Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB1326
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB1326  097th General Assembly



HB1326 EnrolledLRB097 07066 JDS 47159 b

1    AN ACT concerning safety.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:
4    Section 5. The Environmental Protection Act is amended by
5changing Section 22.38 as follows:
6    (415 ILCS 5/22.38)
7    Sec. 22.38. Facilities accepting exclusively general
8construction or demolition debris for transfer, storage, or
10    (a) Facilities accepting exclusively general construction
11or demolition debris for transfer, storage, or treatment shall
12be subject to local zoning, ordinance, and land use
13requirements. Those facilities shall be located in accordance
14with local zoning requirements or, in the absence of local
15zoning requirements, shall be located so that no part of the
16facility boundary is closer than 1,320 feet from the nearest
17property zoned for primarily residential use.
18    (b) An owner or operator of a facility accepting
19exclusively general construction or demolition debris for
20transfer, storage, or treatment shall:
21        (1) Within 48 hours of receipt of the general
22    construction or demolition debris at the facility, sort the
23    general construction or demolition debris to separate the



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1    recyclable general construction or demolition debris and
2    recovered wood that is processed for use as fuel from
3    non-recyclable general construction or demolition debris
4    to be disposed of or discarded.
5        (2) Transport off site for disposal all non-recyclable
6    general construction or demolition debris that is neither
7    recyclable general construction or demolition debris nor
8    recovered wood that is processed for use as fuel in
9    accordance with all applicable federal, State, and local
10    requirements within 72 hours of its receipt at the
11    facility.
12        (3) Limit the percentage of incoming non-recyclable
13    general construction or demolition debris to 25% or less of
14    the total incoming general construction or demolition
15    debris, as calculated on a daily basis, so that 75% or more
16    of the general construction or demolition debris accepted
17    on a daily basis consists of recyclable general
18    construction or demolition debris, recovered wood that is
19    processed for use as fuel, or both.
20        (4) Transport all non-putrescible recyclable general
21    construction or demolition debris for recycling or
22    disposal within 6 months of its receipt at the facility.
23        (5) Within 45 days of its receipt at the facility,
24    transport (i) all putrescible or combustible recyclable
25    general construction or demolition debris (excluding
26    recovered wood that is processed for use as fuel) for



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1    recycling or disposal and (ii) all recovered wood that is
2    processed for use as fuel to an intermediate processing
3    facility for sizing, to a combustion facility for use as
4    fuel, or to a disposal facility.
5        (6) Employ tagging and recordkeeping procedures to (i)
6    demonstrate compliance with this Section and (ii) identify
7    the source and transporter of material accepted by the
8    facility.
9        (7) Control odor, noise, combustion of materials,
10    disease vectors, dust, and litter.
11        (8) Control, manage, and dispose of any storm water
12    runoff and leachate generated at the facility in accordance
13    with applicable federal, State, and local requirements.
14        (9) Control access to the facility.
15        (10) Comply with all applicable federal, State, or
16    local requirements for the handling, storage,
17    transportation, or disposal of asbestos-containing
18    material or other material accepted at the facility that is
19    not general construction or demolition debris.
20        (11) Prior to August 24, 2009 (the effective date of
21    Public Act 96-611), submit to the Agency at least 30 days
22    prior to the initial acceptance of general construction or
23    demolition debris at the facility, on forms provided by the
24    Agency, the following information:
25            (A) the name, address, and telephone number of both
26        the facility owner and operator;



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1            (B) the street address and location of the
2        facility;
3            (C) a description of facility operations;
4            (D) a description of the tagging and recordkeeping
5        procedures the facility will employ to (i) demonstrate
6        compliance with this Section and (ii) identify the
7        source and transporter of any material accepted by the
8        facility;
9            (E) the name and location of the disposal sites to
10        be used for the disposal of any general construction or
11        demolition debris received at the facility that must be
12        disposed of;
13            (F) the name and location of an individual,
14        facility, or business to which recyclable materials
15        will be transported;
16            (G) the name and location of intermediate
17        processing facilities or combustion facilities to
18        which recovered wood that is processed for use as fuel
19        will be transported; and
20            (H) other information as specified on the form
21        provided by the Agency.
22        (12) On or after August 24, 2009 (the effective date of
23    Public Act 96-611), obtain a permit issued by the Agency
24    prior to the initial acceptance of general construction or
25    demolition debris at the facility.
26        When any of the information contained or processes



