Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR1055
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR1055  098th General Assembly




HR1055LRB098 21091 MST 58870 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate J. Maichle "Mike" Bacon on
4his retirement as Public Health Administrator of the Winnebago
5County Health Department; and
6    WHEREAS, Mr. Bacon has dedicated his exceptional 43-year
7professional career to the integration of personal health care
8and community-based preventive health services for health
9improvement, planning, and effective management of preventive
10health programs; this includes chronic, infectious and
11cardiovascular disease prevention, health promotion,
12environmental health, epidemiology, and the interrelatedness
13and the application of physical and health sciences in
14prevention and population-based health services; and
15    WHEREAS, Since the beginning of his career in 1971, Mr.
16Bacon has passionately made strides in improving the local
17public health system-particularly in the areas of
18environmental health, maternal-child health, infectious
19disease prevention and control, emergency preparedness,
20management and budgeting; and
21    WHEREAS, Bold actions were taken by Mr. Bacon in
22establishing progressive approaches deemed by State and



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1federal authorities as models for others, e.g., a community
2health needs assessment and a comprehensive, community-wide
3approach to controlling tobacco use by minors; and
4    WHEREAS, Many of the innovative, successful programs
5developed by Mr. Bacon and the Winnebago County Health
6Department earned recognition and prestigious awards,
7including the Samuel J. Crumbine Award for the best local food
8protection program in the country, the Centers for Disease
9Control Outstanding Achievement Award for the breast cancer
10education and screening initiative, the Illinois Department of
11Public Health (IDPH) Excellence in Community Leadership Award
12for the black male health program to target health inequities
13and the IDPH Statewide Excellence in Pediatric Care Community
14Service Award for providing the clinical care component of a
15local refugee program; and
16    WHEREAS, In efforts to address some of the community's most
17significant health problems, Mr. Bacon and the Winnebago County
18Health Department worked with local partners to develop new
19grant-supported initiatives focusing on areas such as
20maternal-child health, chronic disease prevention,
21school-linked health, public safety, and lead poisoning hazard
22remediation; and
23    WHEREAS, In over 30 presentations at State and national



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1professional conferences and more than a dozen publications,
2Mr. Bacon shared relevant lessons learned and important
3research findings; and
4    WHEREAS, Mr. Bacon has gracefully made countless
5contributions to the modern public health system through his
6dedicated involvement in local, regional, State and national
7professional and membership organizations and academic
8institutions; and
9    WHEREAS, Mr. Bacon served as President of the Illinois
10Public Health Association and was the impetus for a number of
11important and successful initiatives including the realignment
12of maternal and child health services at IDPH, the development
13of a white paper and policy resolution that would implement a
14local health protection and health promotion block grant, the
15development of key policy recommendations to prevent acts of
16violence related to firearms, and the overall strengthening of
17IPHA's policy and advocacy efforts to promote and protect the
18public's health; and
19    WHEREAS, Mr. Bacon was one of the founding board members of
20the Northern Illinois Public Health Consortium, which is one of
21the many organizations profoundly grateful for the vision and
22impact he has made in advocacy efforts promoting core public
23health; therefore, be it



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3we congratulate and honor J. Maichle "Mike" Bacon for being an
4outstanding public health professional; and be it further
5    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
6presented to Maichle Bacon as a symbol of our respect and