Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB5094
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB5094  103rd General Assembly


Rep. Lindsey LaPointe

Filed: 3/25/2024





10300HB5094ham001LRB103 38039 RTM 70906 a


2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 5094 on page 2,
3lines 18 through 20, by deleting ", and create a more
4supportive and conducive environment for professionals in the
5field"; and
6on page 3, immediately below line 25, by inserting the
8        "(9) Create a more supportive and conducive
9    environment for professionals in the field."; and
10    on page 8, by replacing lines 4 through 18 with the
12    "Section 15. Membership. The Work Group shall be chaired
13by Illinois' Chief Behavioral Health Officer or the Officer's
14designee. The chair of the Work Group may designate a
15nongovernmental entity or entities to provide pro bono



10300HB5094ham001- 2 -LRB103 38039 RTM 70906 a

1administrative support to the Work Group. Members of the Work
2Group shall be appointed by the chair and shall consist of at
3least 15 members, including, but not limited to, the
5        (1) community mental health and substance use
6    providers representing geographical regions across the
7    State;
8        (2) representatives of statewide associations that
9    represent behavioral health providers;
10        (3) representatives of advocacy organizations either
11    led by or consisting primarily of individuals with lived
12    experience;
13        (4) a representative from the Division of Mental
14    Health in the Department of Human Services;
15        (5) a representative from the Division of Substance
16    Use Prevention and Recovery in the Department of
17    Healthcare and Family Services;
18        (6) a representative from the Department of Children
19    and Family Services;
20        (7) a representative from the Department of Public
21    Health; and
22        (8) bicameral, bipartisan members of the General
23    Assembly."; and
24on page 9, by replacing lines 1 through 19 with the following:



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1    "Section 25. Administrative burden reduction plan. The
2Work Group shall, within one year of its first meeting,
3prepare an administrative burden reduction plan, which shall
4include short-term and long-term policy recommendations aimed
5at reducing duplicative, unnecessary, or redundant
6requirements placed on behavioral health providers and
7improving timely access to care. The administrative burden
8reduction plan shall be submitted to any relevant State agency
9whose participation would be necessary to implement any
10component of the plan and shall be made publicly available
11online. No later than 90 days after receipt of the plan, each
12State agency whose participation would be necessary to
13implement any component of the plan shall submit a detailed
14response to the General Assembly about the recommendations in
15the administrative burden reduction plan, including a
16explanation about the feasibility of implementing the
17recommendations and make these responses publicly available
19    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
20becoming law.".