Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB2838
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB2838  103rd General Assembly


Rep. Lindsey LaPointe

Filed: 3/21/2023





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 2838 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4    "Section 5. The Mental Health and Developmental
5Disabilities Administrative Act is amended by adding Sections
671B and 71C as follows:
7    (20 ILCS 1705/71B new)
8    Sec. 71B. Behavioral Health Education and Supervision
10    (a) The Behavioral Health Education and Supervision Fund
11is created in the State treasury as a special fund.
12    (b) The Fund is created for the purpose of funding
13scholarships and grants in the behavioral health field as
14provided in Section 71C of this Act and Section 65.120 of the
15Higher Education Student Assistance Act.



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1    (20 ILCS 1705/71C new)
2    Sec. 71C. Intern and Supervision Access Program.
3    (a) As used in this Section:
4    "Federally qualified health center" means a health center
5funded under Section 330 of the federal Public Health Service
7    "FQHC Look-Alike" means a health center that meets the
8requirements for receiving a grant under Section 330 of the
9federal Public Health Service Act but does not receive funding
10under that Act.
11    "Part-time" means working at least 20 hours a week.
12    "Qualified individual or entity" means:
13        (1) a student pursuing a degree or certificate in
14    behavioral health who interns at a community
15    not-for-profit behavioral health agency, federally
16    qualified health center, or FQHC Look-Alike; or
17        (2) a community not-for-profit behavioral health
18    agency, federally qualified health center, FQHC look-alike
19    and any association representing them that seeks to
20    establish or expand clinical supervision or supervision
21    for supervised work experience of interns and behavioral
22    health providers-in-training pursuing licensure as a
23    licensed clinical social worker, licensed clinical
24    professional counselor, and licensed marriage and family
25    therapist.
26    (b) Subject to appropriation, the Department of Human



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1Services shall establish the Intern and Supervision Access
2Program to provide grants to qualified individuals who intern
3for community not-for-profit behavioral health agencies,
4federally qualified health centers, or FQHC Look-Alikes and
5qualified entities who seek to establish or expand clinical
6supervision or supervision for supervised work experience of
7interns and behavioral health providers-in-training pursuing
8licensure as a licensed clinical social worker, licensed
9clinical professional counselor, and licensed marriage and
10family therapist.
11    (c) Under the Program, the Department shall provide
12financial assistance to qualified individuals and entities.
13    (d) A person who is a qualified individual under paragraph
14(1) of subsection (a) is eligible to receive a grant to
15compensate the individual for work as a intern. The grant
16amount shall provide an equivalent amount of compensation to
17the individual similar to the expected market rate of a person
18performing similar duties as the individual in either a
19community profit or not-for-profit behavioral health agency,
20federally qualified health center, or FQHC Look-Alike.
21    (e) A qualified entity under paragraph (2) of subsection
22(a) is eligible to receive a grant to establish new or expand
23existing clinical supervision or supervision for supervised
24work experience of interns and behavioral health
25providers-in-training pursuing licensure as a licensed
26clinical social worker, licensed clinical professional



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1counselor, and licensed marriage and family therapist.
2    (f) The Department may use moneys from the Behavioral
3Health Education and Supervision Program Fund to fund the
4Intern and Supervision Access Program as described under this
6    (g) The Department shall adopt rules to implement this
8    Section 10. The State Finance Act is amended by adding
9Section 5.990 as follows:
10    (30 ILCS 105/5.990 new)
11    Sec. 5.990. The Behavioral Health Education and
12Supervision Fund.
13    Section 15. The Higher Education Student Assistance Act is
14amended by adding Section 65.120 as follows:
15    (110 ILCS 947/65.120 new)
16    Sec. 65.120. Behavioral Health Scholarship Program.
17    (a) As used in this Section:
18    "Behavioral health discipline" means:
19        (1) undergraduate behavioral health disciplines that
20    may be offered through institutions of higher education,
21    including, but not limited to, psychology, social work,
22    and counseling;



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1        (2) graduate behavioral health disciplines, including,
2    but not limited to, clinical or counseling psychology,
3    counseling, social work, and marriage and family therapy;
4        (3) Medical doctors, doctors of osteopathic medicine,
5    registered nurses, advanced practice registered nurses
6    with specialties in psychiatry or mental health; and
7        (4) certified behavioral health disciplines, including
8    but not limited to certified recovery support specialists
9    and certified peer recovery specialists.
10    "Eligible applicant" means a student who is enrolled in a
11program of study at a participating college, community college
12or university and who meets all of the qualifications and
13requirements under this Section.
14    "Federally qualified health center" means a health center
15funded under Section 330 of the federal Public Health Service
17    "FQHC Look-Alike" means a health center that meets the
18requirements for receiving a grant under Section 330 of the
19federal Public Health Service Act but does not receive funding
20under that Act.
21    "Part-time employment" means working at least 20 hours a
23    "Participating college, community college or university"
24means a institution of higher education that is a party to an
25intergovernmental agreement entered into with the Commission
26in order to participate in the program established under this



