Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB4208
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB4208  100th General Assembly





August 26, 2018


To the Honorable Members of

The Illinois House of Representatives,

100th General Assembly:


Today I return House Bill 4208 with specific recommendations for change.


This bill is intended to address rates of disproportionate disciplinary action in public schools by imposing explicit timelines on existing Illinois State Board of Education reporting requirements and by creating a new Safe Schools and Healthy Learning Environments Grant Program.


Illinois continues to grapple with startling disparities in the use of exclusionary discipline practices. It is our duty to provide students with a safe and fair learning environment, and I have consistently demonstrated my commitment to this issue as exemplified by my support of previous reforms such as those found in Public Act 99-456.


As presented, however, House Bill 4208 prevents schools from using grant funds to “increase the use of school based law enforcement or security personnel.” Localities should have the opportunity to pursue the best solutions to the disciplinary disparities in their own communities. This restriction undermines the value of law enforcement personnel who have dedicated their lives to keeping schools safe.


Therefore, pursuant to Section 9(e) of Article IV of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, I hereby return House Bill 4208, entitled “AN ACT concerning education,” with the following recommendation for change:


On page 6, by deleting lines 6 through 9.


With these changes, House Bill 4208 will have my approval. I respectfully request your concurrence.





Bruce Rauner