Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB5094
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB5094  103rd General Assembly



State of Illinois
2023 and 2024


Introduced 2/8/2024, by Rep. Lindsey LaPointe


New Act

    Creates the Workforce Direct Care Act. Establishes the Behavioral Health Administrative Burden Work Group within the Office of the Chief Behavioral Health Officer. Sets forth membership and responsibilities of the Work Group, including to review policies and regulations affecting the behavioral health industry to identify inefficiencies, duplicate or unnecessary requirements, unduly burdensome restrictions, and other administrative barriers that prevent behavioral health professionals from providing services and to analyze the impact of administrative burdensome the delivery of quality care and access to behavioral health services. Requires the Work Group to meet at least once a month and to prepare an administrative burden reduction plan with policy recommendations to improve access to behavioral health care.

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1    AN ACT concerning regulation.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Workforce Direct Care Expansion Act.
6    Section 5. Purpose and findings.
7    (a) The General Assembly finds that:
8        (1) Administrative activities include processes that
9    require behavioral health professionals and their clients
10    to repeat data collection processes and adhere to a vast
11    and uncoordinated array of requirements.
12        (2) Not only is this duplication a burden on the time
13    and resources of behavioral health professionals, but data
14    collection can also be re-traumatizing to clients as they
15    repeat their presenting problems multiple times to various
16    professionals.
17        (3) Duplication and burden also lead to longer
18    admission processes, leaving behavioral health
19    professionals less time to provide crucial treatment.
20        (4) In behavioral healthcare, compliance with heavily
21    regulated industry standards falls squarely on the
22    shoulders of those providing direct services to
23    individuals.



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1        (5) Behavioral health professionals have gone far too
2    long without reasonable reform, causing capable workers to
3    become overwhelmed and leave their jobs or the behavioral
4    health industry altogether.
5        (6) One of the greatest complaints from behavioral
6    health professionals is the amount of administrative
7    responsibilities that lead to less time with their
8    clients.
9        (7) Clinician burnout, if not addressed, will make it
10    harder for individuals to get care when they need it,
11    cause health costs to rise, and worsen health disparities.
12        (8) Behavioral health professionals dedicate their
13    expertise to addressing mental health and substance use
14    challenges and that it is essential to streamline
15    administrative processes to enable them to focus more on
16    client care and treatment.
17        (9) Administrative burdens can contribute to workforce
18    challenges in the behavioral health sector, and create a
19    more supportive and conducive environment for
20    professionals in the field.
21    (b) The purpose of this Act is to:
22        (1) Alleviate the administrative burden placed on
23    behavioral health professionals in Illinois and devise an
24    efficient system that enhances client-centered services.
25    Behavioral health professionals play a critical role in
26    promoting mental health and well-being within Illinois



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1    communities.
2        (2) Foster a collaborative and client-centered
3    approach by encouraging communication and coordination
4    among behavioral health professionals, regulatory bodies,
5    and relevant stakeholders.
6        (3) Make a heavy lift more bearable.
7        (4) Address paperwork fatigue that leads to burnout.
8        (5) Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of
9    behavioral health services by reducing unnecessary
10    paperwork, bureaucratic hurdles, and redundant
11    administrative requirements that may impede the delivery
12    of timely and quality care.
13        (6) Attract and retain skilled behavioral health
14    professionals and ultimately improve access to mental
15    health and substance use services for the residents of
16    Illinois.
17        (7) Align with the State's commitment to promoting
18    mental health and substance use services, reducing
19    barriers to care, and ensuring that behavioral health
20    professionals can dedicate more time and resources to
21    meeting the diverse needs of individuals and communities
22    across Illinois.
23        (8) Enhance the overall effectiveness of the
24    behavioral health sector to improve mental health outcomes
25    and levels of well-being for all residents of the State.



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1    Section 10. The Behavioral Health Administrative Burden
2Work Group.
3    (a) The Behavioral Health Administrative Burden Work Group
4is established within the Office of the Chief Behavioral
5Health Officer, in partnership with the Department of Human
6Services Division of Mental Health and Division of Substance
7Use Prevention and Recovery, the Department of Healthcare and
8Family Services, the Department of Children and Family
9Services, and the Department of Public Health.
10    (b) The Work Group shall review policies and regulations
11affecting the behavioral health industry to identify
12inefficiencies, duplicate or unnecessary requirements, unduly
13burdensome restrictions, and other administrative barriers
14that prevent behavioral health professionals from providing
16    (c) The Work Group shall analyze the impact of
17administrative burdens on the delivery of quality care and
18access to behavioral health services by:
19        (1) collecting data on the administrative tasks,
20    paperwork, and reporting requirements currently imposed on
21    behavioral health professionals in Illinois;
22        (2) engaging with behavioral health professionals,
23    including providers of all relevant license and
24    certification types, to gather input on specific
25    administrative challenges they face;
26        (3) seeking input from clients and service recipients



