Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of SB1466
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of SB1466  093rd General Assembly

SB1466eng 93rd General Assembly


SB1466 Engrossed                     LRB093 03501 MBS 11048 b

 1        AN ACT concerning partnerships.

 2        Be  it  enacted  by  the People of the State of Illinois,
 3    represented in the General Assembly:

 4        Section 5.  The Uniform Partnership Act (1997) is amended
 5    by changing Section 1104 and adding Section 1004 as follows:

 6        (805 ILCS 206/1004 new)
 7        Sec. 1004. Statement of correction.
 8        (a)  Whenever any instrument authorized to be filed  with
 9    the  Secretary  of  State under any provision of this Act has
10    been so filed and, as of  the  date  of  the  action  therein
11    referred to, contains any misstatement of fact, typographical
12    error, error of transcription or any other error or defect or
13    was  defectively or erroneously executed, such instrument may
14    be corrected by filing a statement of correction.
15        (b)  A statement of correction shall set forth:
16             (1)  the name of the limited  liability  partnership
17        and  the  state  or country under the laws of which it is
18        organized;
19             (2)  the title of the instrument being corrected and
20        the date it was filed by the Secretary of State; and
21             (3)  the inaccuracy, error or defect to be corrected
22        and the portion of the instrument in corrected form.
23        (c)  A statement of correction shall be executed  in  the
24    same  manner  in  which  the  instrument  being corrected was
25    required to be executed.
26        (d)  The corrected instrument shall be  effective  as  of
27    the date the original instrument was filed.
28        (e)  A statement of correction shall not:
29             (1)  effect  any change or amendment which would not
30        in all respects have complied with  the  requirements  of
31        this  Act  at  the  time  of  filing the instrument being
SB1466 Engrossed            -2-      LRB093 03501 MBS 11048 b
 1        corrected;
 2             (2)  take the place of any  document,  statement  or
 3        report otherwise required to be filed by this Act;
 4             (3)  affect   any  right  or  liability  accrued  or
 5        incurred before such filing, except  that  any  right  or
 6        liability  accrued  or incurred by reason of the error or
 7        defect being corrected  shall  be  extinguished  by  such
 8        filing   if   the   person  having  such  right  has  not
 9        detrimentally relied on the original instrument;
10             (4)  alter the provisions of the  limited  liability
11        partnership with respect to the name or purpose;
12             (5)  alter  the  provisions  of  the application for
13        registration of a foreign limited  liability  partnership
14        with respect to the partnership's name; or
15             (6)  alter the wording of any resolution as filed in
16        any  document  with  the  Secretary  of State and in fact
17        adopted by the partners.
18        (f)  The filing fee for a statement of  correction  shall
19    be $25.

