Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR0116
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR0116  097th General Assembly




HR0116LRB097 02875 GRL 42899 r


2    WHEREAS, The General Assembly takes pride in recognizing
3the accomplishments and contributions of Illinois citizens;
5    WHEREAS, J. Garrett Tolan was a visionary and pioneer of
6the Angus breed of cattle; and
7    WHEREAS, J. Garrett Tolan was a President of the American
8Angus Association and an inductee into the National Cattlemen's
9Hall of Fame; and
10    WHEREAS, J. Garrett Tolan's son John J. Tolan began working
11in the family business of breeding Angus show cattle before he
12started elementary school; and
13    WHEREAS, As a young teen, John J. Tolan received a national
14award, sponsored by Firestone Rubber Company, which recognized
15the most promising agricultural youth in the country; and
16    WHEREAS, J. Garrett Tolan's son John J. Tolan was a master
17breeder of multiple breeds of horses and cattle, but will
18likely be best remembered for his influence on the Angus cattle
19business; and



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1    WHEREAS, The cattle and show circuit were John's life, and
2each year the main focus was to do well at the Chicago
3International, the world's premiere show for Angus cattle; and
4    WHEREAS, At the Chicago International, Tolan Farms showed
5102 class winners and 85 Champions, bred 15 International Grand
6Champions, and exhibited 10 Best Ten Head groups; and
7    WHEREAS, The Tolan career record for Angus at all shows
8totaled 845 class winners and 385 Champions; and
9    WHEREAS, In 1951, Tolan Farms set a world record sale,
10which was the record sales price per head not only for Angus
11cattle, but also for livestock of any description, including
12Thoroughbred racehorses; and
13    WHEREAS, John J. Tolan served as a Director of the American
14Angus Association for 6 years; and
15    WHEREAS, John J. Tolan received many national honors and
16was voted by his peers as the number one breeder/judge of Angus
17cattle in the nation for 4 consecutive years; and
18    WHEREAS, John J. Tolan exhibited and judged Angus cattle at
19nearly every top tier show in North America; and



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1    WHEREAS, John J. Tolan exhibited world and national
2champions of countless breeds and raced quarter horses and
3thoroughbreds for decades; and
4    WHEREAS, John J. Tolan could evaluate an animal's
5conformation in a split second and possessed a nearly
6photographic memory for both livestock and pedigrees; and
7    WHEREAS, John J. Tolan always loved that the livestock
8industry afforded one the opportunity to do business with and
9become friends with many interesting people; and
10    WHEREAS, Although John was widely viewed as a master
11breeder of livestock and was highly regarded, he was a modest
12man that deflected most praise that came his way; and
13    WHEREAS, The Tolans' immense contribution to Illinois
14agriculture and the development of Angus cattle should be
15recognized, and they deserve to have their achievements noted
16and remembered by current and future generations; therefore, be
20we designate Barn 13 at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in
21Springfield as the J. Garrett and John J. Tolan Barn in



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1recognition of the contributions of J. Garrett and John Tolan
2to agriculture in the State; and be it further
3    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
4presented to the Director of Agriculture and the Director of
5Central Management Services.