Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR1029
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR1029  097th General Assembly




HR1029LRB097 21292 GRL 69028 r


2    WHEREAS, Endangered Species Day is celebrated by many
3states, such as Texas, Florida, Tennessee, and California; the
4day is dedicated to bringing awareness and helping endangered
5species in our country; this year, Endangered Species Day will
6take place on May 18, 2012; and
7    WHEREAS, The people of the State of Illinois recognize that
8a healthy environment is an integral part of Illinois' economy,
9society, and culture; and
10    WHEREAS, The alligator snapping turtle is the largest
11freshwater turtle in North America, and helps to control fish
12populations everywhere; as of 2006, the alligator snapping
13turtle was listed as an endangered species, while being an
14important part of Illinois' ecosystem; and
15    WHEREAS, There are roughly 450 endangered species other
16than the alligator snapping turtle, including 18 species of
17fish, 3 species of amphibians, 8 species of reptiles, 26
18species of birds, 5 species of mammals, 37 species of
19invertebrates, and 251 species of plants; these numbers do not
20include threatened animals; and
21    WHEREAS, Despite this vast list of endangered species, the



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1State of Illinois does not recognize an Endangered Species Day;
2by bringing awareness to the entire State and putting emphasis
3on youth-organized campaigns, a recognized awareness day could
4aid in preventing further damage done to our environment; and
5    WHEREAS, As stated in Article 11 of the Illinois
6Constitution, "The public policy of the State and the duty of
7each person is to provide and maintain a healthful environment
8for the benefit of this and future generations. The General
9Assembly shall provide by law for the implementation and
10enforcement of this public policy."; and
11    WHEREAS, The members of this body have an obligation to our
12children and to future generations to be influential leaders of
13our atmosphere and to pave an affirmative path of stewardship
14in protecting endangered species and their habitats; and
15    WHEREAS, By placing more emphasis on the importance of
16preserving our environment, youth in general would become more
17educated on the consequences and future problems caused by
18neglecting our earth now; focusing on these issues would help
19instill responsibility, leadership, humanitarianism, and
20consideration in students in Illinois; and
21    WHEREAS, The obliteration of a species and their habitat is
22a severe hazard to our own society, as nature is the foundation



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1of our most frequently-prescribed medicines; the loss of a
2species could result in the loss of life-saving drugs; and
3    WHEREAS, The members of this body have the responsibility
4to utilize the finest technology accessible to ensure the
5protection against the extinction of many valued creatures and
6to guarantee their availability for all needs to future
7generations; and
8    WHEREAS, For over 30 years, the Endangered Species Act has
9served as the nation's safety net for wildlife, saving hundreds
10of plants and animals for extinction, putting hundreds more on
11the path to recovery, and safeguarding the habitats on which
12they all depend; therefore, be it
15we pledge to uphold the nation's standards of the Endangered
16Species Act and continue to take all appropriate action to
17protect our plants and wildlife and the places that they live,
18in honor of Operation Endangered Species and the Alligator
19Snapping Turtle project at Pontiac Township High School; and be
20it further
21    RESOLVED, That we designate the date of May 18, 2012 as
22Endangered Species Day in the State of Illinois in furtherance



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1of this goal.