Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB0219
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB0219  103rd General Assembly


Rep. Jay Hoffman

Filed: 5/16/2023





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 219, AS AMENDED,
3with reference to page and line numbers of House Amendment No.
41, on page 2, line 5, after "2-102", by inserting "or 2-213";
6on page 2, by replacing line 8 with "for healing art
7malpractice or legal malpractice or in an action against the
8State or unit of local government or an employee of the State
9or an employee of a unit of local government in his or her";
11on page 2, line 25, after "person.", by inserting "Nothing in
12this Section affects the applicability of Section 2-1115 of
13the Code of Civil Procedure or Section 2-102 or 2-213 of the
14Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity
15Act. Punitive damages are not available in an action for
16healing art malpractice or legal malpractice or in an action



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1against the State or unit of local government or an employee of
2the State or an employee of a unit of local government in his
3or her official capacity."; and
4on page 8, line 6, after "2-102", by inserting "or 2-213"; and
5on page 8, line 8, after "action", by inserting "for healing
6art malpractice or legal malpractice or in an action"; and
7on page 8, by replacing line 9 with "State or unit of local
8government or an employee of the State or an employee of a unit
9of local government in his or her official".