Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR1030
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR1030  094th General Assembly



HR1030 LRB094 19878 HSS 57049 r


2     WHEREAS, The Walls Memorial Christian Methodist Episcopal
3 (CME) Church was established in 1917 and is celebrating its
4 89th anniversary; and
5     WHEREAS, Walls Memorial CME Church was organized with four
6 members; at that time, the church was named Park Avenue CME
7 Church; in 1933, Reverend Albert Webster Walls, the founder,
8 was reassigned to Park Avenue and a new edifice was purchased;
9 and
10     WHEREAS, Under Reverend Walls' leadership, the church
11 moved again to a new location on Washington Blvd.; Reverend
12 Walls served faithfully for 17 years; and
13     WHEREAS, Reverend Chester A. Kirkendoll (the 35th Bishop of
14 the CME Church) completed the parsonage of the late Reverend
15 Walls with Reverend J.H. Henderson serving from the fall of
16 1950 to the summer of 1954; under Pastor Henderson, the
17 Stewardess Board #2, the gospel chorus, and the Board of
18 Christian Education were organized, and a piano and organ were
19 purchased; and
20     WHEREAS, During the 1950s, many pastors served the Walls
21 family; included in this tenure was the Dr. Kelsey Jones, who
22 served from 1956 to 1959; in 1959, Reverend Julius Clay was
23 appointed and served Walls until 1962; and
24     WHEREAS, In 1962, Reverend D.E. Fullwood was appointed; the
25 highlight of his 5-year tenure was the purchasing of the first
26 parsonage on Central Park Avenue; in 1967, Reverend R.D.
27 Jackson was appointed pastor and the current house of worship
28 at 200 South Sacramento Boulevard and the 202 South Sacramento
29 properties were secured for $1 through the kind and generous
30 support of the Reverend Dr. Harry Gibson, the United Methodist



HR1030 - 2 - LRB094 19878 HSS 57049 r

1 Church, and the Chicago Home Missionary Society; and
2     WHEREAS, In August of 1969, Bishop J. Claude Allen
3 appointed Reverend Clarence C. Buchanan to the Walls family;
4 under his leadership, choirs were organized as well as the
5 Board of Evangelism and the Beautifying Club; the highlight of
6 his tenure came with the burning of the church mortgage on
7 March 17, 1974; Pastor Buchanan served until 1982, when the
8 Annual Conference appointed the Reverend John T. Kellman and
9 the Reverend Conway Spears until 1986; and
10     WHEREAS, In August of 1986, the Annual Conference appointed
11 the Reverend J.J. Jackson III as pastor; under his 8-year
12 tenure, a new parsonage was purchased and the church was
13 refurbished; and
14     WHEREAS, In 1994, Reverend Dr. Marvin Frank began serving
15 as pastor; he has overseen the establishment of a Retirement
16 Ministry and the Heard-Elders Computer Center, as well as
17 numerous physical improvements to the church; Reverend Frank
18 has worked tirelessly to expand the church's outreach ministry,
19 providing shelter for the homeless, a food pantry, and a
20 clothing bank; therefore, be it
23 we congratulate the Walls Memorial Christian Methodist
24 Episcopal Church on its 89th anniversary, and we recognize its
25 significant contributions to the community; and be it further
26     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
27 presented to the church as an expression of our wishes for its
28 continued growth and success.