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1    described in the initial notification form submitted to the
2    Agency changes, the owner and operator shall submit an
3    updated form within 14 days of the change.
4    (c) For purposes of this Section, the term "recyclable
5general construction or demolition debris" means general
6construction or demolition debris that has been rendered
7reusable and is reused or that would otherwise be disposed of
8or discarded but is collected, separated, or processed and
9returned to the economic mainstream in the form of raw
10materials or products. "Recyclable general construction or
11demolition debris" does not include general construction or
12demolition debris processed for use as fuel, incinerated,
13burned, buried, or otherwise used as fill material.
14    (d) For purposes of this Section, "treatment" means
15processing designed to alter the physical nature of the general
16construction or demolition debris, including but not limited to
17size reduction, crushing, grinding, or homogenization, but
18does not include processing designed to change the chemical
19nature of the general construction or demolition debris.
20    (e) For purposes of this Section, "recovered wood that is
21processed for use as fuel" means wood that has been salvaged
22from general construction or demolition debris and processed
23for use as fuel, as authorized by the applicable state or
24federal environmental regulatory authority, and supplied only
25to intermediate processing facilities for sizing, or to
26combustion facilities for use as fuel, that have obtained all



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1necessary waste management and air permits for handling and
2combustion of the fuel.
3    (f) For purposes of this Section, "non-recyclable general
4construction or demolition debris" does not include "recovered
5wood that is processed for use as fuel".
6    (g) Recyclable general construction or demolition debris
7or recovered wood that is processed for use as fuel that is
8sent for disposal at the end of the applicable retention period
9shall not be considered as meeting the 75% diversion
10requirement for purposes of subdivision (b)(3) of this Section.
11    (h) For purposes of the 75% diversion requirement under
12subdivision (b)(3) of this Section, owners and operators of
13facilities accepting exclusively general construction or
14demolition debris for transfer, storage, or treatment may
15multiply by 2 the amount of accepted asphalt roofing shingles
16that are transferred to a facility for recycling in accordance
17with a beneficial use determination issued under Section 22.54
18of this Act. The owner or operator of the facility accepting
19exclusively general construction or demolition debris for
20transfer, storage, or treatment must maintain receipts from the
21shingle recycling facility that document the amounts of asphalt
22roofing shingles transferred for recycling in accordance with
23the beneficial use determination. All receipts must be
24maintained for a minimum of 3 years and must be made available
25to the Agency for inspection and copying during normal business



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1(Source: P.A. 96-235, eff. 8-11-09; 96-611, eff. 8-24-09;
296-1000, eff. 7-2-10.)
3    Section 10. The Illinois Highway Code is amended by adding
4Sections 4-221 and 4-222 as follows:
5    (605 ILCS 5/4-221 new)
6    Sec. 4-221. Mix designs. To the extent allowed by federal
7law, the Department specifications shall allow the use of
8recycled asphalt roofing shingles received from facilities
9authorized to process asphalt roofing shingles for recycling
10into asphalt pavement in accordance with (i) permits issued
11pursuant to Section 39 of the Environmental Protection Act or
12(ii) beneficial use determinations issued pursuant to Section
1322.54 of the Environmental Protection Act. In creating the mix
14designs used for construction and maintenance of State
15highways, it shall be the goal of the Department, through its
16specifications, to maximize the percentage of recycled asphalt
17roofing shingles and binder replacement and to maximize the use
18of recycled aggregates and other lowest-cost constituents in
19the mix so long as there is no detrimental impact on life-cycle
21    (605 ILCS 5/4-222 new)
22    Sec. 4-222. Recycled asphalt roofing shingles; cost
23savings; prohibitions on use in asphalt paving.



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1    (a) It shall be the goal of the Department, with regard to
2its asphalt paving projects and to the extent possible, to
3reduce the carbon footprint and reduce average costs by
4maximizing the percentage use of recycled materials or lowest
5cost alternative materials and extending the paving season so
6long as there is no detrimental impact on life-cycle costs. In
7furtherance of these goals, the Department shall provide to the
8Chairpersons of the Transportation Committee in each
9legislative chamber, within 60 days after the completion of
10each fiscal year, a written report of the activities initiated
11or abandoned in each district or region within the Department
12to meet those goals during the previous year. The report shall
13also include an analysis of the cost savings directly or
14indirectly attributed to those activities within each district
15or region. Upon review of the annual report, the Transportation
16Committees in each chamber may conduct hearings and provide
17recommendations to the Department regarding the performance of
18each district or region.
19    (b) No producer of asphalt pavement, operating pursuant to
20an air permit issued by the Illinois Environmental Protection
21Agency, shall use recycled asphalt roofing shingles in its
22pavement product unless the shingles have been processed for
23recycling into asphalt pavement in accordance with (i) permits
24issued pursuant to Section 39 of the Environmental Protection
25Act or (ii) beneficial use determinations issued pursuant to
26Section 22.54 of the Environmental Protection Act. The



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1prohibition in this subsection (b) shall apply in addition to
2any other rules, specifications, or other requirements adopted
3by the Department regarding the use of asphalt roofing shingles
4in pavement product.