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2    WHEREAS, Senator Jason Barickman has represented the
3residents of central Illinois with distinction in the General
4Assembly for nearly 12 years; and
5    WHEREAS, Sen. Barickman has served with honor in the
6Senate since January 2013 and in the House of Representatives
7from January 2011 to December 2012; and
8    WHEREAS, Sen. Barickman has striven to be an independent
9voice in favor of limited and responsible governance for our
10State and has demonstrated that there is space for independent
11and thoughtful representation in our increasingly polarized
12political climate; and
13    WHEREAS, Sen. Barickman was selected to participate in the
14inaugural class of the 2012 Edgar Fellows Leadership Program,
15which works to help future leaders bridge bipartisan divides
16and work together, and he continues to be active in that
17program; and
18    WHEREAS, Sen. Barickman has played an important role in
19bringing historic changes to the State of Illinois, as he has
20worked to make the State of Illinois a better place; and



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1    WHEREAS, Sen. Barickman has been a leader of education
2reform initiatives, including legislation providing school
3choice to families struggling to escape failing districts, and
4he played an instrumental role in fixing the education funding
5disparities across the State, ensuring that all children,
6regardless of their zip code, have access to a high-quality
7education; and
8    WHEREAS, Sen. Barickman embraced a pro-growth mindset and
9supported initiatives that fostered new economic opportunities
10in Illinois, including his negotiation of legislation that
11legalized adult-use cannabis, publicly stating that adult use
12of cannabis is largely a personal choice; he has regularly
13been honored for his work in the Illinois General Assembly
14from agriculture and business groups; and
15    WHEREAS, Sen. Barickman championed the notion that
16government should give individuals freedom over their life
17decisions and fairness under the law; in supporting Marriage
18Equality, he said it was simply the right thing to do; and
19    WHEREAS, Sen. Barickman sought to engage our youth in the
20political process and created the Senator Barickman Youth
21Advisory Council, in which hundreds of central Illinois high
22school students participated and were encouraged to be active
23and engaged citizens; the program has been expanded throughout



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1the State; and
2    WHEREAS, As the Floor Leader for the Senate Republican
3Caucus, Sen. Barickman has been able to serve as an important
4voice for his Republican colleagues on numerous important and
5controversial bills; and
6    WHEREAS, Sen. Barickman has embraced the notion of a
7citizen legislator, continuously maintaining his professional
8endeavors outside of the General Assembly, including as a
9partner in a real estate company and as an attorney, as well as
10an occasional adjunct college professor at his alma matter,
11Illinois State University; and
12    WHEREAS, Sen. Barickman was born on May 1, 1975 and raised
13on a family farm near Streator; he is the son of Jim and Judy
14Barickman and brother to Joel Barickman; and
15    WHEREAS, Sen. Barickman is a proud veteran and served as
16an infantry soldier in the Illinois Army National Guard; and
17    WHEREAS, Sen. Barickman and his wife, Kristin, have three
18young children, August who is eleven years old, Walter who is
19ten years old, and Lianna who is five years old; and
20    WHEREAS, In his tenure as a lawmaker, Sen. Barickman has



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1been able to serve with distinction; and
2    WHEREAS, Lawmakers and legislative staff alike know and
3appreciate Sen. Barickman for his commitment to the people of
4Illinois and to good public policy; therefore, be it
6ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate
7Senator Jason Barickman on his retirement from the Illinois
8General Assembly after more than a decade of honorable and
9dedicated service; and be it further
10    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
11presented to Sen. Barickman with our friendship, our gratitude
12for his hard work, and our best wishes for his future