Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0607
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0607  097th General Assembly




SR0607LRB097 20487 KXB 66036 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Kathleen M. "Kathy" Nordin of Woodstock,
4who passed away on January 30, 2012; and
5    WHEREAS, She was born July 15, 1963, in Woodstock, to Roger
6and Connie Powers; she was a graduate of Woodstock High School;
7she was an amazingly loving, caring, and giving mother; her
8children were her pride and joy and what kept her centered
9throughout her journey; she was the perfect daughter, a
10wonderful sister, and an ever-present aunt to her many nieces
11and nephews, always making time to go watch them in their
12extra-curricular activities; and
13    WHEREAS, She was employed with Sage Products in Cary in
14regulatory affairs and co-chaired the Garden of Hope at Sage
15Products; she was a member of Grace Lutheran Church in
16Woodstock, serving on the church council, and also was a Sunday
17school teacher; in 2007, she was the recipient of the Gavers
18""Never be Defeated Award"; and
19    WHEREAS, She was preceded in death by her father, David
20(Roger) Powers; and
21    WHEREAS, Kathleen Nordin leaves behind her sons, Matthew



SR0607- 2 -LRB097 20487 KXB 66036 r

1and Michael; their father, Dean Nordin; her mother, Conet
2"Connie" Powers-Crommett; her stepfather, Gerald "Jerry"
3Crommett; her brother, Gordon "Gordy" and his wife, Christy,
4and their sons, Nicholas and Max; her brother, Dennis, and his
5wife, Anne, and their children, Alex Drake, Madison Drake, Alex
6and Ryan Powers; her sister, Julia Powers-Schoepke, and her
7children, Rachael, William "Wil", Zachary, and Amy (Bruce)
8Christian, and their daughter, Abigail; and many aunts, uncles,
9cousins, and many dear friends; therefore, be it
11ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
12her family and friends, the passing of Kathleen Nordin; and be
13it further
14    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
15presented to the family of Kathleen Nordin as a symbol of our
16sincere sympathy.