Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB3130
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB3130  103rd General Assembly


Sen. Ann Gillespie

Filed: 3/12/2024





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend Senate Bill 3130 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4    "Section 5. The Department of Insurance Law of the Civil
5Administrative Code of Illinois is amended by changing Section
61405-50 as follows:
7    (20 ILCS 1405/1405-50)
8    Sec. 1405-50. Marketplace Director of the Illinois Health
9Benefits Exchange. The Governor shall appoint, with the advice
10and consent of the Senate, a person within the Department of
11Insurance to serve as the Marketplace Director of the Illinois
12Health Benefits Exchange. The Marketplace Director shall serve
13for a term of 2 years, and until a successor is appointed and
14qualified; except that the term of the first Marketplace
15Director appointed under this Law shall expire on the third
16Monday in January 2027. The Marketplace Director may serve for



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1more than one term. The Governor may make a temporary
2appointment until the next meeting of the Senate. This person
3may be an existing employee with other duties. The Marketplace
4Director shall receive an annual salary as set by the Governor
5and shall be paid out of the appropriations to the Department.
6The Marketplace Director shall not be subject to the Personnel
7Code. The Marketplace Director, under the direction of the
8Director, shall manage the operations and staff of the
9Illinois Health Benefits Exchange to ensure optimal exchange
11(Source: P.A. 103-103, eff. 6-27-23.)
12    Section 10. The Illinois Insurance Code is amended by
13adding Section 356z.40a as follows:
14    (215 ILCS 5/356z.40a new)
15    Sec. 356z.40a. Pregnancy as a qualifying life event for
16qualified health plans. Beginning with the operation of a
17State-based exchange in plan year 2026, a pregnant individual
18has the right to enroll in a qualified health plan through a
19special enrollment period within 60 days after any qualified
20health care professional, including a licensed certified
21professional midwife, licensed or certified under the laws of
22this State or any other state to provide pregnancy-related
23health care services certifies that the individual is
24pregnant. Upon enrollment, coverage shall be effective on and



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1after the first day of the month in which the qualified health
2care professional certifies that the individual is pregnant,
3unless the individual elects to have coverage effective on the
4first day of the month following the date that the individual
5received certification of the pregnancy.
6    Section 15. The Illinois Health Insurance Portability and
7Accountability Act is amended by changing Sections 30, 50, and
860 as follows:
9    (215 ILCS 97/30)
10    Sec. 30. Guaranteed renewability of coverage for employers
11in the group market.
12    (A) In general. Except as provided in this Section, if a
13health insurance issuer offers health insurance coverage in
14the small or large group market in connection with a group
15health plan, the issuer must renew or continue in force such
16coverage at the option of the plan sponsor of the plan.
17    (B) General exceptions. A health insurance issuer may
18nonrenew or discontinue health insurance coverage offered in
19connection with a group health plan in the small or large group
20market based only on one or more of the following:
21        (1) Nonpayment of premiums. The plan sponsor has
22    failed to pay premiums or contributions in accordance with
23    the terms of the health insurance coverage or the issuer
24    has not received timely premium payments.



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1        (2) Fraud. The plan sponsor has performed an act or
2    practice that constitutes fraud or made an intentional
3    misrepresentation of material fact under the terms of the
4    coverage.
5        (3) Violation of participation or contribution rules.
6    The plan sponsor has failed to comply with a material plan
7    provision relating to employer contribution or group
8    participation rules, as permitted under Section 40(D) in
9    the case of the small group market or pursuant to
10    applicable State law in the case of the large group
11    market.
12        (4) Termination of coverage. The issuer is ceasing to
13    offer coverage in such market in accordance with
14    subsection (C) and applicable State law.
15        (5) Movement outside service area. In the case of a
16    health insurance issuer that offers health insurance
17    coverage in the market through a network plan, there is no
18    longer any enrollee in connection with such plan who
19    lives, resides, or works in the service area of the issuer
20    (or in the area for which the issuer is authorized to do
21    business) and, in the case of the small group market, the
22    issuer would deny enrollment with respect to such plan
23    under Section 40(C)(1)(a).
24        (6) Association membership ceases. In the case of
25    health insurance coverage that is made available in the
26    small or large group market (as the case may be) only



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1    through one or more bona fide association, the membership
2    of an employer in the association (on the basis of which
3    the coverage is provided) ceases but only if such coverage
4    is terminated under this paragraph uniformly without
5    regard to any health status-related factor relating to any
6    covered individual.
7    (C) Requirements for uniform termination of coverage.
8        (1) Particular type of coverage not offered. In any
9    case in which an issuer decides to discontinue offering a
10    particular type of group health insurance coverage offered
11    in the small or large group market, coverage of such type
12    may be discontinued by the issuer in accordance with
13    applicable State law in such market only if:
14            (a) the issuer provides notice to each plan
15        sponsor provided coverage of this type in such market
16        (and participants and beneficiaries covered under such
17        coverage) of such discontinuation at least 90 days
18        prior to the date of the discontinuation of such
19        coverage;
20            (b) the issuer offers to each plan sponsor
21        provided coverage of this type in such market, the
22        option to purchase all (or, in the case of the large
23        group market, any) other health insurance coverage
24        currently being offered by the issuer to a group
25        health plan in such market; and
26            (c) in exercising the option to discontinue



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1        coverage of this type and in offering the option of
2        coverage under subparagraph (b), the issuer acts
3        uniformly without regard to the claims experience of
4        those sponsors or any health status-related factor
5        relating to any participants or beneficiaries who may
6        become eligible for such coverage.
7        (2) Discontinuance of all coverage.
8            (a) In general. In any case in which a health
9        insurance issuer elects to discontinue offering all
10        health insurance coverage in the small group market or
11        the large group market, or both markets, in Illinois,
12        health insurance coverage may be discontinued by the
13        issuer only in accordance with Illinois law and if:
14                (i) the issuer provides notice to the
15            Department and to each plan sponsor (and
16            participants and beneficiaries covered under such
17            coverage) of such discontinuation at least 180
18            days prior to the date of the discontinuation of
19            such coverage and to the Department as provided in
20            Section 60 of this Act; and
21                (ii) all health insurance issued or delivered
22            for issuance in Illinois in such market (or
23            markets) are discontinued and coverage under such
24            health insurance coverage in such market (or
25            markets) is not renewed.
26            (b) Prohibition on market reentry. In the case of



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1        a discontinuation under subparagraph (a) in a market,
2        the issuer may not provide for the issuance of any
3        health insurance coverage in the Illinois market
4        involved during the 5-year period beginning on the
5        date of the discontinuation of the last health
6        insurance coverage not so renewed.
7    (D) Exception for uniform modification of coverage. At the
8time of coverage renewal, a health insurance issuer may modify
9the health insurance coverage for a product offered to a group
10health plan:
11        (1) in the large group market; or
12        (2) in the small group market if, for coverage that is
13    available in such market other than only through one or
14    more bona fide associations, such modification is
15    consistent with State law and effective on a uniform basis
16    among group health plans with that product.
17    (E) Application to coverage offered only through
18associations. In applying this Section in the case of health
19insurance coverage that is made available by a health
20insurance issuer in the small or large group market to
21employers only through one or more associations, a reference
22to "plan sponsor" is deemed, with respect to coverage provided
23to an employer member of the association, to include a
24reference to such employer.
25(Source: P.A. 90-30, eff. 7-1-97.)



