Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1069
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1069  097th General Assembly




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2    WHEREAS, Illinois State Senator M. Maggie Crotty was born
3in Chicago and graduated from Mercy High School; and
4    WHEREAS, Senator Crotty served as a Development
5Coordinator in the Cook County Region for Infinite Southwest
6and the Southwest Cook County Cooperative for Special
7Education; and
8    WHEREAS, Senator Crotty began her career in public service
9as a member of the District 145 school board in 1978 and served
10as board president from 1986 until 1993; and
11    WHEREAS, Senator Crotty continued serving her community on
12the District 228 Strategic Planning Committee and the
13Educational Foundation, where she continues to serve; and
14    WHEREAS, Senator Crotty has also worked with many local
15organizations to improve the quality of life for the region and
16its citizens, including membership in many Chambers of Commerce
17and Kiwanis Clubs and as a member of the Oak Forest Civil
18Service Commission; and
19    WHEREAS, Senator Crotty began her legislative career as a
20State Representative from 1996 to 2002, where she focused on



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1education issues, senior issues, and consumer protection; and
2    WHEREAS, Senator Crotty sought and won election to the
3Illinois State Senate in 2002; she has served since 2003 as
4part of her mission to help children, seniors, and families;
6    WHEREAS, During her tenure in the General Assembly, Senator
7Crotty has fought to maintain and improve critical State
8services, including human services and public safety, with an
9emphasis on seniors and Illinois veterans; and
10    WHEREAS, Senator Crotty demonstrated that education was
11the top priority of her legislative agenda by sponsoring
12initiatives to boost the State's share of education funding and
13to allow Illinois residents to rehabilitate their defaulted
14student loans; and
15    WHEREAS, Senator Crotty passed the "Silver Alert" system in
16Illinois that permits law enforcement to provide alerts for
17missing or abducted seniors and disabled persons, similar to
18the "Amber Alert" for children; and
19    WHEREAS, Senator Crotty waged a successful battle to close
20the Suburban Cook County Regional Office of Education amid
21allegations of corruption; and



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1    WHEREAS, Senator Crotty has always been a vocal proponent
2of health and human services; she served as a lead advocate in
3requiring insurance companies to cover treatment for children
4with congenital or genetic disorders and increased the State's
5understanding of children with disabilities; and
6    WHEREAS, Senator Crotty has served on and led numerous
7committees in the General Assembly, including serving as
8Chairperson of the Elections Committee, the Vice-Chairperson
9of the Local Government Committee, and the Co-Chairperson for
10the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules; she also served as
11a member of the Higher Education Committee, the Labor
12Committee, the Revenue Committee, the Joint Commission on
13Government Reform, the Executive Committee, the Executive
14Appointments Committee, the State Government and Veteran
15Affairs Committee, the Environment Committee, the Health &
16Human Services Committee, and the Licensed Activities
17Committee; and
18    WHEREAS, Senator Crotty has been the recipient of many
19awards for outstanding service to her community and the
20citizens of Illinois, including the Theresa Roedl Memorial
21Award for Volunteerism in 1988, the Outstanding Freshman
22Legislator of the Year for the Illinois Health Care Association
23in 1997, and numerous other Legislator of the Year Awards from



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1organizations across the State; and
2    WHEREAS, Senator Crotty continues to reside in Oak Forest,
3where she raised her 3 sons, Kevin, Keith, and Mark, who have
4blessed her with 7 grandchildren; and
5    WHEREAS, Senator Maggie Crotty's retirement from the
6Illinois Senate will be a loss of advocacy deeply felt by the
7people of Illinois and the members of this chamber; therefore,
8be it
10ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we thank Senator Maggie
11Crotty for her years of service to the people of Illinois and
12honor her with this resolution; and be it further
13    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
14presented to Senator Crotty as a symbol of our gratitude and
15with our best wishes for her future endeavors.