State of Illinois
2025 and 2026


Introduced 1/9/2025, by Rep. Daniel Didech


105 ILCS 5/14-7.02  from Ch. 122, par. 14-7.02

    Amends the Children With Disabilities Article of the School Code. Allows a school district to place a student in a nonpublic day facility or residential special education facility providing educational services but not approved by the State Board of Education (rather than a nonpublic residential special education facility providing educational services but not approved by the State Board of Education) if the State Board of Education provides an emergency and student-specific approval for residential or day placement. Makes changes to provisions concerning the circumstances under which the State Board of Education will grant such an approval. Grants jurisdiction to the State Board's impartial due process hearing officer to resolve disputes involving the need for placement in a non-approved, student-specific, emergency placement, the selection of the facility, and whether an approved facility is an appropriate alternative to a non-approved facility. Makes conforming and other changes.

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1    AN ACT concerning education.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The School Code is amended by changing Section
514-7.02 as follows:
6    (105 ILCS 5/14-7.02)  (from Ch. 122, par. 14-7.02)
7    Sec. 14-7.02. Children attending private special education
8schools, separate public special education day schools, public
9out-of-state schools, public school residential facilities, or
10private special education facilities.
11    (a) The General Assembly recognizes that non-public
12schools or special education facilities provide an important
13service in the educational system in Illinois.
14    (b) If a student's individualized education program (IEP)
15team determines that because of his or her disability the
16special education program of a district is unable to meet the
17needs of the child and the child attends a non-public school or
18special education facility, a public out-of-state school or a
19special education facility owned and operated by a county
20government unit that provides special educational services
21required by the child and is in compliance with the
22appropriate rules and regulations of the State Superintendent
23of Education, the school district in which the child is a



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1resident shall pay the actual cost of tuition for special
2education and related services provided during the regular
3school term and during the summer school term if the child's
4educational needs so require, excluding room, board and
5transportation costs charged the child by that non-public
6school or special education facility, public out-of-state
7school or county special education facility, or $4,500 per
8year, whichever is less, and shall provide him any necessary
9transportation. "Nonpublic special education facility" shall
10include a residential facility, within or without the State of
11Illinois, which provides special education and related
12services to meet the needs of the child by utilizing private
13schools or public schools, whether located on the site or off
14the site of the residential facility. Resident district
15financial responsibility and reimbursement applies for both
16nonpublic special education facilities that are approved by
17the State Board of Education pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 401
18or other applicable laws or rules and for emergency
19residential placements in nonpublic special education
20facilities that are not approved by the State Board of
21Education pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 401 or other
22applicable laws or rules, subject to the requirements of this
24    (c) Prior to the placement of a child in an out-of-state
25special education residential facility, the school district
26must refer to the child or the child's parent or guardian the



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1option to place the child in a special education residential
2facility located within this State, if any, that provides
3treatment and services comparable to those provided by the
4out-of-state special education residential facility. The
5school district must review annually the placement of a child
6in an out-of-state special education residential facility. As
7a part of the review, the school district must refer to the
8child or the child's parent or guardian the option to place the
9child in a comparable special education residential facility
10located within this State, if any.
11    (c-5) Before a provider that operates a nonpublic special
12education facility terminates a student's placement in that
13facility, the provider must request an IEP meeting from the
14contracting school district. If the provider elects to
15terminate the student's placement following the IEP meeting,
16the provider must give written notice to this effect to the
17parent or guardian, the contracting public school district,
18and the State Board of Education no later than 20 business days
19before the date of termination, unless the health and safety
20of any student are endangered. The notice must include the
21detailed reasons for the termination and any actions taken to
22address the reason for the termination.
23    (d) Payments shall be made by the resident school district
24to the entity providing the educational services, whether the
25entity is the nonpublic special education facility or the
26school district wherein the facility is located, no less than



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1once per quarter, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the
3    (e) A school district may residentially place a student in
4a nonpublic day facility or residential special education
5facility providing educational services, but not approved by
6the State Board of Education pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 401
7or other applicable laws or rules, provided that the State
8Board of Education provides an emergency and student-specific
9approval for residential or day placement. The State Board of
10Education shall promptly, within 10 days after the request,
11approve a request for emergency and student-specific approval
12for residential or day placement if the following have been
13demonstrated to the State Board of Education:
14        (1) the facility demonstrates appropriate licensure of
15    teachers for the student population or otherwise
16    substantiates that staff have the requisite competency or
17    experience to meet the student's needs;
18        (2) the facility demonstrates age-appropriate
19    curriculum;
20        (3) the facility provides enrollment and attendance
21    data;
22        (4) the facility demonstrates the ability to implement
23    the child's IEP; and
24        (5) the school district demonstrates that it made good
25    faith efforts to residentially place the student in an
26    approved residential or day facility, but no approved