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1    (215 ILCS 97/50)
2    Sec. 50. Guaranteed renewability of individual health
3insurance coverage.
4    (A) In general. Except as provided in this Section, a
5health insurance issuer that provides individual health
6insurance coverage to an individual shall renew or continue in
7force such coverage at the option of the individual.
8    (B) General exceptions. A health insurance issuer may
9nonrenew or discontinue health insurance coverage of an
10individual in the individual market based only on one or more
11of the following:
12        (1) Nonpayment of premiums. The individual has failed
13    to pay premiums or contributions in accordance with the
14    terms of the health insurance coverage or the issuer has
15    not received timely premium payments.
16        (2)  Fraud. The individual has performed an act or
17    practice that constitutes fraud or made an intentional
18    misrepresentation of material fact under the terms of the
19    coverage.
20        (3) Termination of plan. The issuer is ceasing to
21    offer coverage in the individual market in accordance with
22    subsection (C) of this Section and applicable Illinois
23    law.
24        (4) Movement outside the service area. In the case of
25    a health insurance issuer that offers health insurance
26    coverage in the market through a network plan, the



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1    individual no longer resides, lives, or works in the
2    service area (or in an area for which the issuer is
3    authorized to do business), but only if such coverage is
4    terminated under this paragraph uniformly without regard
5    to any health status-related factor of covered
6    individuals.
7        (5) Association membership ceases. In the case of
8    health insurance coverage that is made available in the
9    individual market only through one or more bona fide
10    associations, the membership of the individual in the
11    association (on the basis of which the coverage is
12    provided) ceases, but only if such coverage is terminated
13    under this paragraph uniformly without regard to any
14    health status-related factor of covered individuals.
15    (C) Requirements for uniform termination of coverage.
16        (1) Particular type of coverage not offered. In any
17    case in which an issuer decides to discontinue offering a
18    particular type of health insurance coverage offered in
19    the individual market, coverage of such type may be
20    discontinued by the issuer only if:
21            (a) the issuer provides notice to each covered
22        individual provided coverage of this type in such
23        market of such discontinuation at least 90 days prior
24        to the date of the discontinuation of such coverage;
25            (b) the issuer offers, to each individual in the
26        individual market provided coverage of this type, the



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1        option to purchase any other individual health
2        insurance coverage currently being offered by the
3        issuer for individuals in such market; and
4            (c) in exercising the option to discontinue
5        coverage of that type and in offering the option of
6        coverage under subparagraph (b), the issuer acts
7        uniformly without regard to any health status-related
8        factor of enrolled individuals or individuals who may
9        become eligible for such coverage.
10        (2) Discontinuance of all coverage.
11            (a) In general. Subject to subparagraph (c), in
12        any case in which a health insurance issuer elects to
13        discontinue offering all health insurance coverage in
14        the individual market in Illinois, health insurance
15        coverage may be discontinued by the issuer only if:
16                (i) the issuer provides notice to the Director
17            and to each individual of the discontinuation at
18            least 180 days prior to the date of the expiration
19            of such coverage and to the Director as provided
20            in Section 60 of this Act;
21                (ii) all health insurance issued or delivered
22            for issuance in Illinois in such market is
23            discontinued and coverage under such health
24            insurance coverage in such market is not renewed;
25            and
26                (iii) in the case where the issuer has



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1            affiliates in the individual market, the issuer
2            gives notice to each affected individual at least
3            180 days prior to the date of the expiration of the
4            coverage of the individual's option to purchase
5            all other individual health benefit plans
6            currently offered by any affiliate of the carrier.
7            (b) Prohibition on market reentry. In the case of
8        a discontinuation under subparagraph (a) in the
9        individual market, the issuer may not provide for the
10        issuance of any health insurance coverage in Illinois
11        involved during the 5-year period beginning on the
12        date of the discontinuation of the last health
13        insurance coverage not so renewed.
14            (c) If an issuer elects to discontinue offering
15        all health insurance coverage in the individual market
16        under subparagraph (a), its affiliates that offer
17        health insurance coverage in the individual market in
18        Illinois shall offer individual health insurance
19        coverage to all individuals who were covered by the
20        discontinued health insurance coverage on the date of
21        the notice provided to affected individuals under
22        subdivision (iii) of subparagraph (a) of this item (2)
23        if the individual applies for coverage no later than
24        63 days after the discontinuation of coverage.
25            (d) Subject to subparagraph (e) of this item (2),
26        an affiliate that issues coverage under subparagraph



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1        (c) shall waive the preexisting condition exclusion
2        period to the extent that the individual has satisfied
3        the preexisting condition exclusion period under the
4        individual's prior contract or policy.
5            (e) An affiliate that issues coverage under
6        subparagraph (c) may require the individual to satisfy
7        the remaining part of the preexisting condition
8        exclusion period, if any, under the individual's prior
9        contract or policy that has not been satisfied, unless
10        the coverage has a shorter preexisting condition
11        exclusion period, and may include in any coverage
12        issued under subparagraph (c) any waivers or
13        limitations of coverage that were included in the
14        individual's prior contract or policy.
15    (D) Exception for uniform modification of coverage. At the
16time of coverage renewal, a health insurance issuer may modify
17the health insurance coverage for a policy form offered to
18individuals in the individual market so long as the
19modification is consistent with Illinois law and effective on
20a uniform basis among all individuals with that policy form.
21    (E) Application to coverage offered only through
22associations. In applying this Section in the case of health
23insurance coverage that is made available by a health
24insurance issuer in the individual market to individuals only
25through one or more associations, a reference to an
26"individual" is deemed to include a reference to such an