20        (805 ILCS 206/1104)
21        Sec.  1104. Activities that do not constitute transacting
22    business.
23        (a)  Without excluding  other  activities  that  may  not
24    constitute  doing  business  in this State, a foreign limited
25    liability  partnership  shall  not  be   considered   to   be
26    transacting  business  in  this  State,  for purposes of this
27    Article, by reason of carrying on in this State  any  one  or
28    more of the following activities:
29             (1)  maintaining,   defending,   or   settling   any
30        proceeding;
31             (2)  holding meetings of the partners or carrying on
32        other activities concerning internal partnership affairs;
33             (3)  maintaining bank accounts;
SB1466 Engrossed            -3-      LRB093 03501 MBS 11048 b
 1             (4)  maintaining   offices   or   agencies  for  the
 2        transfer,  exchange,  and  registration  of  the  limited
 3        liability partnership's  own  securities  or  maintaining
 4        trustees   or   depositaries   with   respect   to  those
 5        securities;
 6             (5)  selling through independent contractors;
 7             (6)  soliciting or obtaining orders, whether by mail
 8        or through employees or agents or  otherwise,  if  orders
 9        require  acceptance outside this State before they become
10        contracts;
11             (7)  owning,  without   more,   real   or   personal
12        property;
13             (8)  conducting  an  isolated  transaction  that  is
14        completed  within  120  days  and  that is not one in the
15        course of repeated transactions of a like nature; or
16             (9)  having a limited or general partner  who  is  a
17        resident of this State.
18        (b)  This  Section  has no application to the question of
19    whether any  limited  liability  partnership  is  subject  to
20    service  of  process  and suit in this State under any law of
21    this State. Activities not constituting transacting business.
22        (a)  Activities   of   a   foreign   limited    liability
23    partnership  which do not constitute transacting business for
24    the purpose of this Article include:
25             (1)  maintaining, defending, or settling  an  action
26        or proceeding;
27             (2)  holding meetings of its partners or carrying on
28        any other activity concerning its internal affairs;
29             (3)  maintaining bank accounts;
30             (4)  maintaining   offices   or   agencies  for  the
31        transfer, exchange, and registration of the partnership's
32        own securities or maintaining  trustees  or  depositories
33        with respect to those securities;
34             (5)  selling through independent contractors;
SB1466 Engrossed            -4-      LRB093 03501 MBS 11048 b
 1             (6)  soliciting or obtaining orders, whether by mail
 2        or  through  employees  or  agents  or  otherwise, if the
 3        orders require acceptance outside this State before  they
 4        become contracts;
 5             (7)  creating  or  acquiring  indebtedness,  with or
 6        without  a  mortgage,  or  other  security  interest   in
 7        property;
 8             (8)  collecting  debts  or  foreclosing mortgages or
 9        other security interests in property securing the  debts,
10        and  holding,  protecting,  and  maintaining  property so
11        acquired;
12             (9)  conducting  an  isolated  transaction  that  is
13        completed within 30 days and is not one in the course  of
14        similar transactions; and
15             (10)  transacting business in interstate commerce.
16        (b)  For  purposes of this Article, the ownership in this
17    State of income-producing real property or tangible  personal
18    property,  other  than property excluded under subsection (a)
19    of this Section, constitutes  transacting  business  in  this
20    State.
21        (c)  This  Section  does  not  apply  in  determining the
22    contacts or activities that may  subject  a  foreign  limited
23    liability  partnership  to  service  of process, taxation, or
24    regulation under any other law of this State.
25    (Source: P.A. 92-740, eff. 1-1-03.)

26        Section  10.  The Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act
27    is amended by changing Sections 801, 1102, 1110, and 1111 and
28    adding Sections  206.5,  802.5,  906.5,  907.5,  1110.2,  and
29    1110.3 as follows:

30        (805 ILCS 210/206.5 new)
31        Sec. 206.5. Statement of correction.
32        (a)  Whenever  any instrument authorized to be filed with
SB1466 Engrossed            -5-      LRB093 03501 MBS 11048 b
 1    the Secretary of State under any provision of  this  Act  has
 2    been  so  filed  and,  as  of  the date of the action therein
 3    referred to, contains any misstatement of fact, typographical
 4    error, error of transcription or any other error or defect or
 5    was defectively or erroneously executed, such instrument  may
 6    be corrected by filing a statement of correction.
 7        (b)  A statement of correction shall set forth:
 8             (1)  the  name  of  the  limited partnership and the
 9        state or country under the laws of which it is organized;
10             (2)  the title of the instrument being corrected and
11        the date it was filed by the Secretary of State; and
12             (3)  the inaccuracy, error or defect to be corrected
13        and the portion of the instrument in corrected form.
14        (c)  A statement of correction shall be executed  in  the
15    same  manner  in  which  the  instrument  being corrected was
16    required to be executed.
17        (d)  The corrected instrument shall be  effective  as  of
18    the date the original instrument was filed.
19        (e)  A statement of correction shall not:
20             (1)  effect  any change or amendment which would not
21        in all respects have complied with  the  requirements  of
22        this  Act  at  the  time  of  filing the instrument being
23        corrected;
24             (2)  take the place of any  document,  statement  or
25        report otherwise required to be filed by this Act;
26             (3)  affect   any  right  or  liability  accrued  or
27        incurred before such filing, except  that  any  right  or
28        liability  accrued  or incurred by reason of the error or
29        defect being corrected  shall  be  extinguished  by  such
30        filing   if   the   person  having  such  right  has  not
31        detrimentally relied on the original instrument;
32             (4)  alter the provisions of the limited partnership
33        with respect to the name or purpose  and  the  names  and
34        addresses of the partners;
SB1466 Engrossed            -6-      LRB093 03501 MBS 11048 b
 1             (5)  alter  the  provisions  of  the application for
 2        registration  of  a  foreign  limited  partnership   with
 3        respect to the partnership's name; or
 4             (6)  alter the wording of any resolution as filed in
 5        any  document  with  the  Secretary  of State and in fact
 6        adopted by the partners.

