Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB3907
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB3907  103rd General Assembly


Rep. Katie Stuart

Filed: 3/25/2024





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 3907 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4    "Section 5. The School Code is amended by adding Section
524-9.5 as follows:
6    (105 ILCS 5/24-9.5 new)
7    Sec. 24-9.5. Teacher planning time.
8    (a) In this Section:
9    "Clinician" means a related service provider, including,
10but not limited to, a school social worker, school
11psychologist, school counselor, school nurse, school
12speech-language pathologist, or school physical or
13occupational therapist.
14    "Duty-free" means the time during which a teacher or
15clinician is not required to supervise students, collaborate
16with other school district employees, or attend meetings,



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1trainings, or conferences of any kind.
2    (b) Every teacher or clinician of a school district who is
3in contact with students at least 50% of the teacher's or
4clinician's contracted workday is entitled to daily,
5duty-free, self-directed plan time. However, an alternative
6duty-free, self-directed plan time schedule may be
7collectively bargained for to accommodate alternative
8school-schedule formats, such as block schedules, or to
9accommodate other educational needs, as agreed upon by the
10exclusive bargaining representative of the teachers or
11clinicians and the school district.
12    (c) If a school district and the exclusive bargaining
13representative of the teachers or clinicians entitled to
14daily, duty-free, self-directed plan time under subsection (b)
15cannot reach an agreement on a defined amount of daily,
16duty-free, self-directed plan time, then the school district
17shall provide each of those teachers or clinicians with 45
18consecutive minutes of daily, duty-free, self-directed plan
20    (d) If a teacher or clinician chooses to relinquish the
21teacher's or clinician's entitlement to daily, duty-free,
22self-directed plan time under subsection (b), then the teacher
23or clinician shall be compensated for that relinquishment at a
24collectively bargained rate of pay.".