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1association (of which the individual is a member).
2    The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act of
3the 94th General Assembly apply only to discontinuances of
4coverage occurring on or after the effective date of this
5amendatory Act of the 94th General Assembly.
6(Source: P.A. 94-502, eff. 8-8-05.)
7    (215 ILCS 97/60)
8    Sec. 60. Notice requirement. In any case where a health
9insurance issuer elects to uniformly modify coverage,
10uniformly terminate coverage, or discontinue coverage in a
11marketplace in accordance with Sections 30 and 50 of this Act,
12the issuer shall provide notice to the Department prior to
13notifying the plan sponsors, participants, beneficiaries, and
14covered individuals. The notice shall be sent by certified
15mail to the Department 45 90 days in advance of any
16notification of the company's actions sent to plan sponsors,
17participants, beneficiaries, and covered individuals. The
18notice shall include: (i) a complete description of the action
19to be taken, (ii) a specific description of the type of
20coverage affected, (iii) the total number of covered lives
21affected, (iv) a sample draft of all letters being sent to the
22plan sponsors, participants, beneficiaries, or covered
23individuals, (v) time frames for the actions being taken, (vi)
24options the plans sponsors, participants, beneficiaries, or
25covered individuals may have available to them under this Act,



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1and (vii) any other information as required by the Department.
2The Department may designate an email address or online
3platform to receive electronic notification in lieu of
4certified mail.
5    This Section applies only to discontinuances of coverage
6occurring on or after the effective date of this amendatory
7Act of the 94th General Assembly.
8(Source: P.A. 94-502, eff. 8-8-05.)
9    Section 20. The Network Adequacy and Transparency Act is
10amended by changing Sections 3, 5, 10, and 25 as follows:
11    (215 ILCS 124/3)
12    Sec. 3. Applicability of Act. This Act applies to an
13individual or group policy of accident and health insurance
14with a network plan amended, delivered, issued, or renewed in
15this State on or after January 1, 2019. This Act does not apply
16to an individual or group policy for excepted benefits or
17short-term, limited-duration health insurance coverage dental
18or vision insurance or a limited health service organization
19with a network plan amended, delivered, issued, or renewed in
20this State on or after January 1, 2019 , except to the extent
21that federal law establishes network adequacy and transparency
22standards for stand-alone dental plans, which the Department
23shall enforce.
24(Source: P.A. 100-502, eff. 9-15-17; 100-601, eff. 6-29-18.)



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1    (215 ILCS 124/5)
2    Sec. 5. Definitions. In this Act:
3    "Authorized representative" means a person to whom a
4beneficiary has given express written consent to represent the
5beneficiary; a person authorized by law to provide substituted
6consent for a beneficiary; or the beneficiary's treating
7provider only when the beneficiary or his or her family member
8is unable to provide consent.
9    "Beneficiary" means an individual, an enrollee, an
10insured, a participant, or any other person entitled to
11reimbursement for covered expenses of or the discounting of
12provider fees for health care services under a program in
13which the beneficiary has an incentive to utilize the services
14of a provider that has entered into an agreement or
15arrangement with an insurer.
16    "Department" means the Department of Insurance.
17    "Director" means the Director of Insurance.
18    "Excepted benefits" has the meaning given to that term in
1942 U.S.C. 300gg-91(c).
20    "Family caregiver" means a relative, partner, friend, or
21neighbor who has a significant relationship with the patient
22and administers or assists the patient with activities of
23daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, or
24other medical or nursing tasks for the quality and welfare of
25that patient.



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1    "Insurer" means any entity that offers individual or group
2accident and health insurance, including, but not limited to,
3health maintenance organizations, preferred provider
4organizations, exclusive provider organizations, and other
5plan structures requiring network participation, excluding the
6medical assistance program under the Illinois Public Aid Code,
7the State employees group health insurance program, workers
8compensation insurance, and pharmacy benefit managers.
9    "Material change" means a significant reduction in the
10number of providers available in a network plan, including,
11but not limited to, a reduction of 10% or more in a specific
12type of providers, the removal of a major health system that
13causes a network to be significantly different from the
14network when the beneficiary purchased the network plan, or
15any change that would cause the network to no longer satisfy
16the requirements of this Act or the Department's rules for
17network adequacy and transparency.
18    "Network" means the group or groups of preferred providers
19providing services to a network plan.
20    "Network plan" means an individual or group policy of
21accident and health insurance that either requires a covered
22person to use or creates incentives, including financial
23incentives, for a covered person to use providers managed,
24owned, under contract with, or employed by the insurer.
25    "Ongoing course of treatment" means (1) treatment for a
26life-threatening condition, which is a disease or condition



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1for which likelihood of death is probable unless the course of
2the disease or condition is interrupted; (2) treatment for a
3serious acute condition, defined as a disease or condition
4requiring complex ongoing care that the covered person is
5currently receiving, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy,
6or post-operative visits; (3) a course of treatment for a
7health condition that a treating provider attests that
8discontinuing care by that provider would worsen the condition
9or interfere with anticipated outcomes; or (4) the third
10trimester of pregnancy through the post-partum period.
11    "Preferred provider" means any provider who has entered,
12either directly or indirectly, into an agreement with an
13employer or risk-bearing entity relating to health care
14services that may be rendered to beneficiaries under a network
16    "Providers" means physicians licensed to practice medicine
17in all its branches, other health care professionals,
18hospitals, or other health care institutions that provide
19health care services.
20    "Short-term, limited-duration health insurance coverage
21has the meaning given to that term in Section 5 of the
22Short-Term, Limited-Duration Health Insurance Coverage Act.
23    "Stand-alone dental plan" has the meaning given to that
24term in 45 CFR 156.400.
25    "Telehealth" has the meaning given to that term in Section
26356z.22 of the Illinois Insurance Code.