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2    "Tuition, university fees, and books" includes the
3customary charge for instruction and books or course material
4and the additional fixed fees charged for purposes that are
5required generally of students who are not Program applicants
6under this Section for each academic year for which a Program
7applicant under this Section actually enrolls. "Tuition,
8university fees, and books" does not include room and board,
9transportation fees, fees payable only once, breakage fees,
10and other contingent deposits that are refundable in whole or
11in part. The Commission may adopt, by rule not inconsistent
12with this Section, detailed provisions concerning the
13computation of tuition, university fees, and books.
14    (b) Subject to appropriation, beginning with the 2024-2025
15academic year, the Commission shall establish and administer
16the Behavioral Health Scholarship Program for the purpose of
17incentivizing students to pursue degrees in a behavioral
18health discipline. The Commission shall enter into agreements
19with institutions of higher education to participate in the
20Program. Under the Program, the Commission shall provide
21financial assistance to an eligible applicant.
22    (c) In this subsection (c), "racial minority" means a
23person who is a citizen of the United States or a lawful
24permanent resident alien of the United States and who is:
25        (1) Black (a person having origins in any of the black
26    racial groups in Africa);



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1        (2) Hispanic (a person of Spanish or Portuguese
2    culture with origins in Mexico, South or Central America,
3    or the Caribbean Islands, regardless of race);
4        (3) Asian American (a person having origins in any of
5    the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the
6    Indian subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands); or
7        (4) American Indian or Alaskan Native (a person having
8    origins in any of the original peoples of North America).
9    Subject to appropriation, the Commission shall award
10financial assistance in the form of a scholarship to an
11applicant to cover the cost of tuition, university fees, and
12books each year for a maximum of 4 years at a participating
13college, community college or university if the applicant
14meets all of the following criteria:
15        (1) The applicant is a resident of this State or a
16    child of a noncitizen of the United States.
17        (2) The applicant has committed to work in a community
18    not-for-profit behavioral health agency, federally
19    qualified health center, or FQHC Look-Alike for at least 4
20    years.
21        (3) The applicant fully graduates or fully completes
22    the degree or certification.
23    The amount of the scholarship awarded to a student
24attending a private college or university shall be the cost of
25tuition, university fees, and books each year at the public
26university with the highest cost of tuition, university fees,



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1and books each year in the State. Any scholarship awarded to a
2qualified applicant attending a private college or university
3may not preclude the eligible applicant from using other
4funding sources to pay for tuition and other costs not covered
5by the Program.
6    In awarding scholarships, the Commission shall give
7priority to those applicants who are members of a racial
9    (d) Each participating college, community college or
10university shall post on its website the criteria and
11eligibility requirements to receive financial assistance under
12this Section and must identify that the financial assistance
13is for a maximum of 4 academic years, with the total amount of
14financial assistance awarded to an eligible applicant not to
15exceed the cost of tuition, university fees, and books or a
16higher education student loan. This information must also be
17reported to the Commission and the Board of Higher Education,
18and the Commission and the Board shall post the information on
19the Commission's and Board's respective websites.
20    (e) Prior to receiving financial assistance for any
21academic year, an eligible applicant under this Section shall
22be required by the participating college, community college or
23university to sign an agreement with the Commission under
24which the eligible applicant pledges that, within 6 months
25from the date of the eligible applicant's graduation or
26certificate completion from the participating college,



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1community college or university, the eligible applicant must
2search for, apply for, and accept full-time or part-time
3employment at a community not-for-profit behavioral health
4agency, federally qualified health center, or FQHC Look-Alike.
5The recipient of financial assistance must, for at least 4
6years, maintain this employment.
7    (f) The Commission shall develop rules related to
8scholarship repayment for recipients who (i) fail to search
9for, apply for, and accept full-time or part-time employment
10within a defined time frame, (ii) have changes to their school
11enrollment status, or (iii) have a terminated employment
12status for any reason, including for cause, prior to the
13program's 4-year employment requirement.
14    (g) The Commission may use moneys from the Behavioral
15Health Education and Supervision Fund to fund the Program as
16described under this Section.
17    (h) The Commission shall adopt rules to implement this
18Section and may adopt rules relating to its collection
19activities for the repayment of any financial assistance
20provided under this Section.
21    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
22becoming law.".