The Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission, | 5 |
| utilizing available information provided by the Department of | 6 |
| Juvenile Justice, the Prisoner Review Board, the Illinois | 7 |
| Criminal Justice Information Authority, and any other relevant | 8 |
| State agency, shall develop by September 30, 2009, a report on | 9 |
| juveniles who have been the subject of a parole revocation | 10 |
| within the past year in Illinois. The report shall provide | 11 |
| information on the number of youth confined in the Department | 12 |
| of Juvenile Justice for revocation based on a technical parole | 13 |
| violation, the length of time the youth spent on parole prior | 14 |
| to the revocation, the nature of the committing offense that | 15 |
| served as the basis for the original commitment, demographic | 16 |
| information including age, race, sex, and zip code of the | 17 |
| underlying offense and the conduct leading to revocation. In | 18 |
| addition, the Juvenile Justice Commission shall develop | 19 |
| recommendations to: | 20 |
| (A) recommend the development of a tracking system to | 21 |
| provide quarterly statewide reports on youth released from | 22 |
| the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice including | 23 |
| lengths of stay in the Illinois Department of Juvenile | 24 |
| Justice prior to release, length of monitoring | 25 |
| post-release, pre-release services provided to each youth, | 26 |
| violations of release conditions including length of |
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| release prior to violation, nature of violation, and | 2 |
| intermediate sanctions offered prior to violation; | 3 |
| (B) recommend outcome measures of educational | 4 |
| attainment, employment, homelessness, recidivism, and | 5 |
| other appropriate measures that can be used to assess the | 6 |
| performance of the State of Illinois in operating youth | 7 |
| offender reentry programs. | 8 |
| The Juvenile Justice Commission shall include information | 9 |
| and recommendations on the effectiveness of the State's | 10 |
| juvenile reentry programming, including progress on the | 11 |
| recommendations in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph | 12 |
| (5.1), in its annual submission of recommendations to the | 13 |
| Governor and the General Assembly on matters relative to its | 14 |
| function, and in its annual juvenile justice plan. This | 15 |
| paragraph (5.1) may be cited as the Youth Reentry Improvement | 16 |
| Law of 2009; | 17 |
| (6) To act as a central repository for federal, State, | 18 |
| regional and local
research studies, plans, projects, and | 19 |
| proposals relating to the improvement
of the juvenile justice | 20 |
| system;
| 21 |
| (7) To act as a clearing house for information relating to | 22 |
| all aspects
of juvenile justice system improvement;
| 23 |
| (8) To undertake research studies to aid in accomplishing | 24 |
| its purposes;
| 25 |
| (9) To establish priorities for the expenditure of funds | 26 |
| made
available by the United States for the improvement of the |
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| juvenile justice
system throughout the State;
| 2 |
| (10) To apply for, receive, allocate, disburse, and account | 3 |
| for grants
of funds made available by the United States | 4 |
| pursuant to the federal Juvenile
Justice and Delinquency | 5 |
| Prevention Act of 1974, as amended; and such other
similar | 6 |
| legislation as may be enacted from time to time in order to | 7 |
| plan,
establish, operate, coordinate, and evaluate projects | 8 |
| directly or through
grants and contracts with public and | 9 |
| private agencies for the development
of more effective | 10 |
| education, training, research, prevention, diversion,
| 11 |
| treatment and rehabilitation programs in the area of juvenile | 12 |
| delinquency
and programs to improve the juvenile justice | 13 |
| system;
| 14 |
| (11) To insure that no more than the maximum percentage of | 15 |
| the total annual
State allotment of juvenile justice funds be | 16 |
| utilized for the administration
of such funds;
| 17 |
| (12) To provide at least 66-2/3 per centum of funds | 18 |
| received by the State
under the Juvenile Justice and | 19 |
| Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, as amended,
are expended | 20 |
| through:
| 21 |
| (a) programs of units of general local government or | 22 |
| combinations thereof,
to the extent such programs are | 23 |
| consistent with the State plan; and
| 24 |
| (b) programs of local private agencies, to the extent | 25 |
| such programs are
consistent with the State plan;
| 26 |
| (13) To enter into agreements with the United States |
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| government
which may be required as a condition of obtaining | 2 |
| federal funds;
| 3 |
| (14) To enter into contracts and cooperate with units of | 4 |
| general local
government or combinations of such units, State | 5 |
| agencies, and private
of all types, for the | 6 |
| purpose of carrying out the duties of the Department
imposed by | 7 |
| this Section or by federal law or
| 8 |
| (15) To exercise all other powers that are reasonable and | 9 |
| necessary to
fulfill its functions under applicable federal law | 10 |
| or to further the
purposes of this Section.
| 11 |
| (Source: P.A. 89-507, eff. 7-1-97.)
| 12 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | 13 |
| becoming law. |