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1    "Telemedicine" has the meaning given to that term in
2Section 49.5 of the Medical Practice Act of 1987.
3    "Tiered network" means a network that identifies and
4groups some or all types of provider and facilities into
5specific groups to which different provider reimbursement,
6covered person cost-sharing or provider access requirements,
7or any combination thereof, apply for the same services.
8    "Woman's principal health care provider" means a physician
9licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches
10specializing in obstetrics, gynecology, or family practice.
11(Source: P.A. 102-92, eff. 7-9-21; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)
12    (215 ILCS 124/10)
13    Sec. 10. Network adequacy.
14    (a) An insurer providing a network plan shall file a
15description of all of the following with the Director:
16        (1) The written policies and procedures for adding
17    providers to meet patient needs based on increases in the
18    number of beneficiaries, changes in the
19    patient-to-provider ratio, changes in medical and health
20    care capabilities, and increased demand for services.
21        (2) The written policies and procedures for making
22    referrals within and outside the network.
23        (3) The written policies and procedures on how the
24    network plan will provide 24-hour, 7-day per week access
25    to network-affiliated primary care, emergency services,



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1    and women's principal health care providers.
2    An insurer shall not prohibit a preferred provider from
3discussing any specific or all treatment options with
4beneficiaries irrespective of the insurer's position on those
5treatment options or from advocating on behalf of
6beneficiaries within the utilization review, grievance, or
7appeals processes established by the insurer in accordance
8with any rights or remedies available under applicable State
9or federal law.
10    (b) Insurers must file for review a description of the
11services to be offered through a network plan. The description
12shall include all of the following:
13        (1) A geographic map of the area proposed to be served
14    by the plan by county service area and zip code, including
15    marked locations for preferred providers.
16        (2) As deemed necessary by the Department, the names,
17    addresses, phone numbers, and specialties of the providers
18    who have entered into preferred provider agreements under
19    the network plan.
20        (3) The number of beneficiaries anticipated to be
21    covered by the network plan.
22        (4) An Internet website and toll-free telephone number
23    for beneficiaries and prospective beneficiaries to access
24    current and accurate lists of preferred providers,
25    additional information about the plan, as well as any
26    other information required by Department rule.



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1        (5) A description of how health care services to be
2    rendered under the network plan are reasonably accessible
3    and available to beneficiaries. The description shall
4    address all of the following:
5            (A) the type of health care services to be
6        provided by the network plan;
7            (B) the ratio of physicians and other providers to
8        beneficiaries, by specialty and including primary care
9        physicians and facility-based physicians when
10        applicable under the contract, necessary to meet the
11        health care needs and service demands of the currently
12        enrolled population;
13            (C) the travel and distance standards for plan
14        beneficiaries in county service areas; and
15            (D) a description of how the use of telemedicine,
16        telehealth, or mobile care services may be used to
17        partially meet the network adequacy standards, if
18        applicable.
19        (6) A provision ensuring that whenever a beneficiary
20    has made a good faith effort, as evidenced by accessing
21    the provider directory, calling the network plan, and
22    calling the provider, to utilize preferred providers for a
23    covered service and it is determined the insurer does not
24    have the appropriate preferred providers due to
25    insufficient number, type, unreasonable travel distance or
26    delay, or preferred providers refusing to provide a



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1    covered service because it is contrary to the conscience
2    of the preferred providers, as protected by the Health
3    Care Right of Conscience Act, the insurer shall ensure,
4    directly or indirectly, by terms contained in the payer
5    contract, that the beneficiary will be provided the
6    covered service at no greater cost to the beneficiary than
7    if the service had been provided by a preferred provider.
8    This paragraph (6) does not apply to: (A) a beneficiary
9    who willfully chooses to access a non-preferred provider
10    for health care services available through the panel of
11    preferred providers, or (B) a beneficiary enrolled in a
12    health maintenance organization. In these circumstances,
13    the contractual requirements for non-preferred provider
14    reimbursements shall apply unless Section 356z.3a of the
15    Illinois Insurance Code requires otherwise. In no event
16    shall a beneficiary who receives care at a participating
17    health care facility be required to search for
18    participating providers under the circumstances described
19    in subsection (b) or (b-5) of Section 356z.3a of the
20    Illinois Insurance Code except under the circumstances
21    described in paragraph (2) of subsection (b-5).
22        (7) A provision that the beneficiary shall receive
23    emergency care coverage such that payment for this
24    coverage is not dependent upon whether the emergency
25    services are performed by a preferred or non-preferred
26    provider and the coverage shall be at the same benefit



10300SB3130sam002- 22 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1    level as if the service or treatment had been rendered by a
2    preferred provider. For purposes of this paragraph (7),
3    "the same benefit level" means that the beneficiary is
4    provided the covered service at no greater cost to the
5    beneficiary than if the service had been provided by a
6    preferred provider. This provision shall be consistent
7    with Section 356z.3a of the Illinois Insurance Code.
8        (8) A limitation that, if the plan provides that the
9    beneficiary will incur a penalty for failing to
10    pre-certify inpatient hospital treatment, the penalty may
11    not exceed $1,000 per occurrence in addition to the plan
12    cost sharing provisions.
13    (c) The network plan shall demonstrate to the Director a
14minimum ratio of providers to plan beneficiaries as required
15by the Department.
16        (1) The ratio of physicians or other providers to plan
17    beneficiaries shall be established annually by the
18    Department in consultation with the Department of Public
19    Health based upon the guidance from the federal Centers
20    for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The Department shall
21    not establish ratios for vision or dental providers who
22    provide services under dental-specific or vision-specific
23    benefits, except to the extent provided under federal law
24    for stand-alone dental plans. The Department shall
25    consider establishing ratios for the following physicians
26    or other providers:



10300SB3130sam002- 23 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1            (A) Primary Care;
2            (B) Pediatrics;
3            (C) Cardiology;
4            (D) Gastroenterology;
5            (E) General Surgery;
6            (F) Neurology;
7            (G) OB/GYN;
8            (H) Oncology/Radiation;
9            (I) Ophthalmology;
10            (J) Urology;
11            (K) Behavioral Health;
12            (L) Allergy/Immunology;
13            (M) Chiropractic;
14            (N) Dermatology;
15            (O) Endocrinology;
16            (P) Ears, Nose, and Throat (ENT)/Otolaryngology;
17            (Q) Infectious Disease;
18            (R) Nephrology;
19            (S) Neurosurgery;
20            (T) Orthopedic Surgery;
21            (U) Physiatry/Rehabilitative;
22            (V) Plastic Surgery;
23            (W) Pulmonary;
24            (X) Rheumatology;
25            (Y) Anesthesiology;
26            (Z) Pain Medicine;



10300SB3130sam002- 24 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1            (AA) Pediatric Specialty Services;
2            (BB) Outpatient Dialysis; and
3            (CC) HIV.
4        (2) The Director shall establish a process for the
5    review of the adequacy of these standards, along with an
6    assessment of additional specialties to be included in the
7    list under this subsection (c).
8        (3) If the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
9    Services establishes minimum provider ratios for
10    stand-alone dental plans in the type of exchange in use in
11    this State for a given plan year, the Department shall
12    enforce those standards for stand-alone dental plans for
13    that plan year.
14    (d) The network plan shall demonstrate to the Director
15maximum travel and distance standards for plan beneficiaries,
16which shall be established annually by the Department in
17consultation with the Department of Public Health based upon
18the guidance from the federal Centers for Medicare and
19Medicaid Services. These standards shall consist of the
20maximum minutes or miles to be traveled by a plan beneficiary
21for each county type, such as large counties, metro counties,
22or rural counties as defined by Department rule.
23    The maximum travel time and distance standards must
24include standards for each physician and other provider
25category listed for which ratios have been established.
26    The Director shall establish a process for the review of



