Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR1110
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR1110  097th General Assembly




HR1110LRB097 20823 PJG 67501 r


2    WHEREAS, The Neighborhood Recovery Initiative is a program
3under the Illinois Violence Prevention Authority; and
4    WHEREAS, In October 2010, the Governor launched the
5Neighborhood Recovery Initiative; and
6    WHEREAS, The Neighborhood Recovery Initiative, the
7Illinois Violence Prevention Authority, or both have received
8at least $93 million in State funding from the General Revenue
9Fund in FY11 and at least $53.1 million in State funding so far
10in FY12; and
11    WHEREAS, In administering that initiative, the Authority
12is to work closely with its local government officials;
13therefore, be it
16the Auditor General is directed to conduct a performance audit
17of the State moneys provided by or through the Illinois
18Violence Prevention Authority to the Neighborhood Recovery
19Initiative under contracts or grant agreements in Fiscal Year
202011 and in Fiscal Year 2012; and be it further



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1    RESOLVED, That this performance audit include, but not be
2limited to, the following determinations:
3        (1) the purposes for which State moneys were provided
4    to the Authority for the Neighborhood Recovery Initiative;
5        (2) the relationship between the Safety Net Works
6    program and the Initiative;
7        (3) the nature and extent of monitoring by the Illinois
8    Violence Prevention Authority of how the Initiative used
9    the State-provided moneys and whether certain residential
10    communities of similar crime rates were excluded;
11        (4) the actual use of State moneys by the Authority,
12    including the identity of any sub-recipients and the
13    amounts and purposes for employment;
14        (5) the number of positions paid through the Initiative
15    by organizational unit, job title, function, and salary and
16    whether employees completed and filled out appropriate
17    timesheets;
18        (6) the number of positions supervised or managed by
19    each management position and whether any of those employees
20    are supervised or managed by more than one management
21    position;
22        (7) whether, through a review of available
23    documentation, the Initiative has met or is meeting the
24    purposes for which the State moneys were provided, with
25    specific information concerning the Initiative staffing
26    levels, hiring procedures, and its compensation of



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1    employees; and
2        (8) whether the Initiative is in compliance with the
3    applicable laws, regulations, contracts, and grant
4    agreements pertaining to the Initiative's receipt of State
5    moneys; and be it further
6    RESOLVED, That the Illinois Violence Prevention Authority
7and any other State agency or other entity or person that may
8have information relevant to this audit cooperate fully and
9promptly with the Auditor General's Office in its audit; and be
10it further
11    RESOLVED, That the Auditor General commence this audit as
12soon as practical and report his findings and recommendations
13upon completion in accordance with the provisions of Section
143-14 of the Illinois State Auditing Act; and be it further
15    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
16presented to the Auditor General.