Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR1235
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR1235  099th General Assembly




SR1235LRB099 15372 MST 39635 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of John Edward "Jack" Nolan, Sr. of Harvard,
4who passed away on October 20, 2015; and
5    WHEREAS, John Nolan, Sr. was born in Harvard on August 3,
61935 to Frank, Sr. and Elma (nee Davis) Nolan; he attended
7local Catholic schools and, afterward, joined the United States
8Navy, where he served from 1955 to 1958; he married Stella
9Louise Nicholson in 1966; and
10    WHEREAS, After the Navy, John Nolan, Sr. attended barber
11college and worked as a barber for the next 50 years; and
12    WHEREAS, John Nolan, Sr. was an active member of St.
13Joseph's Catholic Church, where he participated in and catered
14numerous events, and was also a member of the choir; he was a
15member of the Sportsman's Club, the Moose Lodge, the Knights of
16Columbus, and other local organizations; he and his wife were
17founding members of the Queen's Vagabonds choir, of which they
18were both members for over 20 years; and
19    WHEREAS, John Nolan, Sr. was preceded in death by his wife,
20Stella; his son, John Edward Nolan, Jr.; his parents; his
21mother-in-law and father-in-law; 3 brothers; and one sister;



SR1235- 2 -LRB099 15372 MST 39635 r

2    WHEREAS, John Nolan, Sr. is survived by his daughter, Debra
3Ann Nolan; his son, Joshua Joseph (Amy) Nolan; his
4daughter-in-law, Christina Nolan; his granddaughters,
5Bridgette Nolan and Jessica Gomez; his grandson, John Nolan;
6his 6 siblings; and many nieces and nephews; therefore, be it
8ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of
9John Edward "Jack" Nolan, Sr., and extend our sincere
10condolences to his family, friends, and all who knew and loved
11him; and be it further
12    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
13presented to the family of John Nolan, Sr. as an expression of
14our deepest sympathy.