State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/9/2025, by Rep. La Shawn K. Ford


New Act

    Creates the Prevention of Use of Hemp Cannabinoid Products Intended for Human Consumption by Ingestion or Inhalation by Persons Under 21 Years of Age Act. Permits the sale and possession of hemp cannabinoids by persons 21 years of age or over. Provides that no person shall offer or sell hemp cannabinoid products to consumers in the State unless the person applies for and holds a hemp retailer license issued by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. Provides that no person shall sell ready-to-eat hemp products to end consumers without holding a hemp food establishment license issued by the Department of Public Health. Provides that a hemp food establishment that sells ready-to-eat cannabinoid products shall be exclusively licensed and located in the State. Provides that hemp food establishments and hemp retailers shall require proof of age from a purchaser of any cannabinoid products before selling the product to that person. Provides that the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation shall administer and enforce the provisions of the Act relating to licensing and oversight of hemp distributors and hemp retailers unless otherwise provided in the Act. Establishes standards for the issuance of licenses under the Act. Provides for criminal and civil penalties for violation of the Act.

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1    AN ACT concerning hemp cannabinoids.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Prevention of Use of Hemp Cannabinoid Products Intended for
6Human Consumption by Ingestion or Inhalation by Persons Under
721 Years of Age Act.
8    Section 5. Definitions. In this Act:
9    "Cannabinoid menu item" means a restaurant-type food that
10incorporates ready-to-eat cannabinoids included on a menu or
11menu board or offered as a food on display.
12    "Hemp business establishment" means a hemp retailer or
13hemp food establishment.
14    "Hemp cannabinoid" means the chemical constituents of hemp
15plants that are naturally occurring and biologically active.
16    "Hemp cannabinoid product" means a finished product for
17sale to hemp cannabinoid users at hemp business establishments
18within the State that contains cannabinoids derived from hemp
19and is intended for human consumption by inhalation or
21    "Hemp cannabinoid user" means a member of the general
22public who buys or uses hemp and who is protected by laws
23against unfair or fraudulent practices in the marketplace.



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1    "Hemp food establishment" means a facility regulated by
2the Department of Public Health that incorporates intermediate
3hemp products in the manufacturing, processing, or preparation
4of prepackaged or ready-to-eat hemp cannabinoid products for
5human ingestion and which meets the requirements of this Act.
6    "Hemp retailer" means a retailer operated by an
7organization or business that is licensed by the Department of
8Financial and Professional Regulation to sell hemp cannabinoid
9products to hemp cannabinoid users.
10    "Ingestion" means the process of consuming cannabinoid
11products through the mouth, whether by swallowing into the
12gastrointestinal system or through tissue absorption.
13    "Inhalation" means the process of consuming cannabinoid
14products through the mouth or nasal passage into the
15respiratory system.
16    "Intermediate hemp products" means products that are made
17from processed hemp that may only be sold to hemp business
18establishments to be used as ingredients for other
19intermediate hemp products or final hemp cannabinoid products
20for human consumption by ingestion or inhalation.
21"Intermediate hemp products" include products that contain
22more than 0.3% THC.
23    "Menu" means the primary writing of the establishment from
24which a customer makes an order selection, including, but not
25limited to, breakfast, lunch, and dinner menus, dessert menus,
26beverage menus, other specialty menus, electronic menus, menu



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1boards, and menus published on the Internet.
2    "Ready-to-eat hemp cannabinoid product" means a type of
3hemp cannabinoid product that is available for human
4consumption, that is subject to time or temperature control,
5or both, for food safety, that is "ready-to-eat food" as
6defined in Section 1-201.10 of the Food Code 2017 of the United
7States Public Health Service of the Food and Drug
8Administration, that does not exceed 50 milligrams of THC per
9serving, that utilizes intermediate hemp products as an input,
10and that is produced as a single serving in a retail food
12    Section 10. Sale of hemp cannabinoid products.
13    (a) The retail sale of hemp cannabinoids is allowed as
14provided in this Act.
15    (b) No person shall sell or offer for sale hemp
16cannabinoid products to consumers in the State unless the
17person applies for and holds a hemp retailer license issued by
18the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. No
19person shall sell ready-to-eat hemp products to end consumers
20without holding a hemp food establishment license issued by
21the Department of Public Health.
22    (c) A hemp food establishment that sells ready-to-eat
23cannabinoid products shall be exclusively licensed and located
24in the State.
25    (d) No person shall sell a hemp cannabinoid product to any