10300SB3130sam002- 25 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1the adequacy of these standards along with an assessment of
2additional specialties to be included in the list under this
3subsection (d).
4    If the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
5establishes appointment wait-time standards for qualified
6health plans, including stand-alone dental plans, in the type
7of exchange in use in this State for a given plan year, the
8Department shall enforce those standards for the same types of
9qualified health plans for that plan year. If the federal
10Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services establishes time
11and distance standards for stand-alone dental plans in the
12type of exchange in use in this State for a given plan year,
13the Department shall enforce those standards for stand-alone
14dental plans for that plan year.
15    (d-5)(1) Every insurer shall ensure that beneficiaries
16have timely and proximate access to treatment for mental,
17emotional, nervous, or substance use disorders or conditions
18in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (4) of
19subsection (a) of Section 370c of the Illinois Insurance Code.
20Insurers shall use a comparable process, strategy, evidentiary
21standard, and other factors in the development and application
22of the network adequacy standards for timely and proximate
23access to treatment for mental, emotional, nervous, or
24substance use disorders or conditions and those for the access
25to treatment for medical and surgical conditions. As such, the
26network adequacy standards for timely and proximate access



10300SB3130sam002- 26 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1shall equally be applied to treatment facilities and providers
2for mental, emotional, nervous, or substance use disorders or
3conditions and specialists providing medical or surgical
4benefits pursuant to the parity requirements of Section 370c.1
5of the Illinois Insurance Code and the federal Paul Wellstone
6and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity
7Act of 2008. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the network
8adequacy standards for timely and proximate access to
9treatment for mental, emotional, nervous, or substance use
10disorders or conditions shall, at a minimum, satisfy the
11following requirements:
12        (A) For beneficiaries residing in the metropolitan
13    counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will,
14    network adequacy standards for timely and proximate access
15    to treatment for mental, emotional, nervous, or substance
16    use disorders or conditions means a beneficiary shall not
17    have to travel longer than 30 minutes or 30 miles from the
18    beneficiary's residence to receive outpatient treatment
19    for mental, emotional, nervous, or substance use disorders
20    or conditions. Beneficiaries shall not be required to wait
21    longer than 10 business days between requesting an initial
22    appointment and being seen by the facility or provider of
23    mental, emotional, nervous, or substance use disorders or
24    conditions for outpatient treatment or to wait longer than
25    20 business days between requesting a repeat or follow-up
26    appointment and being seen by the facility or provider of



10300SB3130sam002- 27 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1    mental, emotional, nervous, or substance use disorders or
2    conditions for outpatient treatment; however, subject to
3    the protections of paragraph (3) of this subsection, a
4    network plan shall not be held responsible if the
5    beneficiary or provider voluntarily chooses to schedule an
6    appointment outside of these required time frames.
7        (B) For beneficiaries residing in Illinois counties
8    other than those counties listed in subparagraph (A) of
9    this paragraph, network adequacy standards for timely and
10    proximate access to treatment for mental, emotional,
11    nervous, or substance use disorders or conditions means a
12    beneficiary shall not have to travel longer than 60
13    minutes or 60 miles from the beneficiary's residence to
14    receive outpatient treatment for mental, emotional,
15    nervous, or substance use disorders or conditions.
16    Beneficiaries shall not be required to wait longer than 10
17    business days between requesting an initial appointment
18    and being seen by the facility or provider of mental,
19    emotional, nervous, or substance use disorders or
20    conditions for outpatient treatment or to wait longer than
21    20 business days between requesting a repeat or follow-up
22    appointment and being seen by the facility or provider of
23    mental, emotional, nervous, or substance use disorders or
24    conditions for outpatient treatment; however, subject to
25    the protections of paragraph (3) of this subsection, a
26    network plan shall not be held responsible if the



10300SB3130sam002- 28 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1    beneficiary or provider voluntarily chooses to schedule an
2    appointment outside of these required time frames.
3    (2) For beneficiaries residing in all Illinois counties,
4network adequacy standards for timely and proximate access to
5treatment for mental, emotional, nervous, or substance use
6disorders or conditions means a beneficiary shall not have to
7travel longer than 60 minutes or 60 miles from the
8beneficiary's residence to receive inpatient or residential
9treatment for mental, emotional, nervous, or substance use
10disorders or conditions.
11    (3) If there is no in-network facility or provider
12available for a beneficiary to receive timely and proximate
13access to treatment for mental, emotional, nervous, or
14substance use disorders or conditions in accordance with the
15network adequacy standards outlined in this subsection, the
16insurer shall provide necessary exceptions to its network to
17ensure admission and treatment with a provider or at a
18treatment facility in accordance with the network adequacy
19standards in this subsection.
20    (4) If the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
21Services establishes a more stringent standard in any county
22than specified in paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection
23(d-5) for qualified health plans in the type of exchange in use
24in this State for a given plan year, the federal standard shall
25apply in lieu of the standard in paragraph (1) or (2) of this
26subsection (d-5) for qualified health plans for that plan



10300SB3130sam002- 29 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

2    (e) Except for network plans solely offered as a group
3health plan, these ratio and time and distance standards apply
4to the lowest cost-sharing tier of any tiered network.
5    (f) The network plan may consider use of other health care
6service delivery options, such as telemedicine or telehealth,
7mobile clinics, and centers of excellence, or other ways of
8delivering care to partially meet the requirements set under
9this Section.
10    (g) Except for the requirements set forth in subsection
11(d-5), insurers who are not able to comply with the provider
12ratios, and time and distance standards, and appointment
13wait-time standards established under this Act or federal law
14established by the Department may request an exception to
15these requirements from the Department. The Department may
16grant an exception in the following circumstances:
17        (1) if no providers or facilities meet the specific
18    time and distance standard in a specific service area and
19    the insurer (i) discloses information on the distance and
20    travel time points that beneficiaries would have to travel
21    beyond the required criterion to reach the next closest
22    contracted provider outside of the service area and (ii)
23    provides contact information, including names, addresses,
24    and phone numbers for the next closest contracted provider
25    or facility;
26        (2) if patterns of care in the service area do not



