Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR1239
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR1239  098th General Assembly




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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate the members of the DuPage
4Railroad Safety Council on the occasion of the organization's
520th anniversary of railroad safety advocacy; and
6    WHEREAS, The DuPage Railroad Safety Council was founded on
7April 30, 1994 as an outgrowth of a Railroad Safety Conference
8called by the Chairman of the DuPage County Board; the
9organization is made up of railroad officials, government
10officials, engineers, educators, and private citizens who have
11a deep concern for railroad safety and seek to prevent deaths
12and injuries at railroad crossings and along railways; and
13    WHEREAS, Since its founding, the DuPage Railroad Safety
14Council has met regularly to examine ways to heighten awareness
15and improve safety conditions at railroad crossings and to work
16with civic and railroad leaders to stop preventable accidents
17along railroad right of ways; and
18    WHEREAS, The DuPage Railroad Safety Council performs many
19public functions to heighten awareness of railroad safety; the
20organization holds OL presentations at many grade and high
21schools throughout DuPage County and for many Girl and Boy
22Scout troops; it has created Railroad Safety video tapes for



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1driver's education classes, with over 4,000 copies
2distributed; it has conducted many "station blitzes", where the
3organization, in conjunction with the Railroad, has provided OL
4videos, posters, and flyers discussing rail safety at train
5stations in the area; the organization helped influence the
61996 law to fine $500 for those vehicles or pedestrians who
7cross the tracks with warning signals activated and obtained
8governmental funding and approval to conduct a trial of video
9enforcement at three locations in DuPage County as a trial of
10technology and effectiveness; the organization has also
11participated in local and national news broadcasts, cable
12documentaries, and many print articles regarding rail safety
13and to inform the Chicago area of the Council's work; and
14    WHEREAS, The DuPage Railroad Safety Council's efforts in
15education and enforcement have lowered the rail/highway
16incident rate for the State of Illinois and have greatly
17improved railroad awareness among the State's citizens; and
18    WHEREAS, The DuPage Railroad Safety Council will host a
19celebration of the organization's 20th anniversary on August 7,
202014 at the Chicago History Museum; therefore, be it
23we congratulate the members of the DuPage Railroad Safety



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1Council on the occasion of the organization's 20th anniversary
2and wish them continued success and happiness in the future;
3and be it further
4    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
5presented to the DuPage Railroad Safety Council as a symbol of
6our esteem and respect.