 7        (805 ILCS 210/801) (from Ch. 106 1/2, par. 158-1)
 8        Sec.  801.  Dissolution.   A   limited   partnership   is
 9    dissolved  and  its  affairs  shall  be  wound  up  upon  the
10    happening of the first to occur of the following:
11        (a)  at   the  time  or  upon  the  happening  of  events
12    specified in the partnership agreement;
13        (b)  written consent of all partners;
14        (c)  an event of withdrawal of a general  partner  unless
15    at  the  time there is at least one other general partner and
16    the partnership agreement permits the business of the limited
17    partnership to be carried on by the remaining general partner
18    and that partner does so, but the limited partnership is  not
19    dissolved and is not required to be wound up by reason of any
20    event of withdrawal, if, within 90 days after the withdrawal,
21    all  partners  (or  such  lesser  number  of  partners  as is
22    provided for in the written  provisions  of  the  partnership
23    agreement)  agree  in writing to continue the business of the
24    limited partnership and to the appointment  of  one  or  more
25    additional general partners if necessary or desired; or
26        (d)  entry  of  a  decree  of  judicial dissolution under
27    Section 802; or.
28        (e)  administrative dissolution under Section 802.5.
29    (Source: P.A. 92-33, eff. 7-1-01.)

30        (805 ILCS 210/802.5 new)
31        Sec. 802.5. Procedure for administrative dissolution.
32        (a)  If the Secretary of State determines  under  Section
SB1466 Engrossed            -7-      LRB093 03501 MBS 11048 b
 1    1109 of this Act that a limited partnership is delinquent and
 2    has  not  corrected  the  default  within  the  time  periods
 3    prescribed  by  this Act, the Secretary of State shall send a
 4    notice  of  delinquency  by  regular  mail  to  the   limited
 5    partnership  at its registered office, or, if the partnership
 6    has failed to maintain a registered office, to the last known
 7    address shown on the records of the Secretary  of  State  for
 8    the  address  of  the  office at which records of the limited
 9    partnership are maintained in accordance with Section 104  of
10    this Act.
11        (b)  If  the  limited  partnership  does  not correct the
12    delinquency within 90 days following the date of  the  notice
13    of  delinquency,  the  Secretary  of  State  shall  thereupon
14    dissolve  the limited partnership by issuing a certificate of
15    dissolution that recites the grounds for dissolution and  its
16    effective  date.  The  Secretary  of  State  shall  file  the
17    original  certificate  in his or her office and mail one copy
18    to the limited partnership at its registered office,  or,  if
19    the  partnership  has failed to maintain a registered office,
20    to the last  known  address  shown  on  the  records  of  the
21    Secretary  of  State  for  the address of the office at which
22    records of  the  limited  partnership  are  maintained  under
23    Section 104 of this Act.
24        (c)  Upon  the  administrative  dissolution  of a limited
25    partnership:
26             (1)  the Secretary of State shall file a certificate
27        of cancellation of the certificate of limited partnership
28        under Section 203  of  this  Act  which  sets  forth  the
29        information   required  in  paragraphs  (1)  through  (4)
30        thereof; and
31             (2)  a dissolved limited partnership shall  continue
32        for only the purpose of winding up its business.
33        A  dissolved  limited  partnership  may only take actions
34    necessary to wind up its business and affairs.
SB1466 Engrossed            -8-      LRB093 03501 MBS 11048 b
 1        (805 ILCS 210/906.5 new)
 2        Sec. 906.5.  Administrative cancellation  of  application
 3    for admission.
 4        (a)  If  the  Secretary of State determines under Section
 5    1109 of this  Act  that  a  foreign  limited  partnership  is
 6    delinquent  and has not corrected the default within the time
 7    periods prescribed by this Act, the Secretary of State  shall
 8    send  a  notice of delinquency by regular mail to the foreign
 9    limited partnership at its  registered  office,  or,  if  the