10300SB3130sam002- 30 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1    support the need for the requested number of provider or
2    facility type and the insurer provides data on local
3    patterns of care, such as claims data, referral patterns,
4    or local provider interviews, indicating where the
5    beneficiaries currently seek this type of care or where
6    the physicians currently refer beneficiaries, or both; or
7        (3) other circumstances deemed appropriate by the
8    Department consistent with the requirements of this Act.
9    (h) Insurers are required to report to the Director any
10material change to an approved network plan within 15 days
11after the change occurs and any change that would result in
12failure to meet the requirements of this Act. Upon notice from
13the insurer, the Director shall reevaluate the network plan's
14compliance with the network adequacy and transparency
15standards of this Act.
16(Source: P.A. 102-144, eff. 1-1-22; 102-901, eff. 7-1-22;
17102-1117, eff. 1-13-23.)
18    (215 ILCS 124/25)
19    Sec. 25. Network transparency.
20    (a) A network plan shall post electronically an
21up-to-date, accurate, and complete provider directory for each
22of its network plans, with the information and search
23functions, as described in this Section.
24        (1) In making the directory available electronically,
25    the network plans shall ensure that the general public is



10300SB3130sam002- 31 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1    able to view all of the current providers for a plan
2    through a clearly identifiable link or tab and without
3    creating or accessing an account or entering a policy or
4    contract number.
5        (2) The network plan shall update the online provider
6    directory at least monthly. Providers shall notify the
7    network plan electronically or in writing of any changes
8    to their information as listed in the provider directory,
9    including the information required in subparagraph (K) of
10    paragraph (1) of subsection (b). The network plan shall
11    update its online provider directory in a manner
12    consistent with the information provided by the provider
13    within 10 business days after being notified of the change
14    by the provider. Nothing in this paragraph (2) shall void
15    any contractual relationship between the provider and the
16    plan.
17        (3) The network plan shall audit periodically at least
18    25% of its provider directories for accuracy, make any
19    corrections necessary, and retain documentation of the
20    audit. The network plan shall submit the audit to the
21    Director upon request. As part of these audits, the
22    network plan shall contact any provider in its network
23    that has not submitted a claim to the plan or otherwise
24    communicated his or her intent to continue participation
25    in the plan's network.
26        (4) A network plan shall provide a printed print copy



10300SB3130sam002- 32 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1    of a current provider directory or a printed print copy of
2    the requested directory information upon request of a
3    beneficiary or a prospective beneficiary. Printed Print
4    copies must be updated quarterly and an errata that
5    reflects changes in the provider network must be updated
6    quarterly.
7        (5) For each network plan, a network plan shall
8    include, in plain language in both the electronic and
9    print directory, the following general information:
10            (A) in plain language, a description of the
11        criteria the plan has used to build its provider
12        network;
13            (B) if applicable, in plain language, a
14        description of the criteria the insurer or network
15        plan has used to create tiered networks;
16            (C) if applicable, in plain language, how the
17        network plan designates the different provider tiers
18        or levels in the network and identifies for each
19        specific provider, hospital, or other type of facility
20        in the network which tier each is placed, for example,
21        by name, symbols, or grouping, in order for a
22        beneficiary-covered person or a prospective
23        beneficiary-covered person to be able to identify the
24        provider tier; and
25            (D) if applicable, a notation that authorization
26        or referral may be required to access some providers.



10300SB3130sam002- 33 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1        (6) A network plan shall make it clear for both its
2    electronic and print directories what provider directory
3    applies to which network plan, such as including the
4    specific name of the network plan as marketed and issued
5    in this State. The network plan shall include in both its
6    electronic and print directories a customer service email
7    address and telephone number or electronic link that
8    beneficiaries or the general public may use to notify the
9    network plan of inaccurate provider directory information
10    and contact information for the Department's Office of
11    Consumer Health Insurance.
12        (7) A provider directory, whether in electronic or
13    print format, shall accommodate the communication needs of
14    individuals with disabilities, and include a link to or
15    information regarding available assistance for persons
16    with limited English proficiency.
17    (b) For each network plan, a network plan shall make
18available through an electronic provider directory the
19following information in a searchable format:
20        (1) for health care professionals:
21            (A) name;
22            (B) gender;
23            (C) participating office locations;
24            (D) specialty, if applicable;
25            (E) medical group affiliations, if applicable;
26            (F) facility affiliations, if applicable;



10300SB3130sam002- 34 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1            (G) participating facility affiliations, if
2        applicable;
3            (H) languages spoken other than English, if
4        applicable;
5            (I) whether accepting new patients;
6            (J) board certifications, if applicable; and
7            (K) use of telehealth or telemedicine, including,
8        but not limited to:
9                (i) whether the provider offers the use of
10            telehealth or telemedicine to deliver services to
11            patients for whom it would be clinically
12            appropriate;
13                (ii) what modalities are used and what types
14            of services may be provided via telehealth or
15            telemedicine; and
16                (iii) whether the provider has the ability and
17            willingness to include in a telehealth or
18            telemedicine encounter a family caregiver who is
19            in a separate location than the patient if the
20            patient wishes and provides his or her consent;
21        (2) for hospitals:
22            (A) hospital name;
23            (B) hospital type (such as acute, rehabilitation,
24        children's, or cancer);
25            (C) participating hospital location; and
26            (D) hospital accreditation status; and



10300SB3130sam002- 35 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1        (3) for facilities, other than hospitals, by type:
2            (A) facility name;
3            (B) facility type;
4            (C) types of services performed; and
5            (D) participating facility location or locations.
6    (c) For the electronic provider directories, for each
7network plan, a network plan shall make available all of the
8following information in addition to the searchable
9information required in this Section:
10        (1) for health care professionals:
11            (A) contact information; and
12            (B) languages spoken other than English by
13        clinical staff, if applicable;
14        (2) for hospitals, telephone number; and
15        (3) for facilities other than hospitals, telephone
16    number.
17    (d) The insurer or network plan shall make available in
18print, upon request, the following provider directory
19information for the applicable network plan:
20        (1) for health care professionals:
21            (A) name;
22            (B) contact information;
23            (C) participating office location or locations;
24            (D) specialty, if applicable;
25            (E) languages spoken other than English, if
26        applicable;



10300SB3130sam002- 36 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1            (F) whether accepting new patients; and
2            (G) use of telehealth or telemedicine, including,
3        but not limited to:
4                (i) whether the provider offers the use of
5            telehealth or telemedicine to deliver services to
6            patients for whom it would be clinically
7            appropriate;
8                (ii) what modalities are used and what types
9            of services may be provided via telehealth or
10            telemedicine; and
11                (iii) whether the provider has the ability and
12            willingness to include in a telehealth or
13            telemedicine encounter a family caregiver who is
14            in a separate location than the patient if the
15            patient wishes and provides his or her consent;
16        (2) for hospitals:
17            (A) hospital name;
18            (B) hospital type (such as acute, rehabilitation,
19        children's, or cancer); and
20            (C) participating hospital location and telephone
21        number; and
22        (3) for facilities, other than hospitals, by type:
23            (A) facility name;
24            (B) facility type;
25            (C) types of services performed; and
26            (D) participating facility location or locations



