Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB1225
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB1225  097th General Assembly




State of Illinois
2011 and 2012


Introduced 2/8/2011, by Sen. Kwame Raoul


New Act

    Creates the Education Budget and Impact Note Act. Provides that every bill that creates a new program or service that will be provided by the State Board of Education, or which expands the class of persons eligible for, or the level of benefits provided by any existing program or service provided by the State Board of Education shall have prepared for it prior to second reading in the house of introduction a brief explanatory statement or note which shall include a reliable estimate of the probable impact that bill will have upon the State Board of Education's annual budget. Contains provisions concerning the preparation and content of the note and it's population and fiscal impact. Provides that the sponsor of a bill that is required to file a note under the Act shall specify the preferred funding source for the bill. Contains provisions concerning committee appearances. Specifies the conditions under which a note must be filed for amendments. Contains provisions concerning the confidentiality of legislation prior to its introduction in the General Assembly.

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1    AN ACT concerning education.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
5Education Budget and Impact Note Act.
6    Section 5. Budget impact note required. Every bill that
7creates a new program or service that will be provided by the
8State Board of Education, or which expands the class of persons
9eligible for, or the level of benefits provided by any existing
10program or service provided by the State Board of Education
11shall have prepared for it prior to second reading in the house
12of introduction a brief explanatory statement or note which
13shall include a reliable estimate of the probable impact that
14bill will have upon the State Board of Education's annual
16    Section 10. Preparation of note.
17    (a) Upon the filing of any bill described in Section 5 of
18this Act, the State Superintendent of Education, or any person
19employed by the Board whom the Superintendent may designate,
20shall prepare a written statement setting forth the information
21specified in Section 5 of this Act.
22    The statement prepared by the State Superintendent of



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1Education shall be designated an Education Budget and Impact
2Note and shall be filed with the Clerk of the House or the
3Secretary of the Senate, as appropriate, and furnished to the
4sponsor within 10 calendar days thereafter, except that
5whenever, because of the complexity of the bill, additional
6time is required for the preparation of the note, the State
7Superintendent of Education may so notify the sponsor and
8request an extension of time not to exceed 5 additional days
9within that is to be furnished. The extension shall not extend
10beyond May 15 following the date of the request.
11    (b) Upon the filing of any bill requiring the preparation
12of a written statement under subsection (a) of this Section,
13the sponsor of the bill in the house of introduction shall
14inform the State Board of Education of the filing of the bill.
15    Section 15. Preferred funding source. Within 5 days after
16receiving the statement required in Section 10 of this Act and
17prior to the second reading in the house of introduction, the
18sponsor shall file with the Clerk of the House or the Secretary
19of the Senate, as appropriate, a written statement identifying
20the sponsor's preferred means of funding the costs to be
21incurred by the legislation. The required identification shall
22be made either by specifying (i) the additional tax or other
23revenue source from which an amount equal to the costs
24identified are to be generated or (ii) the specific line item
25or items in the budget for the current fiscal year that would



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1be reduced or eliminated to reach an amount equal to the costs
3    Section 20. Population and fiscal impact. The note shall be
4factual in nature, as brief and concise as may be, and shall
5provide as reliable an estimate, in terms of population and
6dollar impact, as is possible under the circumstances. The note
7shall include both the immediate effect, and if determinable or
8reasonably foreseeable, the long range effect of the measure.
9    If, after careful investigation, it is determined that no
10population or dollar estimate is possible, the note shall
11contain a statement to that effect, setting forth the reasons
12why no estimate can be given. A brief summary or work sheet of
13computations used in arriving at the Budget and Impact Note
14figures shall be supplied.
15    Section 25. Preparation of note. No comment or opinion
16shall be included in the note with regard to the merits of the
17measure for which the note is prepared; however, technical or
18mechanical defects may be noted.
19    The work sheet shall include, insofar as practicable, a
20breakdown of the costs upon which the note is based. The
21breakdown shall include, but need not be limited to, costs of
22personnel, room and board, and capital outlay. The note shall
23also include such other information as is required by the rules
24and regulations which may be promulgated by each house of the



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1General Assembly with respect to the preparation of those
3    The note shall be prepared in quintuplicate and the
4original of both the note and the work sheet shall be signed by
5the State Superintendent of Education, or a person as the
6Superintendent may designate.
7    Section 30. Committee appearance. The fact that an
8Education Budget and Impact Note is prepared for any bill shall
9not preclude or restrict the appearance before any committee of
10the General Assembly of any official or authorized employee of
11any State board, commission, department, agency, or other
12entity who desires to be heard in support of or in opposition
13to the measure.
14    Section 35. Amendments; notes required. Whenever any
15measure is amended on the floor of either house in a manner as
16to bring it within the description of bills set forth in
17Section 5 of this Act, no action shall be taken upon the
18amendment until the sponsor of the amendment presents to the
19members a statement of the budget, if applicable, and
20population impact of his or her amendment, together with a
21statement of the sponsor's preferred funding sources under
22Section 15 of this Act.
23    Section 40. Confidentiality before introduction. The



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1subject matter of bills submitted to the State Board of
2Education shall be kept in strict confidence and no information
3relating to the bills or relating to the budget or impact of
4the bills shall be divulged by an official or employee of the
5State Board of Education, except to the bill's sponsor or the
6sponsor's designee prior to the bill's introduction in the
7General Assembly.