10    partnership  has  failed  to maintain a registered office, to
11    the last known address shown on the records of the  Secretary
12    of  State  for  the  address  of  the  office  required to be
13    maintained under subdivision (a)(6) of Section  902  of  this
14    Act.
15        (b)  If  the foreign limited partnership does not correct
16    the delinquency within 90 days  following  the  date  of  the
17    notice of delinquency, the Secretary of State shall thereupon
18    cancel  the  application for admission of the foreign limited
19    partnership by issuing a  certificate  of  cancellation  that
20    recites  the grounds for cancellation and its effective date.
21    The Secretary  of  State  shall  file  the  original  of  the
22    certificate  in  his  or  her office and mail one copy to the
23    limited partnership at its  registered  office,  or,  if  the
24    partnership  has  failed  to maintain a registered office, to
25    the last known address shown on the records of the  Secretary
26    of  State  for  the  address  of  the  office  required to be
27    maintained under subdivision (a)(6) of Section  902  of  this
28    Act.
29        (c)  Upon   the   administrative   cancellation   of  the
30    application for admission of a foreign limited partnership:
31             (1)  the Secretary of State shall file a certificate
32        of cancellation of the application for admission  of  the
33        foreign  limited  partnership  pursuant to Section 906 of
34        this Act which sets forth  the  information  required  by
SB1466 Engrossed            -9-      LRB093 03501 MBS 11048 b
 1        paragraphs (a) and (b) thereof; and
 2             (2)  a foreign limited partnership whose application
 3        for  admission  has  been  cancelled  shall  thereby  (i)
 4        surrender  its  authority  to  transact  business in this
 5        State, (ii) revoke the authority of its agent for service
 6        of process in this State to accept  service  of  process,
 7        and  (iii)  consent  that service of process in any suit,
 8        action or proceeding arising out of  the  transaction  of
 9        business  in  this  State  may  be  made  on such foreign
10        limited partnership by service thereof on  the  Secretary
11        of State as provided in Section 909 of this Act.

12        (805 ILCS 210/907.5 new)
13        Sec. 907.5. Activities that do not constitute transacting
14    business.
15        (a)  Without  excluding  other  activities  that  may not
16    constitute doing business in this State,  a  foreign  limited
17    partnership   shall  not  be  considered  to  be  transacting
18    business in this State, for  purposes  of  this  Article,  by
19    reason  of  carrying  on in this State any one or more of the
20    following activities:
21             (1)  maintaining,   defending,   or   settling   any
22        proceeding;
23             (2)  holding meetings of the partners or carrying on
24        other activities concerning internal partnership affairs;
25             (3)  maintaining bank accounts;
26             (4)  maintaining  offices  or   agencies   for   the
27        transfer,  exchange,  and  registration  of  the  limited
28        partnership's  own  securities or maintaining trustees or
29        depositaries with respect to those securities;
30             (5)  selling through independent contractors;
31             (6)  soliciting or obtaining orders, whether by mail
32        or through employees or agents or  otherwise,  if  orders
33        require  acceptance outside this State before they become
SB1466 Engrossed            -10-     LRB093 03501 MBS 11048 b
 1        contracts;
 2             (7)  owning,  without   more,   real   or   personal
 3        property;
 4             (8)  conducting  an  isolated  transaction  that  is
 5        completed  within  120  days  and  that is not one in the
 6        course of repeated transactions of a like nature; or
 7             (9)  having a limited or general partner  who  is  a
 8        resident of this State.
 9        (b)  This  Section  has no application to the question of
10    whether any limited partnership  is  subject  to  service  of
11    process and suit in this State under any law of this State.