10300SB3130sam002- 37 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1        and telephone numbers.
2    (e) The network plan shall include a disclosure in the
3print format provider directory that the information included
4in the directory is accurate as of the date of printing and
5that beneficiaries or prospective beneficiaries should consult
6the insurer's electronic provider directory on its website and
7contact the provider. The network plan shall also include a
8telephone number in the print format provider directory for a
9customer service representative where the beneficiary can
10obtain current provider directory information.
11    (f) The Director may conduct periodic audits of the
12accuracy of provider directories. A network plan shall not be
13subject to any fines or penalties for information required in
14this Section that a provider submits that is inaccurate or
16    (g) This Section applies to network plans that are not
17otherwise exempt under Section 3, including stand-alone dental
18plans that are subject to provider directory requirements
19under federal law.
20(Source: P.A. 102-92, eff. 7-9-21; revised 9-26-23.)
21    Section 25. The Health Maintenance Organization Act is
22amended by changing Section 5-3 as follows:
23    (215 ILCS 125/5-3)  (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 1411.2)
24    Sec. 5-3. Insurance Code provisions.



10300SB3130sam002- 38 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1    (a) Health Maintenance Organizations shall be subject to
2the provisions of Sections 133, 134, 136, 137, 139, 140,
3141.1, 141.2, 141.3, 143, 143c, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153,
4154, 154.5, 154.6, 154.7, 154.8, 155.04, 155.22a, 155.49,
5355.2, 355.3, 355b, 355c, 356f, 356g.5-1, 356m, 356q, 356v,
6356w, 356x, 356z.2, 356z.3a, 356z.4, 356z.4a, 356z.5, 356z.6,
7356z.8, 356z.9, 356z.10, 356z.11, 356z.12, 356z.13, 356z.14,
8356z.15, 356z.17, 356z.18, 356z.19, 356z.20, 356z.21, 356z.22,
9356z.23, 356z.24, 356z.25, 356z.26, 356z.28, 356z.29, 356z.30,
10356z.30a, 356z.31, 356z.32, 356z.33, 356z.34, 356z.35,
11356z.36, 356z.37, 356z.38, 356z.39, 356z.40, 356z.40a,
12356z.41, 356z.44, 356z.45, 356z.46, 356z.47, 356z.48, 356z.49,
13356z.50, 356z.51, 356z.53, 356z.54, 356z.55, 356z.56, 356z.57,
14356z.58, 356z.59, 356z.60, 356z.61, 356z.62, 356z.64, 356z.65,
15356z.67, 356z.68, 364, 364.01, 364.3, 367.2, 367.2-5, 367i,
16368a, 368b, 368c, 368d, 368e, 370c, 370c.1, 401, 401.1, 402,
17403, 403A, 408, 408.2, 409, 412, 444, and 444.1, paragraph (c)
18of subsection (2) of Section 367, and Articles IIA, VIII 1/2,
19XII, XII 1/2, XIII, XIII 1/2, XXV, XXVI, and XXXIIB of the
20Illinois Insurance Code.
21    (b) For purposes of the Illinois Insurance Code, except
22for Sections 444 and 444.1 and Articles XIII and XIII 1/2,
23Health Maintenance Organizations in the following categories
24are deemed to be "domestic companies":
25        (1) a corporation authorized under the Dental Service
26    Plan Act or the Voluntary Health Services Plans Act;



10300SB3130sam002- 39 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1        (2) a corporation organized under the laws of this
2    State; or
3        (3) a corporation organized under the laws of another
4    state, 30% or more of the enrollees of which are residents
5    of this State, except a corporation subject to
6    substantially the same requirements in its state of
7    organization as is a "domestic company" under Article VIII
8    1/2 of the Illinois Insurance Code.
9    (c) In considering the merger, consolidation, or other
10acquisition of control of a Health Maintenance Organization
11pursuant to Article VIII 1/2 of the Illinois Insurance Code,
12        (1) the Director shall give primary consideration to
13    the continuation of benefits to enrollees and the
14    financial conditions of the acquired Health Maintenance
15    Organization after the merger, consolidation, or other
16    acquisition of control takes effect;
17        (2)(i) the criteria specified in subsection (1)(b) of
18    Section 131.8 of the Illinois Insurance Code shall not
19    apply and (ii) the Director, in making his determination
20    with respect to the merger, consolidation, or other
21    acquisition of control, need not take into account the
22    effect on competition of the merger, consolidation, or
23    other acquisition of control;
24        (3) the Director shall have the power to require the
25    following information:
26            (A) certification by an independent actuary of the



10300SB3130sam002- 40 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1        adequacy of the reserves of the Health Maintenance
2        Organization sought to be acquired;
3            (B) pro forma financial statements reflecting the
4        combined balance sheets of the acquiring company and
5        the Health Maintenance Organization sought to be
6        acquired as of the end of the preceding year and as of
7        a date 90 days prior to the acquisition, as well as pro
8        forma financial statements reflecting projected
9        combined operation for a period of 2 years;
10            (C) a pro forma business plan detailing an
11        acquiring party's plans with respect to the operation
12        of the Health Maintenance Organization sought to be
13        acquired for a period of not less than 3 years; and
14            (D) such other information as the Director shall
15        require.
16    (d) The provisions of Article VIII 1/2 of the Illinois
17Insurance Code and this Section 5-3 shall apply to the sale by
18any health maintenance organization of greater than 10% of its
19enrollee population (including, without limitation, the health
20maintenance organization's right, title, and interest in and
21to its health care certificates).
22    (e) In considering any management contract or service
23agreement subject to Section 141.1 of the Illinois Insurance
24Code, the Director (i) shall, in addition to the criteria
25specified in Section 141.2 of the Illinois Insurance Code,
26take into account the effect of the management contract or



