HR1107HAM001LRB097 20912 KXB 70256 a


2    AMENDMENT NO. ___. Amend House Resolution 1107 on page 2,
3by replacing lines 10 through 22 and lines 1 through 3 on page
43 with the following:
5    "RESOLVED, That the Task Force shall be composed of the
6following members: the Director of the Illinois Department of
7Insurance or his or her designee, the Director of the Illinois
8State Police or his or her designee, the Director of the
9Criminal Justice Information Authority or his or her designee;
10the Attorney General or his or her designee; the Cook County
11State's Attorney or his or her designee; the Superintendent of
12the Chicago Police Department or his or her designee; a local
13Police Chief designated by a statewide organization
14representing police chiefs selected by the Governor; a County
15Sheriff designated by a statewide organization representing
16sheriffs selected by the Governor; 3 property and casualty
17insurance companies designated by a statewide organization



HR1107HAM001- 2 -LRB097 20912 KXB 70256 a

1representing insurance companies selected by the Governor; the
2President of the National Insurance Crime Bureau or his or her
3designee; the President of an organization representing
4insurance companies selected by the Governor, or his or her
5designee; and the Governor of the State of Illinois or his or
6her designee; and be it further
7    RESOLVED, That the Illinois Department of Insurance shall
8provide personnel, office space, and administrative support as
9needed to fulfill the duties of the Task Force; and be it