12        (805 ILCS 210/1102) (from Ch. 106 1/2, par. 161-2)
13        Sec. 1102.  Fees.
14        (a)  The  Secretary  of State shall charge and collect in
15    accordance  with  the  provisions  of  this  Act  and   rules
16    promulgated pursuant to its authority:
17             (1)  fees for filing documents;
18             (2)  miscellaneous charges;
19             (3)  fees  for  the sale of lists of filings, copies
20        of any documents, and for the  sale  or  release  of  any
21        information.
22        (b)  The Secretary of State shall charge and collect for:
23             (1)  filing   certificates  of  limited  partnership
24        (domestic), certificates of admission (foreign), restated
25        certificates  of  limited  partnership  (domestic),   and
26        restated certificates of admission (foreign), $75;
27             (2)  filing certificates to be governed by this Act,
28        $25;
29             (3)  filing    amendments    and   certificates   of
30        amendment, $25;
31             (4)  filing certificates of cancellation, $25;
32             (5)  filing an application for  use  of  an  assumed
33        name  pursuant  to Section 108 of this Act, $150 for each
SB1466 Engrossed            -11-     LRB093 03501 MBS 11048 b
 1        year or part thereof ending in 0 or 5, $120 for each year
 2        or part thereof ending in 1 or 6, $90 for  each  year  or
 3        part  thereof ending in 2 or 7, $60 for each year or part
 4        thereof ending in 3 or 8,  $30  for  each  year  or  part
 5        thereof  ending  in  4  or  9, and a renewal fee for each
 6        assumed name, $150;
 7             (6)  filing  a  renewal  report  of  a  domestic  or
 8        foreign limited partnership, $15 if filed as required  by
 9        this Act, plus $100 penalty if delinquent;
10             (7)  filing  an  application  for reinstatement of a
11        domestic or foreign limited partnership, and for  issuing
12        a certificate of reinstatement, $100;
13             (7.5)  filing a statement of correction, $25;
14             (8)  filing any other document, $5.
15        (c)  The Secretary of State shall charge and collect:
16             (1)  for  furnishing a copy or certified copy of any
17        document, instrument or  paper  relating  to  a  domestic
18        limited  partnership or foreign limited partnership, $.50
19        per  page,  but  not  less  than  $5,  and  $5  for   the
20        certificate and for affixing the seal thereto; and
21             (2)  for  the  transfer  of  information by computer
22        process media to any purchaser, fees established by rule.
23    (Source: P.A. 92-33, eff. 7-1-01.)

24        (805 ILCS 210/1110) (from Ch. 106 1/2, par. 161-10)
25        Sec. 1110.  Reinstatement. (a)  Except in the case  of  a
26    limited  partnership that has been administratively dissolved
27    pursuant to Section 802.5 or a  foreign  limited  partnership
28    whose  application  for admission has been cancelled pursuant
29    to Section 906.5, a limited partnership  or  foreign  limited
30    partnership  which  has  been  delinquent  may return to good
31    standing upon:
32             (1)  the filing with the Secretary of State  by  the
33        limited partnership or foreign limited partnership of all
SB1466 Engrossed            -12-     LRB093 03501 MBS 11048 b
 1        applications,    reports,    information    requirements,
 2        registrations  and  renewals  when  due  and  theretofore
 3        becoming due; and
 4             (2)  the  payment  to  the Secretary of State by the
 5        limited partnership or foreign limited partnership of all
 6        fees and penalties then due and theretofore becoming due.
 7    (Source: P.A. 85-403.)