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1    facility has accepted the student or has availability for
2    immediate residential or day placement of the student.
3A resident school district may also submit such proof to the
4State Board of Education as may be required for its student.
5The State Board of Education may not unreasonably withhold
6approval once satisfactory proof is provided to the State
8    (f) If an impartial due process hearing officer who is
9contracted by the State Board of Education pursuant to this
10Article orders placement of a student with a disability in a
11residential or day facility that is not approved by the State
12Board of Education, then, for purposes of this Section, the
13facility shall be deemed approved for placement and school
14district payments and State reimbursements shall be made
15accordingly. The State Board of Education's impartial due
16process hearing officer shall have jurisdiction to resolve
17disputes involving the need for placement in a non-State Board
18of Education approved, student-specific, emergency placement,
19the selection of the facility, and whether an approved
20facility is an appropriate alternative to a non-approved
22    (g) Emergency residential or day placement in a facility
23approved pursuant to subsection (e) or (f) may continue to be
24utilized so long as (i) the student's IEP team determines
25annually that such placement continues to be appropriate to
26meet the student's needs and (ii) at least every 3 years



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1following the student's residential or day placement, the IEP
2team reviews appropriate placements approved by the State
3Board of Education pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 401 or other
4applicable laws or rules to determine whether there are any
5approved placements that can meet the student's needs, have
6accepted the student, and have availability for placement of
7the student and that transfer to another facility would not be
8unduly disruptive to the student's educational progress.
9    (h) The State Board of Education shall promulgate rules
10and regulations for determining when placement in a private
11special education facility is appropriate. Such rules and
12regulations shall take into account the various types of
13services needed by a child and the availability of such
14services to the particular child in the public school. In
15developing these rules and regulations the State Board of
16Education shall consult with the Advisory Council on Education
17of Children with Disabilities and hold public hearings to
18secure recommendations from parents, school personnel, and
19others concerned about this matter.
20    The State Board of Education shall also promulgate rules
21and regulations for transportation to and from a residential
22or day school. Transportation to and from home to a
23residential school more than once each school term shall be
24subject to prior approval by the State Superintendent in
25accordance with the rules and regulations of the State Board,
26unless additional home visits are required by the facility.



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1    (i) A school district making tuition payments pursuant to
2this Section is eligible for reimbursement from the State for
3the amount of such payments actually made in excess of the
4district per capita tuition charge for students not receiving
5special education services. Such reimbursement shall be
6approved in accordance with Section 14-12.01 and each district
7shall file its claims, computed in accordance with rules
8prescribed by the State Board of Education, on forms
9prescribed by the State Superintendent of Education. Data used
10as a basis of reimbursement claims shall be for the preceding
11regular school term and summer school term. Each school
12district shall transmit its claims to the State Board of
13Education on or before August 15. The State Board of
14Education, before approving any such claims, shall determine
15their accuracy and whether they are based upon services and
16facilities provided under approved programs. Upon approval the
17State Board shall cause vouchers to be prepared showing the
18amount due for payment of reimbursement claims to school
19districts, for transmittal to the State Comptroller on the
2030th day of September, December, and March, respectively, and
21the final voucher, no later than June 20. If the money
22appropriated by the General Assembly for such purpose for any
23year is insufficient, it shall be apportioned on the basis of
24the claims approved.
25    (j) No child shall be placed in a special education
26program pursuant to this Section if the tuition cost for



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1special education and related services increases more than 10
2percent over the tuition cost for the previous school year or
3exceeds $4,500 per year unless such costs have been approved
4by the Illinois Purchased Care Review Board. The Illinois
5Purchased Care Review Board shall consist of the following
6persons, or their designees: the Directors of Children and
7Family Services, Public Health, Public Aid, and the Governor's
8Office of Management and Budget; the Secretary of Human
9Services; the State Superintendent of Education; and such
10other persons as the Governor may designate. The Review Board
11shall also consist of one non-voting member who is an
12administrator of a private, nonpublic, special education
13school, one non-voting member who is an administrator of a
14separate public special education day school, and one
15non-voting member from a State agency that administers and
16provides early childhood education and care programs and
17services to children and families. The Review Board shall
18establish rules and regulations for its determination of
19allowable costs and payments made by local school districts
20for special education, room and board, and other related
21services provided by non-public schools, separate public
22special education day schools, or special education facilities
23and shall establish uniform standards and criteria which it
24shall follow. The Review Board shall approve the usual and
25customary rate or rates of a special education program that
26(i) is offered by an out-of-state, non-public provider of



