Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1022
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1022  099th General Assembly




SR1022LRB099 14304 GRL 38441 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Father Mario Pedi, O.S.B., who passed
4away on August 28, 2015; and
5    WHEREAS, Father Mario Pedi was born on November 2, 1926 and
6was baptized as Stephen at St. Bernardine Parish in Forest
7Park; and
8    WHEREAS, After graduating from Proviso High School in 1945,
9Father Mario Pedi studied at Loyola University and St.
10Procopius College; after entering Marmion Abbey in 1952, he
11professed his first vows and took the name of Mario in honor of
12the Blessed Virgin Mary; he made his solemn monastic profession
13on August 10, 1956 and was ordained as a priest on May 11,
141957; and
15    WHEREAS, From 1957 to 1971, Father Mario Pedi served at
16Marmion Military Academy as an instructor, commandant, and
17librarian; from 1968 to 1971, he served as Principal of the
18Lake Street Campus of the Academy; he also taught at Delbarton
19School in New Jersey from 1971 to 1973, Fieldstone School in
20New York City from 1974 to 1976, and served as rector of St.
21Edward's Hall at the University of Notre Dame from 1976 to
221986; during his years at Notre Dame, he was well known for his



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1hospitality and for the personal contacts he maintained with
2students after graduation; and
3    WHEREAS, Father Mario Pedi served as pastor of Annunciation
4Church in Aurora from 1986 to 2009; as pastor, he oversaw the
5restoration of the church's interior and added a number of new
6artistic works, including a rendering of the Annunciation on
7the facade of the church and an outdoor Way of the Cross in the
8parish cemetery; he also introduced the celebration of the
9Luminary Mass in the cemetery each fall; and
10    WHEREAS, After his retirement from active ministry in 2009,
11Father Mario Pedi returned to Marmion Abbey; during his final
12years, Father Mario remained faithful to daily prayer with his
13monastic community and to his priestly pastoral ministry at
14local parishes; and
15    WHEREAS, Father Mario Pedi was preceded in death by his
16parents, Philip and Mary (nee Brocato); his brothers, Sal and
17Philip; and his niece, Virginia Wohn; and
18    WHEREAS, Father Mario Pedi is survived by members of his
19monastic community; his brothers, Roy (Patricia) and John
20(Roberta); his sister, Marianne (George) Wohn; his nieces,
21Debbie Pedi, Beverly (Jim) Crupi, Laura (Joe) Ruddy, Kim Kane,
22Terrie Foster, and Nicole Barzano; his nephews, Stephen Foster



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1and Brian, David, and Michael Wohn; and his many great-nephews
2and great-nieces; therefore, be it
4ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we, along with his
5family and friends, mourn the passing of Father Mario Pedi; and
6be it further
7    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
8presented to the family of Father Mario Pedi as an expression
9of our sympathy.