10300SB3130sam002- 41 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1service agreement on the continuation of benefits to enrollees
2and the financial condition of the health maintenance
3organization to be managed or serviced, and (ii) need not take
4into account the effect of the management contract or service
5agreement on competition.
6    (f) Except for small employer groups as defined in the
7Small Employer Rating, Renewability and Portability Health
8Insurance Act and except for medicare supplement policies as
9defined in Section 363 of the Illinois Insurance Code, a
10Health Maintenance Organization may by contract agree with a
11group or other enrollment unit to effect refunds or charge
12additional premiums under the following terms and conditions:
13        (i) the amount of, and other terms and conditions with
14    respect to, the refund or additional premium are set forth
15    in the group or enrollment unit contract agreed in advance
16    of the period for which a refund is to be paid or
17    additional premium is to be charged (which period shall
18    not be less than one year); and
19        (ii) the amount of the refund or additional premium
20    shall not exceed 20% of the Health Maintenance
21    Organization's profitable or unprofitable experience with
22    respect to the group or other enrollment unit for the
23    period (and, for purposes of a refund or additional
24    premium, the profitable or unprofitable experience shall
25    be calculated taking into account a pro rata share of the
26    Health Maintenance Organization's administrative and



10300SB3130sam002- 42 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1    marketing expenses, but shall not include any refund to be
2    made or additional premium to be paid pursuant to this
3    subsection (f)). The Health Maintenance Organization and
4    the group or enrollment unit may agree that the profitable
5    or unprofitable experience may be calculated taking into
6    account the refund period and the immediately preceding 2
7    plan years.
8    The Health Maintenance Organization shall include a
9statement in the evidence of coverage issued to each enrollee
10describing the possibility of a refund or additional premium,
11and upon request of any group or enrollment unit, provide to
12the group or enrollment unit a description of the method used
13to calculate (1) the Health Maintenance Organization's
14profitable experience with respect to the group or enrollment
15unit and the resulting refund to the group or enrollment unit
16or (2) the Health Maintenance Organization's unprofitable
17experience with respect to the group or enrollment unit and
18the resulting additional premium to be paid by the group or
19enrollment unit.
20    In no event shall the Illinois Health Maintenance
21Organization Guaranty Association be liable to pay any
22contractual obligation of an insolvent organization to pay any
23refund authorized under this Section.
24    (g) Rulemaking authority to implement Public Act 95-1045,
25if any, is conditioned on the rules being adopted in
26accordance with all provisions of the Illinois Administrative



10300SB3130sam002- 43 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1Procedure Act and all rules and procedures of the Joint
2Committee on Administrative Rules; any purported rule not so
3adopted, for whatever reason, is unauthorized.
4(Source: P.A. 102-30, eff. 1-1-22; 102-34, eff. 6-25-21;
5102-203, eff. 1-1-22; 102-306, eff. 1-1-22; 102-443, eff.
61-1-22; 102-589, eff. 1-1-22; 102-642, eff. 1-1-22; 102-665,
7eff. 10-8-21; 102-731, eff. 1-1-23; 102-775, eff. 5-13-22;
8102-804, eff. 1-1-23; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22; 102-816, eff.
91-1-23; 102-860, eff. 1-1-23; 102-901, eff. 7-1-22; 102-1093,
10eff. 1-1-23; 102-1117, eff. 1-13-23; 103-84, eff. 1-1-24;
11103-91, eff. 1-1-24; 103-123, eff. 1-1-24; 103-154, eff.
126-30-23; 103-420, eff. 1-1-24; 103-426, eff. 8-4-23; 103-445,
13eff. 1-1-24; 103-551, eff. 8-11-23; revised 8-29-23.)
14    Section 30. The Managed Care Reform and Patient Rights Act
15is amended by changing Section 45.3 as follows:
16    (215 ILCS 134/45.3)
17    Sec. 45.3. Prescription drug benefits; plan choice.
18    (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, beginning
19January 1, 2023, every health insurance carrier that offers an
20individual health plan that provides coverage for prescription
21drugs shall ensure that at least 10% of individual health care
22plans offered in each applicable service area and at each
23level of coverage as defined in 42 U.S.C. 18022(d) apply a
24flat-dollar copayment structure to the entire drug benefit.



10300SB3130sam002- 44 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1Beginning January 1, 2024, every health insurance carrier that
2offers an individual health plan that provides coverage for
3prescription drugs shall ensure that at least 25% of
4individual health care plans offered in each applicable
5service area and at each level of coverage as defined in 42
6U.S.C. 18022(d) apply a flat-dollar copayment structure to the
7entire drug benefit. If a health insurance carrier offers
8fewer than 4 plans in a service area, then the health insurance
9carrier shall ensure that one plan applies a flat-dollar
10copayment structure to the entire drug benefit.
11    (b) Beginning January 1, 2023, every health insurance
12carrier that offers a group health plan that provides coverage
13for prescription drugs shall offer at least one group health
14plan in each applicable service area and at each level of
15coverage as defined in 42 U.S.C. 18022 that applies a
16flat-dollar copayment structure to the entire drug benefit.
17Every Beginning January 1, 2024, every health insurance
18carrier that offers a small group health plan that provides
19coverage for prescription drugs shall offer at least 2 small
20group health plans in each applicable service area and at each
21level of coverage as defined in 42 U.S.C. 18022(d) that apply a
22flat-dollar copayment structure to the entire drug benefit.
23    (c) The flat-dollar copayment structure for prescription
24drugs under subsections (a) and (b) must be applied
25pre-deductible and be reasonably graduated and proportionately
26related in all tier levels such that the copayment structure



10300SB3130sam002- 45 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1as a whole does not discriminate against or discourage the
2enrollment of individuals with significant health care needs.
3Notwithstanding the other provisions of this subsection,
4beginning January 1, 2025, each level of coverage that a
5health insurance carrier offers of a standardized option in
6each applicable service area shall be deemed to satisfy the
7requirements for a flat-dollar copay structure in subsection
9    For purposes of this subsection, "standardized option" has
10the meaning given to that term in 45 CFR 155.20 or, when
11Illinois has a State-based exchange, a substantially similar
12definition to "standardized option" in 45 CFR 155.20 that
13substitutes the Illinois Health Benefits Exchange for the
14United States Department of Health and Human Services.
15    (d) A health insurance carrier that offers individual or
16small group health care plans shall clearly and appropriately
17name the plans described in subsections (a) and (b) to aid in
18the individual or small group plan selection process.
19    (e) A health insurance carrier shall market plans
20described in subsections (a) and (b) in the same manner as
21plans not described in subsections (a) and (b).
22    (f) The Department shall adopt rules necessary to
23implement and enforce the provisions of this Section.
24(Source: P.A. 102-391, eff. 1-1-23.)
25    Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon



10300SB3130sam002- 46 -LRB103 38249 RPS 70647 a

1becoming law, except that the changes to Sections 3, 5, 10, and
225 of the Network Adequacy and Transparency Act take effect
3January 1, 2025.".