Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1070
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1070  097th General Assembly




SR1070LRB097 23776 GRL 72931 r


2    WHEREAS, Illinois State Senator James Meeks was born in
3Chicago; and
4    WHEREAS, Senator Meeks attended Harper High School in
5Chicago; he subsequently continued his education at Bishop
6College in Dallas, Texas, where he earned his bachelor's degree
7in religion and philosophy; this led to his eventual position
8as Pastor at the Salem Baptist Church in Chicago, where he
9oversaw the growth of the congregation to over 22,000 members;
11    WHEREAS, Senator Meeks has been a long-time community
12activist, supporting many initiatives demonstrating his
13commitment to social justice, economic and educational
14equality, and civil rights, including sponsoring educational
15scholarships for children, feeding the homeless, and
16supporting drug rehabilitation programs; and
17    WHEREAS, Senator Meeks led the rally to "dry up" the
18Roseland community in 1998 by collecting votes to close 26 area
19liquor stores; and
20    WHEREAS, Senator Meeks established the Salem Christian
21Academy School to provide quality education to hundreds of



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1children from preschool through 8th grade; he started the "It
2Takes a Village" mentoring program offering guidance and
3support for pregnant teenagers and teen mothers, which has
4benefitted countless young people since its founding; and
5    WHEREAS, Senator Meeks served as a member of the Board of
6Directors for the Chicago Fire Department, the Roseland
7Community Hospital, the Korean American Merchant Association,
8and the Olive Branch Mission; and
9    WHEREAS, Senator Meeks, since his election to the Illinois
10Senate in 2003, has demonstrated his commitment to improving
11the lives of underserved groups, particularly in his unceasing
12advocacy for education funding reform and access to affordable
13housing, while serving on the Senate Committees on Revenue,
14Elections, Housing & Community Affairs, Human Services, State
15Government & Veterans Affairs, Commerce & Economic
16Development, Education, Agriculture & Conservation, Senate
17Education Funding Reform, Appropriations, and Higher
18Education; and
19    WHEREAS, Senator Meeks was the chief architect of
20legislation that sought to eliminate the funding disparity
21between wealthy and poor communities by shifting school funding
22from property taxes to income taxes, allowing the State to
23maintain a consistent revenue source for Illinois children; and



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1    WHEREAS, Senator Meeks served as Joint-Chair of the
2Illinois Legislative Black Caucus; and
3    WHEREAS, Senator Meeks has successfully passed legislation
4that reduces racial profiling by establishing a camera grant
5fund to pay for cameras in police squad cars; and
6    WHEREAS, Senator Meeks has supported legislation to
7decrease recidivism rates and to keep communities safer by
8encouraging employers to hire ex-offenders; he has also
9championed legislation that would improve safety by bringing
10jobs and businesses to economically depressed areas; and
11    WHEREAS, Senator Meeks currently serves as the Executive
12Vice President of the National Rainbow-PUSH Coalition, where he
13is able to expand his commitment to social justice, economic
14and educational equality, and civil rights; and
15    WHEREAS, Senator Meeks has received awards from the Better
16Funding for Better Schools Coalition, the Illinois Association
17of School Administrators, and the Illinois Farm Bureau for his
18outstanding service; and
19    WHEREAS, Senator Meeks is blessed with his wife and
20partner, Jamell, as well as 4 children and one grandchild; and



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1    WHEREAS, Senator Meeks' service to the 15th Legislative
2District and to the citizens of Illinois displays the utmost
3integrity, courage, and dedication; establishing a standard of
4virtue to be observed by all; therefore, be it
6ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we thank Senator James
7T. Meeks for his years of service to the people of Illinois and
8honor him with this resolution; and be it further
9    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
10presented to Senator James Meeks as a symbol of our gratitude
11and with our best wishes for his future endeavors.