 8        (805 ILCS 210/1110.2 new)
 9        Sec.  1110.2.  Reinstatement   following   administrative
10    dissolution.
11        (a)  A  limited  partnership  administratively  dissolved
12    pursuant  to  Section  802.5 of this Act may be reinstated by
13    the Secretary of State within 5 years following the  date  of
14    issuance   of   the   certificate  of  dissolution  upon  the
15    occurrence of all of the following:
16             (1)  the filing of an application for reinstatement;
17             (2)  the filing with the Secretary of State  by  the
18        limited   partnership   of   all  reports  then  due  and
19        theretofore becoming due; and
20             (3)  the payment to the Secretary of  State  by  the
21        limited  partnership  of  all fees and penalties then due
22        and theretofore becoming due.
23        (b)  The application for reinstatement shall be  executed
24    and  filed  in  accordance  with  Section 206 of this Act and
25    shall set forth all of the following:
26             (1)  the name of the limited partnership at the time
27        of the issuance of the certificate of dissolution;
28             (2)  the date of the issuance of the certificate  of
29        dissolution; and
30             (3)  the  address,  including  street  and number or
31        rural route  number  of  the  registered  office  of  the
32        limited  partnership  upon  reinstatement thereof and the
33        name of its registered agent at  that  address,  provided
SB1466 Engrossed            -13-     LRB093 03501 MBS 11048 b
 1        that  any change from either the registered office or the
 2        registered agent at the time of dissolution  is  properly
 3        reported in accordance with Section 202 of this Act.
 4        (c)  When  a  limited partnership that has been dissolved
 5    under Section 802.5 has complied with the provisions of  this
 6    Section,  the  Secretary  of State shall file the application
 7    for reinstatement.
 8        (d)  Upon   the   filing   of   the    application    for
 9    reinstatement,  (i) the limited partnership's existence shall
10    be deemed to have continued  without  interruption  from  the
11    date  of the issuance of the certificate of dissolution, (ii)
12    the limited partnership shall stand revived with the  powers,
13    duties  and  obligations as if it had not been dissolved, and
14    (iii) all acts and proceedings of its  general  partners  and
15    agents,  acting  or  purporting to act in that capacity, that
16    would have been legal and  valid  but  for  the  dissolution,
17    shall stand ratified and confirmed.

18        (805 ILCS 210/1110.3 new)
19        Sec.   1110.3.   Reinstatement  following  administrative
20    cancellation.
21        (a) A foreign limited partnership whose  application  for
22    admission  has  been  cancelled  pursuant to Section 906.5 of
23    this Act may be reinstated by the Secretary of State within 5
24    years following the date of issuance of  the  certificate  of
25    cancellation upon the occurrence of all of the following:
26             (1)  the    filing    of    the    application   for
27        reinstatement;
28             (2)  the filing with the Secretary of State  by  the
29        foreign  limited  partnership of all reports then due and
30        becoming due; and
31             (3)  the payment to the Secretary of  State  by  the
32        foreign  limited  partnership  of  all fees and penalties
33        then due and becoming due.
SB1466 Engrossed            -14-     LRB093 03501 MBS 11048 b
 1        (b)  The application for reinstatement shall be  executed
 2    and  filed  in  accordance  with  Section 903 of this Act and
 3    shall set forth all of the following:
 4             (1)  the name of the foreign limited partnership  at
 5        the time of the issuance of the notice of cancellation;
 6             (2)  the  date  of  the  issuance  of  the notice of
 7        cancellation; and
 8             (3)  the address, including  street  and  number  or
 9        rural  route  number,  of  the  registered  office of the
10        foreign limited partnership upon  reinstatement  and  the
11        name  of  its  registered agent at that address, provided
12        that any change from either the registered office or  the
13        registered  agent  at  the time of revocation is properly
14        reported in accordance with Section 905 of this Act.
15        (c)  When a foreign limited partnership  whose  admission
16    has  been  cancelled  under  Section  906.5  of  this Act has
17    complied with the provisions of this Section,  the  Secretary
18    of State shall file the application for reinstatement.
19        (d)  Upon    the    filing   of   the   application   for
20    reinstatement, (i)  the  admission  of  the  foreign  limited
21    partnership  to  transact  business  in  this  State shall be
22    deemed to have continued without interruption from  the  date
23    of  the issuance of the certificate of cancellation, (ii) the
24    foreign limited partnership  shall  stand  revived  with  the
25    powers,  duties  and  obligations as if its admission had not
26    been revoked, and (iii)  all  acts  and  proceedings  of  its
27    general  partners  and agents, acting or purporting to act in
28    that capacity, that would have been legal and valid  but  for
29    the revocation, shall stand ratified and confirmed.

