Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HR1397
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HR1397  098th General Assembly




HR1397LRB098 23381 MST 62515 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are pleased to honor our former colleague,
4State Representative Charles "Chuck" Jefferson, on his service
5of more than 13 years in the Illinois House of Representatives
6and thank him for his dedication to the State and the Rockford
7community; and
8    WHEREAS, Rep. Jefferson was born in 1945 in Waco, Texas and
9served honorably in the United States Army from 1965 to 1971;
11    WHEREAS, In 1967, Rep. Jefferson married his late wife,
12Genell, and they raised 3 sons, Carl Edward, Curtis Lamar, and
13Charles, Jr., in Rockford; and
14    WHEREAS, Prior to becoming a member of the Illinois House
15of Representatives, Rep. Jefferson served as a member of the
16Winnebago County Board, sitting on the Economic Development,
17Zoning, Forest Preserve, and Legislative committees and
18chairing the Public Works Committee; and
19    WHEREAS, Rep. Jefferson began his service in the General
20Assembly with his appointment to the Illinois House of
21Representatives in April of 2001 following the retirement of



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1former State Rep. Doug Scott; Rep. Jefferson retired as an
2Assistant House Majority Leader; and
3    WHEREAS, Rep. Jefferson was a strong advocate for his
4community; he worked to ensure that a new judicial circuit was
5created to increase minority representation on the bench; he
6brought capital construction projects to his district to create
7local jobs and repair Rockford's infrastructure and roadways,
8and he spearheaded a funding project to provide passenger rail
9service between Rockford and Chicago; he tirelessly advocated
10for the rights of veterans and seniors, and he was always
11fighting to ensure that Rockford schools and seniors received
12their fair share; and
13    WHEREAS, Rep. Jefferson was an unrelenting activist for the
14public safety of Rockford, supporting several initiatives to
15crack down on gang violence and fighting to protect Rockford's
16CeaseFire program and the Booker Washington Center; and
17    WHEREAS, Maintaining a close relationship with the
18community was always Rep. Jefferson's first priority; he
19provided a professional and responsive constituent service
20office to help residents navigate through government programs;
21he hosted his annual Mother's Day Luncheon as a tribute to
22local mothers, and he raised money for local food pantries; and



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1    WHEREAS, Rep. Jefferson was known throughout the Rockford
2area and the Illinois House of Representatives for his warm and
3approachable nature, his wisdom and genuine understanding, and
4his care for the concerns of Illinois and his community; and
5    WHEREAS, Those who served with Rep. Jefferson will dearly
6miss his kind and unwavering friendship, his guidance, and his
7dedicated and sincere spirit for public service that he brought
8to the chamber; therefore, be it
11we honor and thank State Representative Charles "Chuck"
12Jefferson for his years of dedicated service; and be it further
13    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
14presented to Rep. Jefferson as an expression of our respect and
15esteem with our best wishes for his future success.