Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1173
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1173  098th General Assembly




SR1173LRB098 21125 MST 59062 r


2    WHEREAS, The United States was involved in combat missions
3in Vietnam between November 1, 1955 and November 30, 1975; and
4    WHEREAS, In 1961, North Vietnam forces advanced into South
5Vietnam using the Ho Chi Minh Trail which crossed into Laos;
7    WHEREAS, Combat that was fought during this time in Laos is
8historically known as "the Secret War"; and
9    WHEREAS, Laotian soldiers and airmen were recruited and
10trained to engage in guerilla warfare against the North
11Vietnamese; they fought alongside American soldiers, rescued
12downed pilots, and defended American outposts; many were
13injured, tortured, and killed; and
14    WHEREAS, After the evacuation of allied forces at the end
15of the war, these soldiers and their families were forced to
16flee to Thailand for refuge, many eventually immigrated to the
17United States; and
18    WHEREAS, Many chose Illinois as their new home, with over
19an estimated 4,500 Lao Americans settling in Chicago and the
20collar counties; and



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1    WHEREAS, There are fewer than an estimated 100 Lao American
2veterans still living in Illinois today; and
3    WHEREAS, In 2014, the City of Elgin placed an official
4plaque at the Elgin Veterans Memorial Park to recognize and
5honor Laotian veterans who have served alongside United States
6Armed Forces during the Vietnam War; and
7    WHEREAS, Governor Pat Quinn and Elgin Mayor David Kaptain
8declared July 19, 2014 as the Lao Veterans Memorial Day, a day
9to remember these brave soldiers; and
10    WHEREAS, Despite the service of these brave veterans and
11this public recognition, these few remaining Lao American
12veterans in Illinois are still denied the right to be buried in
13U.S. national cemeteries and State cemeteries and are
14ineligible for other benefits; therefore, be it
16ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we recognize and
17support these Lao American veterans by acknowledging their
18service and sacrifice made in fighting alongside U.S. Armed
19Forces during the Vietnam War; and be it further
20    RESOLVED, That we fully support and applaud Governor



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1Quinn's proclamation of July 19, 2014 as Lao Veterans Memorial
2Day; and be it further
3    RESOLVED, That we urge the General Assembly and the
4Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs to provide burial
5rights for the few remaining Lao American veterans in Illinois;
6and be it further
7    RESOLVED, That we urge all Illinois educators when
8discussing the history of the Vietnam War to share with
9students of an appropriate age the story of the "Secret War"
10and the sacrifices made by those who fought alongside U.S.
11Armed Forces; and be it further
12    RESOLVED, That we further commit to exploring ways to
13develop an Asian American social science and history curriculum
14for public schools that would provide in one centralized
15structure the shared history of events, such as the story of
16the "Secret War" and the service of Lao veterans, along with
17many other examples of Asian American experiences in the United
18States; and be it further
19    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
20presented to the executive directors of the Lao American
21Organization of Elgin, Lao Veterans Organization of Illinois,
22Lao American Community Services, and Asian Americans Advancing



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