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1    to understand the impact of administrative requirements on
2    their care; and
3        (4) conducting a comparative analysis of documentation
4    requirements with other geographic jurisdictions.
5    (d) The Work Group shall collaborate with relevant State
6agencies to identify areas where administrative processes can
7be standardized and harmonized by:
8        (1) researching best practices and successful
9    administrative burden reduction models from other states
10    or jurisdictions;
11        (2) unifying administrative requirements, such as
12    screening, assessment, treatment planning, and personnel
13    requirements, including background checks, where possible
14    among state bodies; and
15        (3) identifying and seeking to replicate reform
16    efforts that have been successful in other jurisdictions.
17    (e) The Work Group shall identify innovative technologies
18and tools that can help automate and streamline administrative
19tasks and explore the potential for interagency data sharing
20and integration to reduce redundant reporting by:
21        (1) researching best practices around shared data
22    platforms to improve the delivery of behavioral health
23    services and ensure that such platforms do not result in a
24    duplication of data entry, including coverage of any
25    relevant software costs to avoid duplication;
26        (2) facilitating the secure exchange of client



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1    information, treatment plans, and service coordination
2    among healthcare providers, behavioral health facilities,
3    State-level regulatory bodies, and other relevant
4    entities;
5        (3) reducing administrative burdens and duplicative
6    data entry for service providers;
7        (4) ensuring compliance with federal and state privacy
8    regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability
9    and Accountability Act, 42 CFR Part 2, and other relevant
10    laws and regulations; and
11        (5) improving access to timely client care, with an
12    emphasis on clients receiving services under the Medical
13    Assistance Program.
14    (f) The Work Group shall eliminate documentation
15redundancy and coordinate the sharing of information among
16State agencies by:
17        (1) standardizing forms at the State-level to simplify
18    access, reduce administrative burden, ensure consistency,
19    and unify requirements across all behavioral health
20    provider types where possible;
21        (2) identifying areas where standardized language
22    would be allowable so that staff can focus on
23    individualizing relevant components of documentation;
24        (3) reducing and standardizing, when possible, the
25    information required for assessments and treatment plan
26    goals and consolidate documentation required in these



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1    areas for mental health and substance use clients;
2        (4) evaluating, reducing, and streamlining information
3    collected for the registration process, including the
4    process for uploading information and resolving errors;
5        (5) reducing the number of data fields that must be
6    repeated across forms; and
7        (6) streamlining State-level reporting requirements
8    for federal and State grants and remove unnecessary
9    reporting requirements for provider grants funded with
10    state or federal dollars where possible.
11    (g) The Work Group shall develop recommendations for
12legislative or regulatory changes that can reduce
13administrative burdens while maintaining client safety and
14quality of care by:
15        (1) advocating for parity across settings and
16    regulatory entities, including among community, private
17    practice, and State-operated settings;
18        (2) identifying opportunities for reporting
19    efficiencies or technology solutions to share data across
20    reports;
21        (3) evaluating and considering opportunities to
22    simplify funding and seek legislative reform to align
23    requirements across funding streams and regulatory
24    entities; and
25        (4) recommending procedures for more flexibility with
26    deadlines where justified.



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1    (h) The Work Group shall participate in statewide efforts
2to integrate mental health and substance use disorder
3administrative functions.
4    Section 15. Membership. The Work Group shall be chaired by
5Illinois' Chief Behavioral Health Officer or the Officer's
6designee. Membership shall be appointed by the chair and shall
7consist of at least 15 members including, but not limited to,
8community mental health and substance use providers
9representing geographical regions across the State;
10representatives of statewide associations that represent
11behavioral health providers; representatives of advocacy
12organizations either led by or consisting primarily of
13individuals with lived experience; and representatives from
14the Department of Human Services Division of Mental Health and
15the Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery, the
16Department of Healthcare and Family Services, the Department
17of Children and Family Services, and the Department of Public
19    Section 20. Meetings. Beginning no later than 6 months
20after the effective date of this Act, the Work Group shall meet
21monthly, or additionally as needed, to conduct its business.
22Members of the Work Group shall serve without compensation but
23may receive reimbursement for necessary expenses.



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1    Section 25. Administrative burden reduction plan. The Work
2Group shall, within one year of its first meeting, prepare an
3administrative burden reduction plan, which shall include
4short-term and long-term policy recommendations aimed at
5reducing duplicative, unnecessary, or redundant requirements
6placed on behavioral health providers and improving timely
7access to care. The administrative burden reduction plan shall
8be submitted to any relevant State agency whose participation
9would be necessary to implement any component of the plan and
10shall be made publicly available online. No later than 90 days
11after receipt of the plan, each State agency whose
12participation would be necessary to implement any component of
13the plan shall submit monthly implementation reports detailing
14the steps it has taken to enact the recommendations of the Work
15Group, including, if applicable, a detailed explanation of why
16any particular recommendation has not been implemented. The
17Work Group shall submit these implementation reports to the
18General Assembly and make these reports publicly available