Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR1358
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR1358  099th General Assembly




HR1358LRB099 22407 GRL 49826 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to honor the Summit Community Task Force
4Inc. for its work in the Summit community; and
5    WHEREAS, The Summit Community Task Force was organized in
61992 by Wheeler and Marvel Parker along with a group of
7concerned citizens in the Village of Summit to address a number
8of critical issues, chiefly illegal drug and gang activity
9affecting children and families in their largely
10African-American neighborhood and to take ownership of their
11neighborhood; and
12    WHEREAS, The Summit Community Task Force seeks to build a
13better community, create a sense of community for Summit
14residents and a safe and healthy environment for living and
15learning, and to improve quality of life by providing lifelong
16learning opportunities in health, culture, recreation, and
17education; and
18    WHEREAS, In 1997, the Summit Community Task Force purchased
19a dilapidated building on 64th Street; in an effort to assist
20in acquiring a headquarters for the Task Force, the Summit
21Village administration transferred ownership of three vacant
22lots on 76th Avenue for $10; in 1998, the organization applied



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1for and received a HUD-CDBG construction grant for $227,000; a
2grant from the Community Memorial Foundation was received to
3hire an architect and Novotny Engineers provided their services
4pro bono; in November of 2001, construction was completed on a
5$372,000 facility known as the Summit Community Task Force
6Community Service Center, which was later renamed the Emmitt
7Till Center; the center allows the organization to consolidate
8its various training programs; and
9    WHEREAS, The Summit Community Task Force offers numerous
10activities that target youth, such as Boy Scout and Cub Scout
11troops, as well as programs focused on strengthening the
12family, drug and alcohol prevention, life skills training, and
13parenting; there are also programs for seniors, including the
14Seniors On The Move group; and
15    WHEREAS, The Summit Community Task Force has helped to
16empower many individuals in Summit to meet the challenges of
17life events and transitions by creating and reinforcing
18practices that promote healthy behavior and lifestyles; the
19organization has also generated funds and created new
20opportunities for individuals and families to make
21constructive changes and has provided opportunities to define
22problems, implement changes, and protect solutions; and
23    WHEREAS, The Summit Community Task Force is committed to



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1excellence, with a clear vision and passion for delivering
2outstanding results; the Task Force has proven the great
3effectiveness of youth-focused, community-based programs and
4has demonstrated that community outreach programs that are
5developed and managed by a community, for a community, make a
6striking impact; therefore, be it
9honor the Summit Community Task Force Inc. for its work in the
10Summit community and wish for continued success in the future;
11and be it further
12    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
13presented to the Summit Community Task Force Inc. as a symbol
14of our esteem and respect.