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1person under the age of 21.
2    (e) No person shall sell, buy for, distribute samples of,
3or furnish any cannabinoid product to any person under the age
4of 21.
5    (f) No person under 21 years of age in the furtherance or
6facilitation of obtaining hemp cannabinoid products shall
7display or use a false or forged identification card or
8transfer, alter, or deface an identification card.
9    (g) A hemp food establishment or hemp retailer that sells
10cannabinoid products intended for inhalation shall post a
11clear and conspicuous sign directly adjacent to the display of
12the product that states the following: "THE SALE OF
16    (h) Cannabinoid products may not be mailed, shipped, or
17otherwise delivered to a purchaser unless, before the delivery
18to the purchaser, the hemp retailer obtains confirmation that
19the purchaser is 21 years of age or older.
20    (i) Hemp food establishments and hemp retailers shall
21require proof of age from a purchaser of any cannabinoid
22products before selling the product to that person. Hemp food
23establishments and hemp retailers shall exercise diligence in
24the management and supervision of their premises and in the
25supervision and training of their employees to prevent the
26underage sale of these products.



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1    (j) A product containing cannabinoids must not be
2considered adulterated or unsafe solely because the product
3contains cannabinoids or other material extracted or derived
4from hemp plants.
5    (k) A person, hemp food establishment, or hemp retailer
6that violates subsection (e) is guilty of a Class 4 felony. A
7person under the age of 21 who violates subsection (f) is
8guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
9    Section 15. Licensing and regulation of hemp retailers.
10    (a) The Department of Financial and Professional
11Regulation shall administer and enforce the provisions of this
12Act relating to licensing and oversight of hemp distributors
13and hemp retailers unless otherwise provided in this Act.
14    (b) No person shall operate a hemp retail establishment
15for the purpose of serving purchasers of hemp cannabinoid
16products without a license issued under this Act by the
17Department of Financial and Professional Regulation.
18    (c) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Department
19of Financial and Professional Regulation may exercise the
20following powers and duties:
21        (1) prescribe forms to be issued for the
22    administration and enforcement of this Act;
23        (2) examine, inspect, and investigate the premises,
24    operations, and records of hemp retail organization
25    applicants and licensees;



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1        (3) conduct investigations of possible violations of
2    this Act pertaining to hemp retail organizations; and
3        (4) conduct hearings on proceedings to refuse to issue
4    or renew licenses or to revoke, suspend, place on
5    probation, reprimand, or otherwise discipline a license
6    holder under this Act or take other nondisciplinary
7    action.
8    (d) The Department of Financial and Professional
9Regulation may not limit the number of hemp retailer licenses.
10    (e) The Department of Financial and Professional
11Regulation may not limit the number of hemp retailer licenses
12an individual may hold.
13    (f) Applicants for a hemp retail license must submit all
14information required by the Department of Financial and
15Professional Regulation. Failure by an applicant to submit all
16required information may result in the application being
18    (g) The Department of Financial and Professional
19Regulation may verify information contained in each
20application and accompanying documentation to assess the
21applicant's veracity and fitness to operate a hemp business
23    (h) The Department of Financial and Professional
24Regulation may refuse to issue a license to any applicant who:
25        (1) fails to disclose or states falsely any
26    information called for in the applications;



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1        (2) has been found guilty of a violation of this Act,
2    who has had any disciplinary order entered against it by
3    the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation,
4    who has entered into a disciplinary or nondisciplinary
5    agreement with the Department of Financial and
6    Professional Regulation, or whose hemp business license
7    was suspended, restricted, revoked, or denied in another
8    State; or
9        (3) has engaged in a pattern or practice of unfair or
10    illegal practices, methods, or activities in the conduct
11    of owning a hemp business establishment or other business.
12    (i) The Department of Financial and Professional
13Regulation shall deny the license if any principal officer,
14board member, or persons having a financial or voting interest
15of 5% or greater on the license is delinquent in filing any
16required tax returns or paying any amounts owed to the State.
17    (j) The Department of Financial and Professional
18Regulation shall verify an applicant's compliance with the
19requirements of this Act and rules before issuing a hemp
20retailer license.
21    Section 20. Operational requirements of hemp retailers.
22    (a) A hemp retailer shall operate in accordance with the
23representations made in its application and license materials.
24It shall be in compliance with this Act and rules.
25    (b) A hemp retailer that obtains a hemp food establishment



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1license may prepare and sell ready-to-eat hemp cannabinoid
3    (c) A hemp retailer shall maintain compliance with State
4and local building, fire, and zoning requirements and
6    (d) A hemp retailer's license allows for a hemp retailer
7to be operated only at a single location.
8    (e) A hemp retailer shall ensure that any building or
9equipment used by the hemp retailer for the sale of hemp, hemp
10cannabinoid products, and ready-to-eat hemp cannabinoid
11products are maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
12    (f) A hemp retailer's premises shall be free from
13infestation by insects, rodents, or pests.
14    (g) A hemp retailer license shall not give the licensee
15the right to:
16        (1) grow hemp;
17        (2) produce or manufacture hemp or hemp cannabinoid
18    products;
19        (3) sell hemp cannabinoid products to a purchaser
20    unless the purchaser is a medical patient or that the
21    purchaser has been verified to be 21 years of age or older;
22    or
23        (4) violate any other requirements or prohibitions set
24    by Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
25    rules.
26    (h) A hemp retailer license may be obtained by an