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1integrated autism specific educational and autism specific
2residential services, (ii) offers 2 or more levels of
3residential care, including at least one locked facility, and
4(iii) serves 12 or fewer Illinois students.
5    (k) In determining rates based on allowable costs, the
6Review Board shall consider any wage increases awarded by the
7General Assembly to front line personnel defined as direct
8support persons, aides, front-line supervisors, qualified
9intellectual disabilities professionals, nurses, and
10non-administrative support staff working in service settings
11in community-based settings within the State and adjust
12customary rates or rates of a special education program to be
13equitable to the wage increase awarded to similar staff
14positions in a community residential setting. Any wage
15increase awarded by the General Assembly to front line
16personnel defined as direct support persons, aides, front-line
17supervisors, qualified intellectual disabilities
18professionals, nurses, and non-administrative support staff
19working in community-based settings within the State,
20including the $0.75 per hour increase contained in Public Act
21100-23 and the $0.50 per hour increase included in Public Act
22100-23, shall also be a basis for any facility covered by this
23Section to appeal its rate before the Review Board under the
24process defined in Title 89, Part 900, Section 340 of the
25Illinois Administrative Code. Illinois Administrative Code
26Title 89, Part 900, Section 342 shall be updated to recognize



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1wage increases awarded to community-based settings to be a
2basis for appeal. However, any wage increase that is captured
3upon appeal from a previous year shall not be counted by the
4Review Board as revenue for the purpose of calculating a
5facility's future rate.
6    (l) Any definition used by the Review Board in
7administrative rule or policy to define "related
8organizations" shall include any and all exceptions contained
9in federal law or regulation as it pertains to the federal
10definition of "related organizations".
11    (m) The Review Board shall establish uniform definitions
12and criteria for accounting separately by special education,
13room and board and other related services costs. The Board
14shall also establish guidelines for the coordination of
15services and financial assistance provided by all State
16agencies to assure that no otherwise qualified child with a
17disability receiving services under Article 14 shall be
18excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or
19be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity
20provided by any State agency.
21    (n) The Review Board shall review the costs for special
22education and related services provided by non-public schools,
23separate public special education day schools, or special
24education facilities and shall approve or disapprove such
25facilities in accordance with the rules and regulations
26established by it with respect to allowable costs.



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1    (o) The State Board of Education shall provide
2administrative and staff support for the Review Board as
3deemed reasonable by the State Superintendent of Education.
4This support shall not include travel expenses or other
5compensation for any Review Board member other than the State
6Superintendent of Education.
7    (p) The Review Board shall seek the advice of the Advisory
8Council on Education of Children with Disabilities on the
9rules and regulations to be promulgated by it relative to
10providing special education services.
11    (q) If a child has been placed in a program in which the
12actual per pupil costs of tuition for special education and
13related services based on program enrollment, excluding room,
14board and transportation costs, exceed $4,500 and such costs
15have been approved by the Review Board, the district shall pay
16such total costs which exceed $4,500. A district making such
17tuition payments in excess of $4,500 pursuant to this Section
18shall be responsible for an amount in excess of $4,500 equal to
19the district per capita tuition charge and shall be eligible
20for reimbursement from the State for the amount of such
21payments actually made in excess of the district's per capita
22tuition charge for students not receiving special education
23services. If a child has been placed in a private special
24education school, separate public special education day
25school, or private special education facility, a district
26making tuition payments in excess of $4,500 pursuant to this



