Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1063
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1063  097th General Assembly




SR1063LRB097 23828 GRL 73059 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3hear of the death of Sandra J. Mills, who passed away on
4November 27, 2012 after a long battle with cancer; and
5    WHEREAS, Sandra J. Mills was born on March 26, 1947, in
6Mendota and grew up in Peoria; her parents were Lois and Ben
7Clarke; she earned her bachelor's degree in sociology at
8Bradley University, her master's of social work at the
9University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign and her doctorate in
10adult education at Northern Illinois University; and
11    WHEREAS, Sandra J. Mills devoted much of her career to the
12practice of social work; in 1991, she became the lobbyist for
13the National Association of Social Workers-Illinois Chapter;
14in that capacity, she served as a strong and successful
15advocate for human services and the profession of social work
16in Illinois and the United States for 17 years; and
17    WHEREAS, Sandra J. Mills joined the faculty of the
18University of Illinois-Springfield in 1994; she taught at the
19graduate and undergraduate levels in the Child Family and
20Community Services Program and the Social Work Program; she
21achieved tenure in 2001 and served as department chair in 2003
22and 2004; she developed an internship for students and taught



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1in Sighisoara, Romania in 2001 and 2004; she subsequently
2retired from UIS as professor emeritus; and
3    WHEREAS, Sandra J. Mills was the recipient of many honors
4and awards, including the Lifetime Achievement Award in Social
5Work from the National Association of Social Workers-Illinois
6Chapter; and
7    WHEREAS, Sandra J. Mills was a loving and inspirational
8mother, mentor, friend, and partner who was adored and
9cherished by her family, friends, and colleagues; she will be
10remembered for her humor, warmth, open-mindedness, intellect,
11and compassion; and
12    WHEREAS, Sandra J. Mills is survived by her husband, Joseph
13Mills; her son, Aaron Mills; her daughter, Lisa Stewart; her
14sister, Joy Henderson; her sister-in-law, Betty Phalen; and her
15many friends; therefore, be it
17ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
18her family and friends, the passing of Sandra J. Mills; and be
19it further
20    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
21presented to the family of Sandra J. Mills as an expression of



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1our sympathy.