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1out-of-state entity if:
2        (1) the applicant and its principals and officers on
3    the application retain a registered agent or office in the
4    State and agree to submit to tax nexus within the State for
5    jurisdictional, regulatory, and enforcement purposes; and
6        (2) the applicant maintains a log of all sales to
7    residents located within the State to be submitted for
8    inspection by the Department.
9    Section 25. Regulation of hemp food establishments.
10    (a) As used in this Section, "Department" means the
11Department of Public Health.
12    (b) The Department shall administer and enforce the
13provisions of this Act relating to the licensing and oversight
14of hemp food establishments unless otherwise provided in this
16    (c) No person shall operate a hemp food establishment for
17the purpose of serving hemp cannabinoid products for human
18ingestion or ready-to-eat hemp cannabinoid products without a
19license issued under this Act.
20    (d) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Department
21may exercise the following powers and duties:
22        (1) prescribe forms to be issued for the
23    administration and enforcement of this Act;
24        (2) examine, inspect, and investigate the premises,
25    operations, and records of hemp food establishment



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1    applicants and licensees;
2        (3) conduct investigations of possible violations of
3    this Act pertaining to hemp food establishments; and
4        (4) conduct hearings on proceedings to refuse to issue
5    or renew licenses or to revoke, suspend, place on
6    probation, reprimand, or otherwise discipline a license
7    holder under this Act or take other nondisciplinary
8    action.
9    (e) The Department may not limit the number of hemp food
10establishment licenses.
11    (f) The Department shall not limit the number of licenses
12an individual may hold. Applicants for a hemp food
13establishment license must submit all information required by
14the Department. Failure by an applicant to submit all required
15information may result in the application being disqualified.
16    (g) The Department may verify information contained in
17each application and accompanying documentation to assess the
18applicant's veracity and fitness to operate a hemp food
20    (h) The Department may refuse to issue an authorization to
21any applicant who:
22        (1) fails to disclose or falsifies any information
23    called for in the application;
24        (2) has been found guilty of a violation of this Act,
25    who has had any disciplinary order entered against the
26    applicant by the Department, who has entered into a



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1    disciplinary or nondisciplinary agreement with the
2    Department, or whose hemp business establishment license
3    was suspended, restricted, revoked, or denied in another
4    state; or
5        (3) has engaged in a pattern or practice of unfair or
6    illegal practices, methods, or activities in the conduct
7    of owning a hemp business establishment or other business.
8    (i) The Department shall deny the license if any principal
9officer, board member, or persons having a financial or voting
10interest of 5% or greater on the license is delinquent in
11filing any required tax returns or paying any amounts owed to
12the State.
13    (j) The Department shall verify an applicant's compliance
14with the requirements of this Act and rules before issuing a
15hemp food establishment license.
16    Section 30. Operational requirements of hemp food
18    (a) A hemp food establishment that deals in the
19manufacture and sale of food items and that does not comply
20with either the existing State laws related to food handling
21or the health and food handling regulations of a unit of local
22government having jurisdiction over the establishment may be
23enjoined from doing business in the following manner: the
24Department of Public Health or a local department of health
25may seek an injunction in the circuit court of the county in



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1which the establishment is located. An injunction, if granted,
2shall prohibit the hemp food establishment from selling hemp
3cannabinoid products for human ingestion until it complies
4with any applicable State law or regulations of a unit of local
5government. However, no injunction may be sought or granted
6before January 1, 2027, to enforce any rule or regulation
7requiring a licensed food business to adhere to those rules
8and regulations.
9    (b) The Department of Public Health shall adopt and
10enforce rules for the manufacturing and processing of hemp
11cannabinoid products for human ingestion at a hemp food
12establishment, and, for that purpose, it may at all times
13enter every building, room, basement, enclosure, or premises
14occupied or used, or suspected of being occupied or used, for
15the production, preparation, manufacture for sale, storage,
16sale, processing, distribution, or transportation and to
17inspect the premises of a hemp food establishment together
18with all utensils, fixtures, furniture, and machinery used for
19the preparation of these products.
20    (c) A hemp food establishment shall be under the
21operational supervision of a certified food service sanitation
22manager in accordance with rules adopted under this Act.
23    (d) A hemp food establishment shall operate in accordance
24with the representations made in its application and license
25materials. It shall be in compliance with this Act and rules.
26    (e) A hemp food establishment shall comply with the food