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1Section shall be responsible for an amount in excess of $4,500
2equal to 2 times the district's per capita tuition charge and
3shall be eligible for reimbursement from the State for the
4amount of such payments actually made in excess of 2 times the
5district's per capita tuition charge for students not
6receiving special education services.
7    (r) If a child has been placed in an approved individual
8program and the tuition costs including room and board costs
9have been approved by the Review Board, then such room and
10board costs shall be paid by the appropriate State agency
11subject to the provisions of Section 14-8.01 of this Act. Room
12and board costs not provided by a State agency other than the
13State Board of Education shall be provided by the State Board
14of Education on a current basis. In no event, however, shall
15the State's liability for funding of these tuition costs begin
16until after the legal obligations of third party payors have
17been subtracted from such costs. If the money appropriated by
18the General Assembly for such purpose for any year is
19insufficient, it shall be apportioned on the basis of the
20claims approved. Each district shall submit estimated claims
21to the State Superintendent of Education. Upon approval of
22such claims, the State Superintendent of Education shall
23direct the State Comptroller to make payments on a monthly
24basis. The frequency for submitting estimated claims and the
25method of determining payment shall be prescribed in rules and
26regulations adopted by the State Board of Education. Such



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1current state reimbursement shall be reduced by an amount
2equal to the proceeds which the child or child's parents are
3eligible to receive under any public or private insurance or
4assistance program. Nothing in this Section shall be construed
5as relieving an insurer or similar third party from an
6otherwise valid obligation to provide or to pay for services
7provided to a child with a disability.
8    (s) If it otherwise qualifies, a school district is
9eligible for the transportation reimbursement under Section
1014-13.01 and for the reimbursement of tuition payments under
11this Section whether the non-public school or special
12education facility, public out-of-state school or county
13special education facility, attended by a child who resides in
14that district and requires special educational services, is
15within or outside of the State of Illinois. However, a
16district is not eligible to claim transportation reimbursement
17under this Section unless the district certifies to the State
18Superintendent of Education that the district is unable to
19provide special educational services required by the child for
20the current school year.
21    (t) Nothing in this Section authorizes the reimbursement
22of a school district for the amount paid for tuition of a child
23attending a non-public school or special education facility, a
24public special education facility, a public out-of-state
25school, or a county special education facility unless the
26school district certifies to the State Superintendent of



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1Education that the special education program of that district
2is unable to meet the needs of that child because of the
3child's disability and the State Superintendent of Education
4finds that the school district is in substantial compliance
5with Section 14-4.01. However, if a child is unilaterally
6placed by a State agency or any court in a non-public school or
7special education facility, public out-of-state school, or
8county special education facility, a school district shall not
9be required to certify to the State Superintendent of
10Education, for the purpose of tuition reimbursement, that the
11special education program of that district is unable to meet
12the needs of a child because of his or her disability.
13    (u) Any educational or related services provided, pursuant
14to this Section in a non-public school or special education
15facility or a special education facility owned and operated by
16a county government unit shall be at no cost to the parent or
17guardian of the child. However, current law and practices
18relative to contributions by parents or guardians for costs
19other than educational or related services are not affected by
20this amendatory Act of 1978.
21    (v) Reimbursement for children attending public school
22residential facilities shall be made in accordance with the
23provisions of this Section.
24    (w) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any school
25district receiving a payment under this Section or under
26Section 14-7.02b, 14-13.01, or 29-5 of this Code may classify



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1all or a portion of the funds that it receives in a particular
2fiscal year or from general State aid pursuant to Section
318-8.05 of this Code as funds received in connection with any
4funding program for which it is entitled to receive funds from
5the State in that fiscal year (including, without limitation,
6any funding program referenced in this Section), regardless of
7the source or timing of the receipt. The district may not
8classify more funds as funds received in connection with the
9funding program than the district is entitled to receive in
10that fiscal year for that program. Any classification by a
11district must be made by a resolution of its board of
12education. The resolution must identify the amount of any
13payments or general State aid to be classified under this
14paragraph and must specify the funding program to which the
15funds are to be treated as received in connection therewith.
16This resolution is controlling as to the classification of
17funds referenced therein. A certified copy of the resolution
18must be sent to the State Superintendent of Education. The
19resolution shall still take effect even though a copy of the
20resolution has not been sent to the State Superintendent of
21Education in a timely manner. No classification under this
22paragraph by a district shall affect the total amount or
23timing of money the district is entitled to receive under this
24Code. No classification under this paragraph by a district
25shall in any way relieve the district from or affect any
26requirements that otherwise would apply with respect to that



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1funding program, including any accounting of funds by source,
2reporting expenditures by original source and purpose,
3reporting requirements, or requirements of providing services.
4    (x) The State Board of Education may adopt such rules as
5may be necessary to implement this Section.
6(Source: P.A. 102-254, eff. 8-6-21; 102-703, eff. 4-22-22;
7103-175, eff. 6-30-23; 103-546, eff. 8-11-23; 103-605, eff.
87-1-24; 103-644, eff. 7-1-24.)