30        (805 ILCS 210/1111)
31        Sec.   1111.  Department  of  Business  Services  Special
32    Operations Fund.
33        (a)  A special fund in the State Treasury is created  and
SB1466 Engrossed            -15-     LRB093 03501 MBS 11048 b
 1    shall be known as the Department of Business Services Special
 2    Operations  Fund.  Moneys  deposited  into  the  Fund  shall,
 3    subject  to  appropriation,  be  used  by  the  Department of
 4    Business Services of the Office of the  Secretary  of  State,
 5    hereinafter   "Department",   to   create  and  maintain  the
 6    capability to  perform  expedited  services  in  response  to
 7    special  requests  made by the public for same day or 24 hour
 8    service. Moneys deposited into the Fund shall  be  used  for,
 9    but  not  limited  to,  expenditures  for  personal services,
10    retirement, social security contractual services,  equipment,
11    electronic data processing, and telecommunications.
12        (b)  The  balance  in  the  Fund at the end of any fiscal
13    year shall not exceed  $400,000  and  any  amount  in  excess
14    thereof shall be transferred to the General Revenue Fund.
15        (c)  All  fees  payable  to  the Secretary of State under
16    this Section shall be deposited into the Fund. No other  fees
17    or  charges  collected under this Act shall be deposited into
18    the Fund.
19        (d)  "Expedited services" means services rendered  within
20    the  same  day, or within 24 hours from the time, the request
21    therefor  is  submitted  by  the  filer,  law  firm,  service
22    company,  or  messenger  physically  in  person,  or  at  the
23    Secretary of State's discretion, by electronic means, to  the
24    Department's   Springfield   Office  or  Chicago  Office  and
25    includes requests  for  certified  copies,  photocopies,  and
26    certificates  of  existence  or  abstracts of computer record
27    made to the Department's Springfield Office in person  or  by
28    telephone,  or  requests  for  certificates  of  existence or
29    abstracts of computer record made in person or  by  telephone
30    to the Department's Chicago Office.
31        (e)  Fees for expedited services shall be as follows:
32        Merger or conversion, $100;
33        Certificate of limited partnership, $50;
34        Certificate of amendment, $50;
SB1466 Engrossed            -16-     LRB093 03501 MBS 11048 b
 1        Certificate of cancellation of limited partnership, $50;
 2        Reinstatement, $50;
 3        Application for admission to transact business, $50;
 4        Certificate of cancellation of admission, $50;
 5        Certificate  of existence or abstract of computer record,
 6    $10.
 7        All other filings, copies of documents, biennial  renewal
 8    reports,   and   copies  of  documents  of  canceled  limited
 9    partnerships, $25.
10    (Source: P.A. 91-463, eff. 1-1-00; 92-33, eff. 7-1-01.)

11        Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect on July
12    1, 2003.