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1handling, preparation, packaging and labeling provisions of
2the Illinois Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, the Food Handling
3Regulation Enforcement Act, and the Sanitary Food Preparation
5    (f) A hemp food establishment that obtains a hemp retailer
6license may prepare and sell ready-to-eat hemp cannabinoid
8    (g) A hemp food establishment shall maintain compliance
9with State and local building, fire, and zoning requirements.
10    (h) A hemp food establishment license allows for a hemp
11food establishment to be operated only at a single location.
12    (i) A hemp food establishment shall ensure that any
13building or equipment used by the hemp food establishment for
14the storage, preparation, or sale of hemp cannabinoid products
15for human ingestion and ready-to-eat hemp cannabinoid products
16are maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
17    (j) A hemp food establishment shall be free from
18infestation by insects, rodents, or pests.
19    (k) A hemp food establishment, when combined with an
20on-site hemp retailer license, allows for the preparation and
21sale of ready-to-eat hemp cannabinoid products.
22    (l) A hemp food establishment license shall not give the
23establishment the right to:
24        (1) grow hemp;
25        (2) process hemp;
26        (3) prepare and sell ready-to-eat hemp cannabinoid



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1    products to a purchaser unless the purchaser has been
2    verified to be 21 years of age or older; or
3        (4) violate any other requirements or prohibitions set
4    by the Department of Public Health rules.
5    Section 35. Recipes and dosing of ready-to-eat hemp
6cannabinoid products. In order to sell ready-to-eat hemp
7cannabinoid products, a hemp food establishment shall:
8        (1) keep THC dosing at or below 50 milligrams per
9    serving;
10        (2) submit a standard operating procedure for dosing
11    to the Department of Public Health for approval and
12    registration. The approval shall be granted within 30 days
13    of submission unless the Department provides good cause,
14    in writing, for withholding approval;
15        (3) submit the recipe, at the hemp food
16    establishment's expense, to a third-party testing
17    laboratory for potency testing to ensure 0.3% THC
18    compliance on an annual basis;
19        (4) use only the varietal or proportional varietals of
20    ingredients included in the tested recipe for all
21    subsequent batches of the recipe; and
22        (5) provide documentation of the annual test results
23    of the recipe submitted under this paragraph upon
24    registration and to an inspector upon request during any
25    inspection authorized by the Department.



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1    Section 40. Disclosure and labeling of ready-to-eat hemp
2cannabinoid products.
3    (a) Hemp food establishments must ensure that the total
4milligram content of each type of cannabinoid exceeding one
5milligram contained in each ready-to-eat hemp cannabinoid menu
6item is listed on the menu adjacent to the name or the price of
7the associated menu item.
8    (b) Hemp food establishments must ensure that served
9ready-to-eat hemp cannabinoid menu items include a label that:
10        (1) indicates the total milligram content of the
11    served items; and
12        (2) provides a QR code for a link to a web page
13    containing a copy of:
14            (A) the testing results of the intermediate hemp
15        product used;
16            (B) the dosing standard operating procedure; and
17            (C) a representative compliance test for the
18        recipe.
19    Section 45. Administrative hearings.
20    (a) Administrative hearings involving licenses issued
21under this Act shall be conducted by the department issuing
22the licenses under the rules that govern formal administrative
23proceedings of the department issuing the licenses. As used in
24this Section, "department issuing the license" means (1) the



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1Department of Financial and Professional Regulation in the
2case of a violation of this Act or rules adopted under this Act
3relating to a hemp retailer or (2) the Department of Public
4Health in the case of a violation of this Act or rules adopted
5under this Act relating to a hemp food establishment.
6    (b) The following administrative penalties may be imposed
7by the department issuing the license upon any person or
8entity who violates any provision of this Act or any rule
9adopted by any State department under this Act:
10        (1) a penalty of $2,500 for a first violation;
11        (2) a penalty of $5,000 for a second violation at the
12    same location within 2 years of the first violation; and
13        (3) a penalty of $10,000 for a third or subsequent
14    violation at the same location within 2 years of the
15    second or subsequent violation.
16    Any penalty of $5,000 or greater that is not paid within
17120 days of issuance of notice from the department issuing the
18license shall be submitted to the Department of Revenue for
19collection as provided under the Illinois State Collection Act
20of 1986. The department issuing the license may prohibit any
21person from selling or distributing a hemp cannabinoid product
22for failure to pay an administrative penalty within 60 days of
23issuance of notice from the department.
24    (c) All final administrative decisions of the department
25issuing the license are subject to judicial review under the
26Administrative Review Law. For the purposes of this



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1subsection, "administrative decision" has the meaning given to
2that term in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure.