Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB4883
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB4883  103rd General Assembly



State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 2/7/2024, by Rep. Jackie Haas


    Authorizes the Director of Natural Resources, on behalf of the State of Illinois, to execute and deliver a quit claim deed to the Forest Preserve District of Will County to real property located in Will County for and in consideration of $1 paid to the Department. Effective immediately.

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1    AN ACT concerning property.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. Property. The Director of Natural Resources, on
5behalf of the State of Illinois, is authorized to execute and
6deliver to the Forest Preserve District of Will County, a
7forest preserve district organized and existing under the laws
8of the State of Illinois, of the County of Will, State of
9Illinois, for and in consideration of $1 paid to the
10Department, a quit claim deed to the following described real
12    Part of Lot 9 in the original subdivision of the Northeast
13    Quarter of said Section 11, Township 34 North, Range 13
14    East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as
15    follows:
16    Commencing at the Southwest corner of the East Half of the
17    Northeast Quarter of said Section 11, said Southwest
18    corner also being the Southwest corner of a 42.067 acre
19    tract of land conveyed to the State of Illinois,
20    Department of Conservation by Warranty Deed dated July 3,
21    1975, and recorded July 10, 1975, as Document No.
22    R75-17163, said 42.067 acre tract being identified as



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1    Parcel A in said Warranty Deed; thence South 89 degrees 48
2    minutes 50 seconds East along the South line of the
3    Northeast Quarter of said Section 11 and the Southerly
4    boundary of said 42.067 acre tract, a distance of 132.00
5    feet to an iron pipe for the Point of Beginning; thence
6    from the Point of Beginning, South 89 degrees 48 minutes
7    50 seconds East along the South line of the Northeast
8    quarter of said Section 11, a distance of 587.00 feet to an
9    iron pipe; thence North 0 degrees 12 minutes 10 seconds
10    West, a distance of 203.00 feet to an iron pipe; thence
11    South 89 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds East, a distance of
12    439.00 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 11 degrees 00
13    minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 92.00 feet to an
14    iron pipe; thence North 58 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds
15    East, a distance of 113.00 feet to an iron pipe set at the
16    point of intersection with the Southerly boundary of said
17    42.067 acre tract; thence North 34 degrees 57 minutes 30
18    seconds West along the boundary of said 42.067 acre tract,
19    a distance of 455.28 feet; thence North 89 degrees 48
20    minutes 50 seconds West along the boundary of 42.067 acre
21    tract, a distance of 880.00 feet; thence South 0 degrees
22    12 minutes 10 seconds East along the boundary of said
23    42.067 acre tract, a distance of 544.31 feet to the Point
24    of Beginning, containing 10.707 acres, more or less.
25    Situated in the County of Will, in the State of Illinois.



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1    Section 10. Conveyance.
2    (a) Upon the payment of the sum of $1 to the Department of
3Natural Resources, and subject to the conditions set forth in
4subsection (b), the Director of Natural Resources, on behalf
5of the State of Illinois and the Department of Natural
6Resources, shall convey by quit claim deed all right, title,
7and interest of the State of Illinois and the Department of
8Natural Resources in and to the real property described in
9Section 5 to the Forest Preserve District of Will County.
10    (b) The conveyance of real property authorized by Section
115 shall be made subject to existing public utilities, existing
12public roads, and any and all reservations, easements,
13encumbrances, covenants, and restrictions of record.
14    (c) The quit claim deed to the Forest Preserve District of
15Will County shall state on its face and be subject to the
16conditions that the real property shall be used by the Forest
17Preserve District of Will County for public purposes, and that
18if the real property is used for any other purposes, or if an
19attempt is made to sell the property, then title shall revert
20without further action to the State of Illinois, Department of
21Natural Resources.
22    Section 15. Recording. The Director of Natural Resources
23shall obtain a certified copy of the portions of this Act
24containing the title, the enacting clause, the effective date,



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1the appropriate Section or Sections containing the land
2descriptions of the property to date and, upon receipt of the
3payment required by the Section or Sections, if any payment is
4required, shall record the certified document in the
5Recorder's Office in the County in which the land is located.
6    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
7becoming law.