Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SR0134
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SR0134  095th General Assembly



SR0134 LRB095 11860 GRL 34941 r


2     WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate wish to express
3 their sincere condolences to the family and friends of Mother
4 Rosa Hooker, who passed away on March 29, 2007; and
5     WHEREAS, Mother Rosa Hooker was born on September 4, 1916
6 in Ebenezer, Mississippi; her parents were Samuel and Carrie
7 Pickens Whorton; and
8     WHEREAS, Mother Rosa Hooker accepted Christ as her Savior
9 in 1928 at Franklin Church of God in Christ in Lexington,
10 Mississippi; she became a member in the St. John Church of God
11 in Christ in 1930, where she and her father assisted in the
12 church's construction; she married Arthur Nathaniel Hooker in
13 1933 and 11 children were born to this union; and
14     WHEREAS, Mother Rosa Hooker moved to Chicago with her
15 family in 1941; she joined the Lake Street Church of God in
16 Christ, where she was a Sunday School teacher and the Young
17 Women's Christian Council founder and president; and
18     WHEREAS, In 1952, the family moved southwest and united
19 with Carol Devine Temple Church of God in Christ, where Mother
20 Rosa Hooker served as Sunday school teacher, deaconess, and
21 Sunshine Band leader; later she joined Inspirational



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1 Deliverance Center Church of God in Christ; and
2     WHEREAS, Mother Rosa Hooker returned to Mississippi in
3 1981, where she assisted in the construction and operation of
4 the St. Matthew Church of God in Christ in Lexington,
5 Mississippi; after her return to Illinois in 1993, she
6 continued her membership at the Inspirational Deliverance
7 Center Church of God in Christ in Chicago, where she served as
8 the building fund captain and Sunday School teacher; and
9     WHEREAS, Mother Rosa Hooker will be remembered by all her
10 knew and loved her, especially her children, Carrie Dee Coleman
11 (Charles), Lonnie (Mary), Everlena Taylor, Pastor Shirley
12 Hughes, John T. (Kim), Rosemary, and Shadrick; her sister,
13 Martha Mason; her grandchildren, great-grandchildren, her
14 great-great grandchildren, her spiritual daughters, Margaret
15 Harris and Vernon Oliver Price, her nieces, nephews, cousins,
16 relatives, friends, and her church family; she was preceded in
17 death by her parents; her husband, Arthur Nathaniel Hooker; her
18 children, Arthur, Charles, Julius, and Jerry; her siblings,
19 William, Alonzo, Rayfield, Garfield, Robert, Samuel Dale,
20 Leanna, Everlena, Lennie, and Earner; therefore, be it
22 ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
23 her family and friends, the passing of Mother Rosa Hooker; and



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1 be it further
2     RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
3 presented to the family of Mother Rosa Hooker as an expression
4 of our sympathy.