Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR0129
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR0129  097th General Assembly




HR0129LRB097 10792 KXB 51568 r


2    WHEREAS, The annual University of Illinois-Chicago Gender
3and Women's Studies Program's Women's History Month Reception
4honors Civic Engagement, Community Service, and Community
5Organizing (CECSCO) Award recipients; and
6    WHEREAS, Cleo Wilson is a founding board member of Intuit:
7The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art and served as its
8president from 2002 to 2006; established in 1991, Intuit is
9grounded in the belief that the instinct to be creative is
10universal and the arts must embrace all, celebrate all, and be
11accessible to all regardless of education or socio-economic
12status; and
13    WHEREAS, She was the editor of Intuit's magazine, The
14Outsider, from 1992 until 2002, and in 2004, curated an
15exhibition at Intuit entitled "Sistuhs: Four African American
16Self-Taught Artists"; prior to accepting the position of
17Executive Director at Intuit in 2006, with responsibility for
18the day-to-day operations of Intuit, including supervision of
19artistic and administrative personnel and programs, she served
20for 25 years as the Executive Director of the Playboy
21Foundation, a corporate giving program of Playboy Enterprises,
22Inc.; and



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1    WHEREAS, Serving as a Playboy employee since 1976, she was
2named Foundation grants and programs manager in 1982; she was
3promoted to executive director of the Foundation in 1984 and
4named director of public affairs in 1989, and appointed vice
5president in 2000; and
6    WHEREAS, She serves on a variety of State and municipal
7grant-review panels, including the Illinois Arts Council, City
8Arts, and most recently the Propeller Fund; she has served as a
9member of the board of directors of the National Coalition
10Against Censorship (1997 to 2000), and was a member of the AIDS
11Foundation of Chicago's board of directors (1989 to 1999), and
12its president from 1990 to 1993; and
13    WHEREAS, She also was on the board of the American Civil
14Liberties Union of Illinois, serving as vice president from
151997 to 2004; she has been listed since 1988 in Who's Who Among
16African-Americans and, since 1990, in Who's Who Among American
17Women; she was saluted as one of Chicago's up-and-coming black
18business and professional women in 1985 by Dollars and Sense
19magazine; in 1984, she was inducted into the Black Woman Hall
20of Fame in recognition of her community service; and
21    WHEREAS, In 1991, she was honored as a "Friend for Life" by
22the Howard Brown Medical Center; she received the "Phenomenal
23Woman Award" in 1997 at Chicago's Expo for Today's Black Woman,



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1in recognition of her leadership and dedication to community
2issues; in 1999, she was honored by the AIDS Foundation of
3Chicago for her "leadership, compassion, and generosity"; and
4    WHEREAS, In 2004, she received the Handy L. Lindsey Award
5for Inclusiveness in Philanthropy, and also that year, an award
6for outstanding leadership in support of reproductive rights
7from Personal PAC; in 2006, she was awarded the Edwin A.
8Rothschild Civil Liberties Award for her "persistent and clear
9voice in defense of civil liberties"; in October 2010, she was
10inducted into the HistoryMakers, the single largest archival
11collection of interviews of both well-known and unsung
12African-American history makers; she is a native Chicagoan and
13a 1976 graduate of the University of Illinois-Chicago; and
14    WHEREAS, She will receive the Civic Engagement, Community
15Service, and Community Organizing (CECSCO) Award during the
16annual University of Illinois-Chicago Gender and Women's
17Studies Program's Women's History Month Reception on March 4,
182011; therefore, be it
21we congratulate Cleo Wilson on receiving this award and wish
22her continued success for years to come; and be it further



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1    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
2presented to Cleo Wilson as a symbol of our respect and esteem.