Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB2054
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB2054  103rd General Assembly


Sen. Adriane Johnson

Filed: 4/21/2023





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 2054 on page 79,
3line 23, by replacing "Section 3-2.5-15" with "Sections
43-2.5-15 and 3-2.5-100"; and
5on page 83, by inserting immediately below line 5 the
7    "(730 ILCS 5/3-2.5-100)
8    Sec. 3-2.5-100. Length of aftercare release; discharge.
9    (a) The aftercare release term of a youth committed to the
10Department under the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 shall be as set
11out in Section 5-750 of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987, unless
12sooner terminated under subsection (b) of this Section, as
13otherwise provided by law, or as ordered by the court. The
14aftercare release term of youth committed to the Department as
15a habitual or violent juvenile offender under Section 5-815 or
165-820 of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 shall continue until



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1the youth's 21st birthday unless sooner terminated under
2subsection (c) of this Section, as otherwise provided by law,
3or as ordered by the court.
4    (b) Provided that the youth is in compliance with the
5terms and conditions of his or her aftercare release, the
6Department of Juvenile Justice may reduce the period of a
7releasee's aftercare release by 90 days upon the releasee
8receiving a high school diploma or upon passage of high school
9equivalency testing during the period of his or her aftercare
10release. This reduction in the period of a youth's term of
11aftercare release shall be available only to youth who have
12not previously earned a high school diploma or who have not
13previously passed high school equivalency testing.
14    (c) The Department of Juvenile Justice may discharge a
15youth from aftercare release and his or her commitment to the
16Department in accordance with subsection (3) of Section 5-750
17of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987, if it determines that he or
18she is likely to remain at liberty without committing another
20    (d) Upon the discharge of a youth, the Department may
21continue to provide services to the youth for up to 12 months
22to allow the youth to participate in vocational,
23rehabilitative, or supportive programs. The continuance of
24services may be requested by the youth, the youth's parent or
25guardian, or the Director of Juvenile Justice.
26(Source: P.A. 99-628, eff. 1-1-17.)".